Make Money Online

3 Reasons Why Online Businesses Fail + How To Avoid Them!

hey buddy full family my name is isabella i'm the owner of two six figure online businesses and today i'm gonna be telling you guys the top three reasons why i think online businesses fail so you probably clicked on this video because you are afraid of starting a business and it failing you guys know there's an extremely high statistic for businesses failing and this is something that people love to point out when you tell them that you're first starting your first online business some studies show that 90 of online businesses fail this statistic is probably so high because it's so easy nowadays to open your online store in a matter of two hours in order to avoid this happening to you it's important to know these reasons of why they fail so you can avoid them at all costs possible one big reason why online businesses fail is because people put way too much money into the business initially when first starting you guys know that i teach on my channel how you can start a business with zero dollars i started my first e-commerce business with 100 so i started about a year ago today and it has turned into a six-figure business without me purchasing ads and without me paying upfront costs that are just not necessary most of the people that teach drop shipping or teach how to build your online ecommerce store on youtube always tell you to shopify which you guys know i tell you not to use as a beginner it's so unnecessary you guys know i have a completely different approach i have a whole entire step-by-step playlist on my youtube channel for you guys to follow if you're wanting to start a new business for very very low startup costs like i did so i'll leave the link to that playlist up here so i started my ecommerce business with 100 and i personally like to buy things in bulk and resell them and ship them myself because i do like to have control over my products but if you're someone that you want to start off with drop shipping that is something that you can start also with zero dollars i also have a video about on my youtube channel for you guys can go and check out and you can easily find these videos on my youtube channel but i definitely think one big reason why these online businesses fail is because people are dumping money into these stores before they even start making income a lot of people on youtube teach that you should make a shopify store and then purchase facebook ads which i 100 disagree i have never purchased an ad in my life and my business has turned into a six figure earning business in less than a year just by me posting my own videos on tick tock there are so many ways that you can promote it you just have to like kind of learn how to make create videos and i don't even show my face i know a lot of people are like oh well you're just some young girl but i hardly even show my face in any of my businesses videos you're free to go check that out if you're interested essentially what i think happens is people dig themselves into a financial hole before they even get started and then they are starting to feel hopeless when they don't see a result right away instead of easing their way into the business and knowing that they don't have much to lose because they invested such a small portion from the beginning the only thing that they're really committing is their time so essentially it's not something that as it's as scary like you just dumped two thousand dollars into a project and now you're waiting to see the results and then you wind up giving up because you get scared because you already invested so much money that is why i think my method that no one else talks about is so strong because it really does ease you into business without you feeling like you're going to lose any money so my thing is if you want to start making money online don't pay for courses don't pay for ads don't pay for mentorships don't pay for a website there's so many ways that you guys can start for free which i talk about on my youtube channel and have step-by-step tutorials literally walking you guys through it so reason number two why i think online businesses have a huge fail rate is because people give up too easily and they do not believe in themselves i did not have any sales for at least two months when i first started my first business and you guys know i put 100 in my business so i was still a little like sad when i didn't see myself getting any sales i got super disappointed when i wasn't getting sales at first i was scared i wasn't sure what i was gonna do but you guys know that i started selling lashes so then from lashes i went on to sell like bundles with the lashes and lip gloss so like then now i'm selling something completely different so you can't be afraid to just like try different products and you'll wind up selling them but then if you want to shift to different products and try different products that is a great way of doing it if you want to just jump in don't feel like it's going to be your end-all be-all if you pick one product like that's the end you can't change it because that's simply not true i completely changed my niche but that is why it's so important to have a business name that you can kind of change around because body full i feel like goes with so many different niches which is why i chose that name because i knew i was super indecisive and i knew that i may have wanted to change the product in the future but the thing is is you won't have as much pressure on yourself if you're starting with a low budget because you know that you didn't spend that much money getting into it it's really just your time and i think people give up way too easily if they don't see profits right away i just remember when i almost gave up and now i'm sitting here literally talking to you guys right now and teaching it to you guys which i find crazy because i literally like you could ask my best friend i told her i was like girl i don't think this is going to work out like i even posted on facebook and i wanted to know like people's opinion like i posted in a makeup group because at the time i was like little makeup bundles with like lashes um lip gloss and stuff and i posted like a picture of what i was selling to the facebook group and they dragged me like i was like oh my gosh this is such a bad idea like i don't know why i'm doing this but i still had hope and that hope is what drove me to continue just trying my best and it wound up leading me to other routes and now i have a very solid niche which people love that's easy to promote so even if your first idea doesn't go as planned you can always switch it up and find another idea and that might be the one that takes off but the point of this one is just the fact that don't give up even if you do not see results right away reason number three of why i think businesses fail is that there is a lack of business identity someone is not sure what questions to ask themselves when they are wanting to start an 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