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This Job Pays $50/hour Without A College Degree (How To Get Started)

if each and every one of us were to have lived a hundred years ago our access to this type of information would be virtually non-existent that's because back then the only socially acceptable way to bring in fifty dollars an hour was to attend a prestigious College spend four to ten years gaining that type of education and going to work in fields like Registered Nursing business computer science and engineering but luckily we don't live a hundred years ago and in today's society there are a multitude of ways to bring in fifty dollars an hour however for this video we're going to be focusing in on one of those ways to bring in fifty dollars an hour and that is to start a cleaning business now before you click away I did a video recently on three ways that I've been able to bring in extra income and one of those ways was a cleaning service now my brother has a daughter who he began this cleaning service business for and in that video I discussed how she brings in sixty five thousand dollars annually and she just graduated high school so apartment cleaning analytics Works something like this you get hired out for each apartment and each apartment depending on size and bedroom amount is going to pay roughly 100 to 150 dollars now this does depend on the area that you're in if you're near a bigger city this is probably going to be more I would just suggest utilizing Google to kind of Googling and seeing what the average is in your area however for my area it's about 100 to 150 dollars depending on size of apartment and each apartment you can get done in roughly two to three hours which breaks down to fifty dollars an hour now in order to get started with this cleaning business you're going to need roughly four to six hundred dollars to get started however that is a big jump from the eighty thousand dollar College tuition fee you would be paying had you attended a college institution now the first thing you're going to be needing in order to get this cleaning business up and going is your cleaning supplies things like bathroom cleaner all-purpose cleaner floor cleaner oven cleaner glass cleaner and things such as dusting Solutions next on our list you're going to need cleaning tools now your cleaning tools are going to include things such as towels Rags paper towels room mop and vacuum the next step in your journey would be to invest in things like marketing now you can do online marketing if you choose however you can stick to Basic Marketing in the beginning like flyers and passing out flyers apartments in your area because you're just trying to get your foot in the door and you're trying to gain customers at this point your customer base would be a apartment complexes so what I would encourage you to do is take your marketing material into these offices and speak with them face to face hey my name is such and such I have a such and such cleaning business for whenever tenants move out here's all my information and let them physically have that marketing information in their hand now for the cost of this marketing I estimated in the beginning around 75 dollars worth of marketing just for Flyers alone if you come in here with me here we are at you printing I've got a page pulled up here for business Flyers if you see here four to six you can choose the type of paper I'm gonna put here just 1 000 in the beginning because you guys to be honest if you're doing an apartment cleaning specific business there aren't going to be really more than a thousand within a hundred mile range from where you're at now you can definitely choose whatever you want for this amount but here I have in just 1 000 Chosen and as you can see here forty nine dollars for a thousand of these four by six Flyers there are other websites that you can use such as Vistaprint and you can just come up with your own logo or you don't even necessarily have to have a logo you can have your name on there whatever you choose at the beginning these websites are going to allow you to upload that logo or name to your Flyers input all of your information that you want on there print them they'll send them right to your home as you can see there are three business days and you're good to go with the marketing now I did reach out to my brother regarding business insurance and business licensing now for your sake I would suggest you checking out business insurance and Licensing and I'm going to show you some websites that you can get them basically free or up to 25 a month so let's dive right back into my computer here as you can see Mark Cuban who is a billionaire does recommend Zen business here create your LLC in minutes get fast and simple services to launch your business starting at zero dollars plus State fees if we scroll down here you can see this starter pack is zero dollars does not renew plus State filing fees ready in about two to three weeks which I don't think the time frame is really going to be a problem because in the beginning you're just getting all of your stuff together other you're going out you're doing that marketing and so beforehand it typically two to three weeks would be definitely understandable you would be able to wait that two to three weeks now lastly is the business insurance which you can get at roughly twenty five dollars per month depending on how much you want in the beginning like I said the cost to start up like a complete business package for a cleaning business especially apartment cleaning business is not going to be that much if you're interested you can check out one of my other videos where I mentioned three ways that I've been able to bring in an extra two thousand dollars a month in supplemental income for my family I'm gonna place a link for it in the description box below as always any questions leave them in the comments I'll get back to you as soon as I can thank you guys so much for watching I look forward to seeing you in my next video bye guys

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