5 Products to Sell Online RIGHT NOW + How to Find MORE (Dropshipping & E-commerce)

Peabody and business family my name is Isabella I am the owner of two six figure earning online businesses and today I'm going to be giving you five ideas of what to sell and also showing you how to find products to sell as well not only am I going to be showing you how to get the ideas of products to sell but I'm also going to be showing you exactly how you can Source these products as well so you guys already know people charge thousands of dollars for information just like this as I am committed to 100 free education all I ask in return is that you hit that subscribe button and like this video so we can get this across the YouTube algorithm and help as many people out as possible finding products to sell is definitely one of the hardest challenges here's a few things I want you to keep in mind as you're looking through your products to sell the first thing is to look for a product that can entertain or solve a problem number two go with your personal passion if you are someone that you like to cook then you should sell a cooking product if you are into fitness then you should sell a fitness product you want to be able to promote a product that you you truly actually would use yourself you want to sell something online that you know yourself that you will be able to Market I always say it's 25 the product 75 how you Market it and don't worry because in this video I'm going to be showing you some more marketing techniques that you can use on your online business Journey number three browse what's trending and capitalize on Trends early so I personally love to look through this hashtag it's called Tick Tock made me buy it you can literally just search this hashtag and a bunch of products will come up with people sharing what they bought online because of tick tock so let me show you how you can actually Source these products so if you are someone that is Drop Shipping you would use AliExpress although if you are someone that you're wanting to start an inventory based eCommerce store you would use Alibaba for those that are Drop Shipping I just wanted to include a screenshot of all of these different alternatives to AliExpress as well that you guys can check out so make sure if you haven't already like this video to save this video so you can come back later and check out these websites as well if you are Drop Shipping so I personally do like AliExpress to search for products and whenever I'm on the AliExpress website I always look for this tab it's called top rankings and don't worry if this does not come up for you automatically you can just Google AliExpress top rankings and this page will actually pull up through Google so once you're on this page you'll have access to so many different products that are trending currently and a lot of drop shippers do use AliExpress so you'll get to see what's really being drop shipped right now now I do have more videos on my YouTube Channel showing you how to find products to sell so definitely go check those videos out as well if you want to learn more about how to find products to sell now I'm going to be getting into the part what you guys want to see which is the five products that I picked out for you guys to start selling in 2023 so I am constantly looking for products to sell myself but obviously I can't sell everything so I always pick some and I set aside for you guys because I'm always thinking about you guys you guys are like my family that's why I make these videos because I pick out these products and honestly these are all great products that you can sell so if you guys are new to my channel and you're just trying to figure out how you can start making money online and you want to sell something online but you're not really sure what fulfillment type to go with whether it's holding your own inventory or shipping yourself or starting off Drop Shipping I do have a video comparing and contrasting more in depth but Drop Shipping could be a better option for you if you are just starting out you want to truly start with zero dollars and kind of just like how I describe it like getting your feet wet with e-commerce because you're not making any inventory commitments and it's almost like practice or if you do want to have your own actual store with actual inventory you'll be a lot more confident to place that order for bulk order so it really just depends on your individualized situation but of course if you have any questions comment down below and I'll be responding to all of your questions and comments so let's get right into this tutorial so the first product that I found for you guys today on AliExpress is this seven in one computer keyboard cleaning brush kit and it's actually a seven in one laptop and cleaner set so you can clean your headphones your laptop all your techno apology you can basically clean with this one tool so this is the kind of product that it solves a problem and you can also make really good marketing videos with this product as well because like you could make your headphones really dirty and then like take the little stick and clean out the headphone kind of like they did in this video and by doing that you're gonna draw so much attention you could even put like gross stuff inside on purpose and make videos based on that and if you haven't already make sure you guys go and check out my dedicated free marketing course on my YouTube channel because after watching that free course you'll be able to really understand how you're going to Market and I grew both of my online stores with 100 organic marketing so you guys can see you can get this product for around three dollars you can also see that this product has so many good reviews as well this product sells for very affordable price and there's lots of different suppliers so definitely take the time to go through these suppliers and see which one is going to have the fastest shipment times the best communication and you will eventually find a supplier so you can get this product for around one to two dollars and you could probably sell this for for around twenty dollars so that's what the price point would be so moving on the next product that I found that I thought was very interesting was this product it's a portable Auto rotating ceramic hair curler and it's actually rechargeable so this is something that you can take like anywhere with you you don't have to plug it in like I'm a girl obviously I know how it is to have to bring my curler and this solves a problem and it also is really interesting um it comes in different colors and it's only 8.66 so what I did was I actually did a Google search of this product and I found that this site is actually selling it for eighty dollars and usually it's two hundred dollars so like imagine if you just sold it for fifty dollars that's a huge profit margin so I saw really cool marketing videos for other similar products of competing brands that sell this and you can make a lot of different videos with thi

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