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Top Digital Product To Create + Sell Using Ai ($15985/month)

would it be nice to make an extra 15K a month in passive income from one single product that you only spent a few minutes creating okay I'll answer that for you of course it would but it seems too good to be true right well I'm here to tell you that it's not this is a real possibility for online digital product sellers but how well that's what we're talking about today friend I've discovered a digital product that can be made in just minutes with the help of an online AI tool that you can create once and then sell on repeat earning you hundreds or thousands of dollars in passive income in this video I'm spilling the beans on what this digital product is how much it can make per month and showing you how you can create it using my favorite artificial intelligence tool so that you can get started with your AI side hustle and get those sales rolling in coming up foreign [Applause] welcome back to the channel so glad you're here if this is our first time meeting I'm Kate I'm a wife mom Etsy seller and business coach and I'm here to help you start and scale your online business so that you can make a full-time income doing what you love today we're talking about creating a specific type of digital product that I've discovered that I'm really excited about that you can use an AI tool which is a text to image tool to actually generate your image for this product and sell it as a passive income digital product on a website like Etsy now when I say passive income I'm talking about the type of product that yes it does require a little bit of work up front to create the product initially but once that digital product is created then you don't have to do any more work you list it on your sales platform and it sells on repeat earning you sales and income in your sleep while you're on vacation while you're in the kids car pickup line whatever it might be so I think smart online sellers are going to be leaning more and more into learning strategy to create digital products that can serve them well by bringing in that passive income so then they're not trading time for money you can spend your time elsewhere scaling other parts of your business with that said today's video is about one specific type of digital product that you can do this with and you can create it in just minutes by using the help of an artificial intelligence tool called Dolly we're gonna get to the actual how of creating this digital product with dolly in just a minute but first I want to show you what the product is so in my research I typed in gallery wall art and this is what I discovered these are sets of printable Gallery wall art images or designs that Etsy sellers are selling as a bundle to go on a wall together now these are digital products they are printable so these Etsy sellers are not having to do any work in terms of actually printing the physical posters or art prints and mailing them to the buyer the customer purchases and downloads them as a file that they can then print themselves so I wanted to look at some of these specific listings and analyze them to actually prove that there is demand for this type of product so for instance I clicked on this Gallery wall Arts that of a bundle of nine Botanical wall art prints and since I have the everbe Chrome extension installed I can click where it says analyze listing and every will give me the estimated stats on this listing including estimated monthly Revenue which is over fifteen thousand dollars per month the total sales on this one listing is over nine thousand and it was only created 14 months ago so this ever be data along with this little Etsy bestseller badge right here tells me that this listing is selling regularly consistently and making a huge monthly profit for this seller if I click over to their actual shop I can see that they're offering a ton of these different Gallery wall art sets as bundles this is another example of a gallery wall art set listing that I can analyze again going to click analyze listing by everbee and see what the sales data is for this listing now this one's not making quite as much an estimated monthly Revenue it's at an estimated amount of 960 dollars in the monthly Revenue with just over 1200 sales and it's been a listing for 17 months but this is still really great can you imagine having an extra thousand dollars a month just from one single listing so this is not even for this whole shop it's one single listing that this seller created once as a digital product set and is selling on repeat passively earning an extra estimated thousand dollars a month just from this one listing but how do you actually create these designs to sell them right well you could go the long route of taking classes and tutorials and basically becoming a graphic designer yourself to do this from scratch or you could take the simple route of using an AI text to image tool this is a tool like Dolly that'll take a phrase that you type in and turn it into an image using artificial intelligence this kind of tool will turn what used to take hours and hours of laborious effort on the part of the seller or designer and turn it into an effortless couple of minutes of creating a product so like I mentioned before the tool that I like to use for this is Dolly there are a lot of different text to image tools out there using artificial intelligence but I find that dolly is the most user-friendly and easy for beginners to just pick up and start learning right away if you've heard any of the recent chatter about the chat GPT tool which is a chat based AI tool dolly is owned by open AI which is the same owner of chat GPT so this is sort of the image generating equivalent of chat GPT now dolly it used to be free for users they have just started implementing at the time of this filming a credit based system so the way that Dolly works now is that you can purchase a certain amount of credits that you use for each time you want to generate an image you can read all about how the credits work on the website but at the current time that I'm filming this you can purchase 115 credits for 15 making each credit equal out to about 13 cents you'll use one credit each time you submit a generation request or an edit or a variation request which I'll show you in just a minute to me this is actually a really great price for being able to have the capability to create a digital product like this in just minutes and then sell it passively on repeat like we talked about another great thing about dolly is that they make it very clear that you can use your images that you generate to sell digital products online here on their website they have a question that says can I sell images I create with Dolly the answer to this in their words is subject to the content policy and terms you own the images you create with Dolly including the right to reprint sell and merge merchandise regardless of whether an image was generated through a free or a paid credit so you are allowed to use

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