Make Money Online

Top 3 Small Business Ideas With No Experience (2024)

here are the top three small business ideas to start this year and how complete beginners is earning 100 to 700 a day with no experience more than after the intro [Music] hey guys mike facil here welcome this video before we actually remind you that several spots have opened up for this week's free workshop which is the fast and easy easiest way to make money online so sign up for it in the link below we literally have a 62 year old woman go from zero to 160 grand profit in 90 days with this new method now so when people like for example see my podcast where they see all these successful people make a bunch of money like this 11 year old girl that turned on 30 million dollars or this guy that makes a million dollars per month profit they're like oh man i can never do that right and whenever anybody wants to start any small business idea the first thing that they do is they compare their insights to other people's outsides and they immediately get like for example oh you know that's not for me i'm not smart enough i'm not good looking enough i'm not old enough i'm not young enough and they think that they cannot start a business idea that's literally from the conference of their own home something that starts small and then starts scaling big because of this comparison others right and literally i felt like this for the longest time it wasn't until i started learning these top three business ideas that things started doing really well for me and you could see like it did really well where one of them pulled in nearly a quarter million dollars in net commissions so what did i end up learning uh that is really well well the first one if you really want to start a small business idea one of the fastest ways to make money is to of course learn a high income skill why is this the case because think about it what is what is a business a business is someone selling a product or a service of value in exchange for money because someone wants the thing that you have more than they want the money in their pocket does that make sense like if i have a toothache of course i'm in pain right i would want a dentist to go ahead and fix it really really fast to get me out of pain so if i had a pain point i would literally pay this dentist's money to literally get out of it right so if you really want to start a small business idea fast and you want to make money you got to think about okay well where are the trends moving and i'm telling this right now one of the best small business ideas that you could learn and start right away when you literally get clients like this week where we have literally people in our community get clients this week where even like for example my sister who lives in chiang mai thailand does this with this method is learn a high income skill like for example sales and marketing right like if you think about it a lot of businesses are now moving online right we obviously know that everything is now moving online and the thing is there's a lot of businesses and companies trying to sell the products online but they do not know exactly how to reach their customers which is why something like for example learning skill shop without with and learning google ads which you could do for free like you could literally go to with and then get google ad certified for free and learn kind of like the beginning tools of the trade of for example google ads where you know there's hours and hours of certification courses right here where if you literally get a client like for example in upwork and this is where my sister gets clients and how she's able to attract them from you know like literally as a like early 20 year old girl think about how much people make look at this like this person esteban from ecuador literally makes seventy dollars an hour you have this person from slovenia made over a hundred grand seventy five dollars an hour with google ads this person a hundred dollars an hour you could see like where else can you go with very little skill to learn a skill that is valuable and literally work for somebody else where they're gonna pay you to go ahead and just you know like run their ads they're gonna create all the creative they're gonna do all that stuff and you can see i mean look at this tv one million dollars earn 105 dollars an hour right so like i said if you're literally just getting started online what i would recommend is focus on learning some type of skill because no matter what happens business ideas change biz ideas are literally under the forces of adaptation as well as like survival of the fittest right and something that will never go out of style is sales and marketing you know a product might go out of style right but the act of selling and marketing the product will never will and if you could start investing some of your time in learning which you could see is completely free to get started you could start making money that way now another small business idea that i started when i was first getting started other than learning some skill sets was i wanted to find the opportunities that were literally existing in front of my eyes that were very low risk why because i wanted to get what was known as a belief check now what is a belief check a belief check is just allowing my subconscious or my mind as like wooiy as it gets to understand that i can actually make money online and i'll never forget this my first like belief check was when i got 20 online and i was like whoa if i could get 20 online what if i do that every day what if i do that every 12 hours what if i do that every hour i started realizing that i could literally control my worth so what was that low risk opportunity that allowed me to go ahead and do this and this is something that i recommend anyone do because it's like such low risk like literally just go to ebay and type in the word bunk bed cherry right and you see all these like bunk beds they all look pretty much the same right and if you literally pull up any one of these bunk beds you can see that this one is 361 bucks but if i scroll down and i literally grab like for example any one of the things that is in the description and i throw it up on for example google the weirdest thing happens it will literally tell me where these people got this as a source right and you can see check this out this exact same product exists on walmart for 249 so what i did back in the days i would just post pictures on ebay from like other platforms if i would get a sale i would get the money and the shipping details and i would just buy it at like for example the source at a lower cost and ship it directly to the customer like now i did this over and over and over and over again until i literally got it to the point where i was making a hundred dollars in a profit right but remember it's not the hundred dollars a day profit that is like the big thing it's wow i'm actually getting sales a

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