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How To Create A Website With Ai

welcome to my full-f free guide on how to quickly and easily create a website from scratch utilizing the amazing power of AI all for under $3.99 a month so whether you're just getting started on your small business side hustle or affiliate marketing this video is going to be very helpful for you now I've heard many people claiming that you don't need a website up front when starting your small business and although this may be true you can start a small business without a website I want to go over some statistics that I found while doing my research on whether or not it's a good idea to open up a website for your business so these consumer Behavior statistics state that 81% of Shoppers conduct online research before making a purchase so this shows that having that online presence allows businesses to influence potential customers during their decision-making process so in the beginning they typically will go online to look to see what that business is all about by looking at their website additionally 75% of consumers admit to making judgments on a company's credibility based on its website design this Rings true I know this for a fact because this is something that I as a person look for when I'm going to buy a product I typically will click on the website and do you catch yourself doing that as well you'll typically look at the website to kind of see what it's all about before making that purchase and one last stat that I want to point out is that 46% of all Google searches are looking for local information so this is telling you that having that website with that local SEO optimization increases visibility for businesses in your area so now that we know why it's important to have your own website when opening up your own small business or doing affiliate marketing or also whenever you're starting a side hustle and trying to make a name for yourself I want to go ahead and dive into the steps in order to create your own website I also did research on this in order to see what is the best web hosting platform what is the best place to get your domain what is the best place to make a logo all of these things and incorporating it into one now the first step is going to be choosing your domain a domain name is the unique address that identifies a website on the internet so it's what users type into their web browser to visit a specific website so for example in the URL business typically a domain can be chosen directly from the web hosting platform that you choose and so you don't really have to do too much worrying about that just note whenever you're going into to choose your domain to choose one that's popular that's welln and that gives some credibility behind your business now step number two is going to be choosing your web hosting platform and a web hosting platform is similar to like a digital landlord it provides space on the internet for your website to live so when you create a website you need a place to store all its files images videos other content so that people can search and actually find you online and choosing a right web hosting platform is vital because you want to make sure that it doesn't require any coding skills or technical expertise in order to get started unless you are a website coder in which I don't really think that you're going to be watching this video a key factor to consider is the uptime guarantee so the uptime guarantee is referring to the proportion of time that the host is promising that your website will be online and accessible higher uptime rates which are close to 99.9% are essential as frequent downtimes can negatively impact user experience and diminish your site's reputation additionally the speed in which your website loads is Paramount so after doing my research and ensuring that the web hosting platform has all of that what I recommend for creating your website is hostinger hostinger provides everything that I just mentioned and has the AI website builder built-in which makes building your website incredibly easy so what I want to do now is Hop on over to hostinger and give you a live demonstration of how you can create your website from scratch using that AI website builder so let's get into it so in order to get started with the AI website builder you can begin by going to Kimberly Mitchell which is going to take you to this homepage of hostinger so as you can see right here it says up to 75% off website builder you can create a website in minutes with that AI you're going to receive a free domain name and then they provide 24/7 Live customer service here is that great price that you can access this for the good news is that I have an additional coupon that you can use for 10% off whichever plan you end up choosing once you select claim deal it's going to scroll you down a little bit to select between these two options here now the business plan is what I recommend here because it's going to provide you with all of those amazing AI features that we're going to be using in this video it's also including that e-commerce feature so if you decide to sell any products online through your website you're going to be covered so once you select your choice here it's going to bring you over to this page in which you're going to select the term or amount of time that you want to pay so you can choose monthly or yearly and the longer you pay in advance the higher the discount that you're going to receive now I recommend the last one here however if you don't want to commit for that long I suggest just going to at least the 12month plan so either way once you get to the checkout page this is where you're going to input the coupon go the coupon code is all capital all one word Kimberly Mitchell and as you can see it takes an additional 10% off that total and one of the best things about hosting or is their level of affordability so once in the AI website builder you're going to just simply click Start creating the next step is going to be to input your business name or the name you want displayed on your website I put Kimberly Mitchell then you're going to select the website type so the one I'm going to select is for the online store but they do have many different different options to choose from so just take your time with that choose what you want and then in this section you're going to describe your business and remember this is AI so you'll want to add in specific details about your business if you want your website to be specific colors or for it to use specific fonts whatever you know you want in your website make sure you're adding your business information as much information that you can give it is better because like I said it's AI so that prompt is really going to personalize your website Additionally you can select this here where it says personalization settings and select a website type or color theme or simply leave it on surprise me which is what I did after that you just hit create w

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