Make Money Online

5 Real Affiliate Marketing Strategies For Fast Money (24 Hours)

welcome back to another affiliate marketing training and in this video we're going to be focusing on methods that can make money fast in affiliate marketing and i'm being dead serious when i say that i've used some of the methods that i'm going to show you in this video to start with a brand new program and start making commissions with no audience in 24 hours or less so there's some really cool methods we're going to go over inside of this video if you're anything like me when i first started you've been trying to figure out how to make this money online thing work for months possibly years for me it was about 18 months and you've probably made very little money up to that point and it's kind of hard to explain to a family member or even explain to yourself why you've been doing all this for so long when there's really nothing coming from your efforts that's what most people say when they start but that's how it is for most of us when we start most people try to employ long-term affiliate marketing strategies while looking for short-term results and let me know in the comments if that's you but in this video we're going to go over short-term strategies that can bring short-term results how to make money fast with affiliate marketing now two of the methods that we're going to go over do involve paid methods meaning we're going to have to spend some money on traffic to make these methods work but three of the methods do not they don't require a single up front penny to get started and we're also going to leave links to different youtube videos that go in depth on each of these five methods that we're going to focus on so let's dive right in method number one is one of my favorites because you probably already have a facebook page and method number one just utilizes your very own facebook page to be able to make commissions now this is kind of an overview of what we're gonna do now you can see right here my personal facebook page i've got about 1.8 000 friends or 1800 friends now the limit that facebook will let you get up to is 5 000 friends that's a lot of people most of us would have to work for a year or two to get a youtube channel up to 5000 subscribers or another year or two to get a tick tock account or something like that potentially up to 5 000 followers now facebook's nice because you don't have to convince someone to follow you you just have to add friends you just have to become friends and build a network on facebook as opposed to creating content and hoping someone will see it and follow you so we can get this number up to 5 000 people and that means that you now have access to an audience of 5 000 people that you can push affiliate products to so the first step here is we're going to need to push a high ticket affiliate program something that costs hundreds or even thousands of dollars for them to purchase so that we can make really good size commissions off of each person that goes through this now you can see right here i'm going to leave a link down to this document this is my personal list of high ticket affiliate programs so you can go through this list and find one that seems to jive with you if that's the route that you want to take the next step is we're going to create an ideal buyer what i mean by that is we're going to take that affiliate program that we want to promote this high ticket affiliate program and we're going to kind of build this persona we're going to see and write down exactly who we think the perfect person who will benefit the most from that affiliate program is and we're going to write it down now we've just got to go find groups you can see when you log into facebook there's tons of different groups and we're going to go find groups that this perfect persona exists in where are they online where are they on facebook where are they talking to people and making connections and we're going to join all of those groups so for example if i was in the crypto space which i am in the crypto space so i use that a lot i might type in crypto right here right and we're going to start searching for all kinds of crypto groups in this search bar you can see here we've got a group with 140 000 members 1700 members 2 400 members 65 000 members that's my personal group which you should probably join which is 700 members and we're going to go join 10 20 30 of these groups where the perfect persona of the person that's going to be buying our affiliate product is currently hanging out online next we're just going to go interact with them we're gonna go to wealth hackers right here right we could join this group and we're just gonna start interacting with all the people that are talking in this group we're gonna comment and respond to all of these and when people ask questions we're gonna answer their questions we're gonna spend maybe an hour to a day just doing this just answering all these questions and basically building up a big network and each time you have a conversation with someone in one of these groups you're going to go click and add them as a friend so i might have a conversation with jeff right here and then i would click and i would add jeff as a friend because we've become online probably more acquaintances but on facebook that's what a friend is right now that you've built up some friends which it'll only take you a week or two to build up a decent number of friends you're going to start posting on your personal profile because you don't have access to these people outside of the group they're friends with you and they'll start to see what you post on your personal profile and you're going to start posting every day on your personal profile and building engagement with these people and what you'll do is you'll make a post that basically tags into the biggest desire or the biggest problem that your core audience has so you know you've already built out this list right of what this perfect buyer is so you're gonna say something like i want to know how i'm getting 10 returns hey how i'm getting 10 returns monthly in crypto right and that's what that's what my perfect buyer is looking for all these people that are in the exact space that my affiliate program wants to sell to those words are like glory glory hallelujahs to their ears and they're going to tune right in and you're going to get a bunch of people saying yes yes yes yes yes yes now you've literally got a bunch of people on facebook saying give me your affiliate link they're asking you for their affiliate link and you're going to go out and you're going to comment each one of them and say i'm using this go ahead and send me a message we can talk about it et cetera et cetera et cetera but that's the method right there it's very very simple very very straightforward it's a couple hours a day of just getting on facebook creating connections and then making offers to those connections that you're creating now obviously it's a little bit more complicated than just that what we cou

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