Start Affiliate Marketing with $0 in 2024 (Complete Beginner’s Guide)

so there's one or two reasons why you clicked on this video here today you're most likely at a stage where you're struggling to get traffic to your affiliate link you're a little bit confused about the whole thing and you have little to no time or money to make this work well don't worry you're in the right place because today I'm going to be sharing my brand new affiliate marketing system that I've never shared before on this channel with this strategy you're going to be able to start generary in affiliate commissions by simply copy and pasting content that you don't even have to create yourself this is definitely one of the easiest ways out there for beginners to make money online right now and the best part about this is that the software I'm going to show you is literally going to do all of the work for you and you don't have to invest anything up front this should make some of you guys your first dollar online and for others their first couple of hundreds of dollars online today once you're over on to this site all you need to do is go ahead and sign up to a brand new account if you don't have one already now this is your first time on this platform this is simply an affiliate marketplace where you can partner with hundreds if not thousands of different digital products and sell them online and make a commission the reason why I'm using this Marketplace is because it's the most commonly used online but you can pretty much use any affiliate Marketplace this can range from CJ affiliate Warrior plus digistore 24 partner stack or any other affiliate Marketplace online what I want you to do from this point onwards is to copy exactly what I'm going to do step by step as this is going to guarantee you the highest chance of having success with this method now carrying on once you're logged in here what you want to do is navigate over to the marketplace and at the top right here you'll be able to see the different categories of products that you can promote online as you know this channel is all about business and making money online so I'm going to select the E business and e- marketing Niche once you select any of these categories you're going to get presented with a number of different affiliate products and digital products that you can promote online and on the right hand side here you'll be able to see how much money you're going to get paid out per conversion so for every sale that you make of this particular product right here live chat jobs owner of this company is going to pay you out7 $74.58 and that's a pretty nice amount to just get one sale online as you scroll down here you'll be able to see a number of different products and how much they're paying so for example this second product is paying at $24 the one below that $34 and this one right here paid online working jobs they're paying out over $120 per sale that you make on their product another thing that you guys can do is actually sort these products so you can rank them by low or high depending on the quality of the products and you can rank them by gravity now gravity is going to let you know how many times these products are being sold in the last 24 hours so the higher the product on the list the more popular it is and the more Affiliates are making money from it so you can see at the top right here the live chat jobs is very popular as you can see right here the gravity score is over 196 what I want you guys to do right here is find a product that has a gravity score of over 30 right you want to make sure that this product is in demand and a lot of people are buying it but you don't want the gravity score to drop below 30 because that means that it's not really a product that is selling well on the market I want you guys to do right here with this particular method is find a product that is quite easy right that is something that people would easily be able to do so if we look at this list right here you can see this product all the customer has to do to make money is to write some reviews online on this one all they have to do is use like social media and YouTube to make money and as we scroll up here this one at the top requires people to work as a live chat operator so this is something pretty easy and simple that people can do let's go with the second one right here is a lot of people are very used to being on social media and this is something that can appeal to the masses so if we click on this link right here it's going to show us the landing page this is the first page that our customers are going to see once they click on our affiliate link and you can see at the top right here this has a nice catchy headline that is going to grab the attention of people as soon as they click on our link so you can see online social media job that pays out $25 to to $50 per hour that's a no-brainer for a lot of people because the average person is on their phone anywhere from 6 to 8 hours a day so this is going to be something that a lot of people are going to be interested in doing it especially in this economy right now where we have more people than ever working from home all they have to do right here is take a 1 minute quiz and this is going to sell them on the offer and as we can see right here on ClickBank every sale that we make on this product ClickBank is going to pay us out $24 per sale and that's essentially step number one just head over to a Marketplace and find a product that you think a lot of people would buy into and then look at their landing page make sure that it looks good and then from here what you want to do is get your affiliate link on ClickBank it's pretty easy to do that you just click on promote and then from here you just type in your affiliate nickname and then you click on create hop link and then you're going to see your unique affiliate link appear on the screen that you're going to be using later on in this tutorial to make money online cool so now that we have a great product and we know exactly how much money we're going to be making per sale it's now time to move into step number two of this tutorial where we're going to be creating content to attract the right type of customers onto our link so that we can start to generate our first couple affiliate commiss Mission and don't let this intimidate you at all because as I mentioned at the start of this video we're going to be using the power of AI to create all of the content you don't have to be creative you don't have to be the best writer or anything like that we're going to let artificial intelligence do majority of the hard work so what you need to do right now is come over to chat GPT so that's over at chat. and don't worry this is a completely free platform as you can see I'm on chat GPT 3.5 you don't need to pay for anything right here what we're going to do right here is type a simple prompt that's related to our Niche so that we can get the base of our content created in my unique case my p

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