Make Money Online

$1 Vs $1000 Ai Content Tools – Live!

all right let's do this I just signed up for over a thousand dollars a month worth of AI content tools and SEO stuff to get more traffic to my websites [Applause] and not only that but I'm actually putting my money where my mouth is and I bought a domain name for over 700 bucks that we're gonna use for this AI test we got Jasper AI copy ai ai Rider Frazee shorty AI content at scale and Surfer SEO so sit back relax and get ready because in this four hour live stream we're gonna walk through all the tools we're going to use this brand new domain to show you exactly how to create content that gets ranked in Google and not only that but we're going to tear apart each and every one of these programs to show you exactly what you need to make money in the world of AI I'm also going to show you where to get notes of the best tools how we use them and how you can put money in your pocket so if you're ready to learn exactly how AI is going to put money in your pocket let's head on over to the studio and fire this thing up as you can see we've been testing these things out like crazy we got them here on the computer we got him over there in the studio we're going to show you exactly what you need to know about AI tools and how to make money all right ladies and gentlemen welcome to the show if you guys are excited about this make sure you smash that like button we got a lot of effort going into this to show you exactly what you need to know about all this AI stuff how it works and how you're going to be able to use this stuff to make money now you guys are going to see here that I actually went through and I spent over I think it's like close to fifteen thousand dollars a year worth of subscriptions to various different AI programs you can see here some of them cost me five hundred dollars one of them cost me one dollar a hundred dollars and on and on we go so what we're going to be doing here live today is putting these to the test running them through the ringer taking your questions live on the call and showing you exactly how this works so if you're excited about this if you're like Marcus hey thanks for spending a bunch of money so that I could find out what's the best just by simply smashing the like button then you know yeah smash that button but what we're going to do is we're going to walk through these and we're going to go one by one and show you exactly how they work we're going to show you inside the world of AI show you inside prompt engineering chat GPT Bard and other programs like this so that you know where you can go to put a prompt in engineer it correctly and get an output that's actually going to work for you now I've been doing this business for a long time I think over 23 years now and what you're going to see is that the stuff that I'm showing you right here right now is actually real world stuff that actually makes money this is stuff I've been doing for a long time as you can see there's my Lamborghini right there right and this is stuff that we're going to walk through and show you the real world stuff things that are happening right now we're going to walk through you're going to see we're going to go through these programs one by one right here is the dashboard for Content at scale we have and on and on we go so we got a lot of stuff here and not only that but I'm actually going to show you a domain name that I purchased to show you that this stuff works so you're going to be able to go after this call and and check it out and be like oh hey Marcus's site is up here's how it's working now I did just purchase it I believe it was Saturday so it is going to take a little bit of time to resolve but you could look at it I'm going to keep this thing for the next year two years until someone makes me a really good offer on it or it makes me a bunch of money which I think that one's gonna happen first and we're going to show you exactly how now on this call what we're going to do is we're going to go through that and we're going to write AI content live with all of these tools right so you're going to go out there and be like well hey I don't need to buy all the tools I'm just going to watch this training and figure out what I need because as you can see here this one Audi Audi Q8 I mean this doesn't even make sense right so some of these might not give you what you're looking for now to give you a rundown of what we got going on here these are the things we're going to look at okay so over here we have a list of all the programs that I bought yes I personally bought all these we are personally going to be testing these today now this live stream is going to be like four hours which is why if you can see my desk in the out shot we have like five different cups of coffee and a bunch of water and I even have a little commercial in case I need to take a break which is pretty cool but this is going to be all about you so if you're out there and you're like Marcus you know 2023 has bombarded me with all this stuff about AI all this stuff that just I I can't get my head around it everyone wants me to buy this program everyone needs this new software it seems like a new tool and a new software is coming out every hour and frankly I myself am completely exhausted by this because there's so much going on so today what I want to do is I want to do something for you as my subscribers as the people watching to say thank you and you know what it doesn't have to be that difficult we're going to go through this together we're in this together we're going to look at these and figure out what you need to make this stuff work this is super important so if you're excited about that if you're ready to go through these which totaled over a thousand twenty four dollars each and every month that I'm going to be paying for these tools and using them then you know let's dive in make sure you watch this whole stream we're going to have notes we're gonna have everything for you let's dive in and get started all right so when we're looking at this here I want you guys to get an idea of who I am and what I've been doing I've been doing online marketing since 1998 when I set up my first website and in that time I've had hundreds of millions of search engine rankings billions of people visit my site I've been doing this a long time I kind of know what's going on I know when changes are about to happen and I know what the value of a search engine ranking is a lot of people don't understand this they don't understand the value of traffic and so what we're going to do is we're going to look at this and understand this in a different level because let's say that you were to go to Google and rank for the word web hosting all right that's like a 20 30 000 a day keyword ranking yes I did say day it might even be more than that is probably probably is I'm being generous here just to be on the safe side in that time of my doing online business I have purchase

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