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$237 Per Day Making Ai Videos – Youtube Automation (I Tried It)

foreign oh hi there today we are going to talk about YouTube automation yes you could use YouTube automation to make a lot of money so that you too can get a Lamborghini full of cash just like Ty Lopez and in this training Marcus is going to show you exactly start to finish how to do YouTube automation with artificial intelligence or Ai No you do not need to use your own voice you do not need to use your face and you can make money every single day I tried it and it works watch the rest of this trading to learn exactly how it works are you ready Marcus yeah let's make some money all right all right ladies and Gentlemen let's get this show on the road today we got a lot to go over as you can tell from my desk we've got tons and tons of notes tons and tons of stuff to show you exactly how this whole YouTube automation stuff works so what we're going to do is we're going to dive in here and we're going to talk about every step of the way we're not going to leave anything out now what I did is I went through and I actually had some notes made I had some AI prepare some stuff for this video so that you can see in real time exactly how it works now you might have noticed that we have our old buddy here right our old buddy Rocky and we're going to talk about how this is going to work in a AI automated Channel as well so there's lots of stuff here we're going to talk about AI generated videos that are completely hands off we're going to talk about partial AI which is my favorite way to do this and we're going to go through everything so that you can get the picture and actually start this to make money for yourself now if you guys can hear me okay if everything's going all right let me know by Smashing the like button and let me know in the comments as well we're going to go through we're going to walk through this entire system so if you have a pen and a note paper handy definitely get that ready to go because we're going to show you everything nothing's going to be held back at the end of this you'll be able to go out there and either Outsource or use AI to create your own types of video channels and make money so this is going to be really cool now as you can see here you know you might not know who I am if you're new let me get you at ease here and show you where the money's at now this is from one of my YouTube automation one of my YouTube channels here what I wanted to show you is the earnings but then also show you like that I actually got it because anyone can take a screenshot and stuff like that so what I wanted to do is show you where it is here and then show you it usually takes about I think 45 days from the time the month ends for you to get it or something like that or it might be 15 days I'm not I'm not exactly sure I think it's 15 days from the beginning of the month or something like that right so you can see here this is the one that's pending so I'll probably get that in like seven or eight days or something like that and this is the one that we got last month so I wanted to show you here it is here it actually did hit my bank account you can see the exact thing here I took a screenshot obviously I blurred out the sensitive information but you can see here that this is something I've been doing for a while it's something that works extremely well now not only that but last week or I think it was two weeks ago I showed you a Pinterest method that is 100 automated you can see here that it is growing like gangbusters we are getting traffic it is starting to get some traction it is building a mailing list everything like that also you guys can see we are going to test this method if this stuff stops floating around me here we're going to test this method uh with Rocky our puppet because I like puppets because it could be super automated right all I need to do is generate a voice hint I'm going to show you in a minute just how to do that and some content and boom there we go right you don't have to show your face or anything it doesn't even have to be your voice and I've known people for years that have used puppets to make lots of money in this market really cool okay now let's get down to the nitty-gritty of how this works because I think there's a lot of misinformation when it comes to making money with YouTube Automation and making money with AI YouTube channels so we want to get your mind at ease we want to show you how this works and drill down to exactly what you need to know to make this work all right this is going to be like a full class smash the like button if you're excited get ready take some notes we're going to go through every step of the way with nothing left out number one what we need to do is choose the right Niche now I went through and I'm going to show you where I actually transcribed a video and I had a I make notes on the same topic and the same video so what we're going to see is a comparison of how it worked so what I did is I took a popular video about let's get to the other screen here I took a popular video about YouTube automation since this training is about that we went through and I took notes and I kind of highlighted and went through and saw what this was about now in this video unfortunately this guy did not teach anything he just went out there and was like okay YouTube automation is great you can make money bada bing bada boom whatever okay didn't really teach anything now when I actually fed that URL to an AI I took from a this was a this is the exact video so let me get this zoomed out here all right uh let's see where do we go there we are so this is the transcript from the video This is how long it is it is two pages long okay this was actually I paid someone on to create this for me now when I went to the AI I gave it the URL of the video gave it a little bit of notes on what I wanted it actually went through and made a one two three four five six page report and it actually has like takeaways and outlines and all kinds of stuff like that now I want you to notice I did not do anything other than copy and paste a URL and AI did the rest so it's pretty cool now we're going to talk about how that works we're actually going to set up a video here live so you can see everything in real time so first of all what we need to do is we need to choose the right niche this is where most people are going to get this wrong most people are going to go out there and they're just going to be like oh hey I want to be in the money niche or the food Niche or whatever it is and they're going to see that that actually is pretty difficult to do because you don't have any founding you don't know where you're going what we need to do is we need to know our exact trajectory okay this is extremely important because what we need to do is we need to pick the right Niche at the get-go so having the right Niche is key number one most important we need to look at this and say what are we going to talk about I mean you could go out there and

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