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5 Steps For Creating A Life You Love!

happy Wednesday Happy Valentine's Day thank you for taking the time to join us uh welcome hello 13 Wolfies you said you cannot wait for this live stream we're excited to have you here hi Cindy love to go to celebrate uh hello little lady uh for those of you who are just joining uh for the first time my name is Bola shumi I'm the founder and CEO of clal Finance uh we have this every Wednesday at 1 pm Eastern stand standard time and we're excited to have you here I'm going to let my amazing co-host yasner introduce herself hi everyone I'm Yasir I am a content creator and Mentor for clever girl Finance joining you from New York City yes hi agnesa hi Wonder hi Joy so if you're new please tell us where you're joining from as you come in hello Candice hi Tammy hi phenomenal sleep sounds I like that name so today today we're going to be talking about how to create um a life that you love and today is Valentine's Day so what other way to talk about today and talk about doing some selflove by working on creating a life that you love for yourself uh before we get started if you haven't already checked out the clever girl Finance books please do uh there are four books from clever girl Finance there is clever girl Finance ditch that save money on build wall which is the first book there is the investing book called G your money this book is the foundational Finance book there is the side hustle guide and then my most recent book choosing to prosper and then of course we have the clgo finance life and business planners which I don't have to show you but they're on our website and then we have our Aaron condran planner uh collaboration that is super awesome and yasar is actually doing a giveaway of two of these planners on today's call so if you are in the US or Canada you want to stay till the end of this because we're going to be picking two winners and this is from yasmer yasmer is one who decided she wanted to do this giveaway so she's going to be giving away two of these budget planners today uh they are undated you can start using them anytime it's we all worked on creating this uh here at Team cleval Finance there is a lovely back pocket for receipts there is a sticker book and you get a clever Finance sticker right at the bottom there there are so many cool things you have a weekly um calendar so many cool things about this so definitely um hang on for the giveaway and if you want to purchase your own copy the URL to do so is at the bottom okay so also I wanted to mention that you can ask your local library to order the clever girl Finance books you can support us that way by asking your local library to order them or you can buy them as physical books ebooks or audio books wherever you purchase your books so Amazon audible Target Walmart Etc thank you 13 Wolfies hello Sonia hello Tracy hi Ren okay so let's get into the topic yes so today we're talking about five steps for creating the life that you love so let's just um ask ourselves a question answer honestly like how do you feel about your life are you meeting your goals or are you chasing your dreams if no know that you deserve to start creating a life you love that and that is totally possible um a recent Gallop Paul has revealed that 41% of people um are satisfied ifed with the various parts of their life so that's less than half of the population that that's that feels satisfied that means that the um sorry but living intentionally and making the right choices um you can create the life that you that you love so what stood out to me is the 40 only 41% of people say they are satisfied with various parts of their lives that means that 59% of people are either completely unsatisfied or UNS unsatisfied about portions of their lives and so if you fall into that category where you feel like okay there are aspects of my life I can be doing better there are aspects of my life that I want to feel more satisfied about whether it's your career or finances your relationships whatever it is about your life it is possible to make that change but you have to start by like yasar said asking yourself that honest question am I meeting my goals am I chasing my dreams or am I just waiting around for life to happen to me and you don't want to wait around for life to happen happen to you right the way things happen is by intention a lot of people use the word luck um I you know I I don't know how I feel about luck I think a lot of things happen I think luck falls into place but it comes alongside hard work right um if you have a big goal you're trying to pursue you have to be putting in the effort and being intentional about it and luck finds you you can't just be sitting around doing nothing complaining what was me and expect to expect anything good to happen so it's all about being in intention and asking yourself what kind of Life do you want to have for yourself and so that's why um you know it's so important to to ask that question you want to be intentional about creating that life for yourself yes absolutely so um I think we can go ahead and and um get into the five steps um so the first one is to identify your calling in life um are you currently fulfilled in your career if your day job is sucking the life out of you it may be time to change so consider what um what it is that you enjoy about your role and how it aligns with your personal core core values just start from there yes I think identifying your call calling in life applies to not just your your job but also like your business your hobbies the thing that the thing that you do with the majority of your time that you want to bring you satisfaction and your job is one of those things but you may want to start a business or you may have a business or you may have a hobby or something and so it's almost like also getting clear on your purpose what is it that you're meant to be doing are you happy with what you're doing is what you're doing bringing you Joy and if the answer is no what do you need to change to put yourself in a position where you feel fulfilled by your career by your business by what you're doing so I would ask those of you watching how many of you feel feel fulfilled in your job or in your business and if your answer is no what do you think you can be doing differently to feel fulfilled in that career in that business leave a comment and then knowing what you can be doing to feel fulfilled in that job or career or business why haven't you done it yet so share in the comments but you know the really the the most important part of finding your calling or finding your purpose is really asking yourself where am I now and where do I want to be what's bringing me joy so agnesa you said f full-time parenting and writing I love that Tammy says okay so my job doesn't bring me joy at all so Tammy what can you do differently to change that maybe right away in a few months and a couple of years because it depends on what you want to do what are the things you can be doi

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