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so I recently discovered a really fascinating fiber account the owner is called Tremaine posic and the only thing that this person does is create resumes and cover letters for people as you can see for yourself she has received thousands of incredible reviews meaning that she probably has done at least tens of thousands of jobs right now she has 40 almost waiting for her to get started on and the most captivating thing about this is that they can do that probably in a few hours for each client because I'm assuming that there are templates that they're using in a relatively standardized fashion and what's even more amazing than that is the amount of money that they're earning on Fiverr by making these resumes and cover letters for other people and I want to thank Riverside who I have partnered with for this video but more on them later if we only look at the order that they have in queue waiting for them to get started right now this person is earning probably between ten thousand and thirty thousand dollars per month or about three hundred to one thousand dollars per day and so that got me thinking there are so many other Freelancers on Fiverr that are making insane amounts of money by writing resumes for others and especially now with the amount of layoffs that have happened over the last six to 12 months so in today's video we are going to go through step by step and I'm going to show you exactly how to start writing resumes so that you too can start earning some potentially life-changing money and we're gonna cover everything from how to actually create the resume using some very smart software to how you can use AI to do all the work for you but before we dive into the nitty-gritty details of setting yourselves up as a resume writing expert it's crucial to understand just how pivotal a well-crafted resume can be for someone in today's competitive job market over the past uh year or so I've seen an increase in the number of people that are up updating their resumes either to get a different type of job in a different career path or to find a job in the career path that they already have in fact in 2022 for example over 15.4 million people were laid off in the United States alone and more than 218 000 employees in tech companies have been laid off in Mass job Cuts so far in 2023. I wanted to hear from someone with experience in the field to shed some light on this and that's why I've called Magda to get her thoughts because she has spent years in the HR industry reviewing thousands of resumes and witnessed firsthand the impact that they have on the job seeker's success and in your opinion what should a winning resume have what how should it look like and what should it include first of all it needs to be it stand out it needs to be different than all the other hundreds or thousand resumes that the the recruiter is going to receive make sure that it has an impactful and professional summary that summarizes your professional activity at a glance it's the first thing that the interviewer is going to see so it's very important that you catch their attention from the first few sentences then it's very important to make it short and concise it should have ideally one page but clearly no more than two pages and then just that you list everything that's important key qualification with achievements what made you stand out in the jobs that you already had all right so now that we are clear how important having a great resume it is for anyone who's looking to get a new job let's talk about you getting started and let's talk about how you get your first client I call this phase better testing and here's what you need to remember better testing will help Propel you into a successful career as a freelancer or having an agency where you write resumes for other people and I call it better testing because you need to find people who do need this type of services and that would be willing to give you feedback okay and the easiest way to do this is by looking for them in your existing Network that could be friends and family that could be former work colleagues that could be your LinkedIn Network or your Facebook Network think about a place where you can find at least 100 people that you can reach out to offering this type of services and don't worry if you don't know what to write to them I'm gonna include down below a free ebook that we're putting together further to this video and we are going to include in there all the details that you need in order to get started including an example of a message that you can use to reach out to people and trust me getting better clients as a new freelancer is like fueling the engine of your career it's not about making a quick but it's about building the foundation for your long-term success better clients are your early adopters your partners in crime and in growth you need them to provide you with invaluable feedback and help you refine your skills your services and your offering this feedback loop is the secret sauce to becoming exceptional in your Niche you will learn what works and what doesn't and you will be able to adapt and improve accordingly so that when you go out and offer your services to people you don't know you make sure you will get them the best results okay now let's take a moment here and allow me to thank our sponsor because they have helped me make this video possible today the surprise that I have for you later I recorded that on Riverside in fact I recorded nearly all of my interviews and calls on Riverside nowadays it is great and I would truly recommend it to anyone who's recording conversations online it just makes my whole workflow so easy like look at this it has separate talk tracks for each person which makes editing so much easier my editor thanks me for that it's also really simple for the guests to use because all they need to do is Click into a link that you sent and most importantly it records video and audio in a much much better quality than anything that you have found and I have used out there the reason for that is that Riverside records locally for each person and then while you're recording it is uploading a full quality file to the cloud and that means that the quality of the recording isn't affected by internet stability which is a huge huge benefit for this type of recorded interviews or calls that you have with a limited number of people and then after recording is done you just need to export high quality files into separate tracks and you can work with them in any way that you need I can give you a discount all the details are going to be linked in the description box down below no thank you Riverside again now back to the video trust me better clients also serve you as living testimonials they vouch for your abilities they spread the word about your word and this word of mouth will become Priceless marketing for you but probably even more important better clients will grant you the confidence

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