Make Money Online

This 22-year-old Earns $100k A Month From Instagram – Faceless!

the old way of making money on Instagram was becoming an influencer the new way of making money on Instagram is owning an Instagram theme page and this is something that everybody needs to know our highest month to date and this is between all my pages was slightly above $100,000 just in in Revenue just from on these Pages what makes the most millionaires in the world what do people say real estate real estate real estate why don't we ever talk about digital real estate let me actually break down how this works so anybody can do [Music] this it has to work where it has work welcome to circle of greatness I'm your host Nehemiah Davis and today I got an exciting episode man so as you guys know every episode I bring you right there's somebody showing you how to increase your income impact and influence and this episode kind of super special for me because this young man came to me a couple years ago joined the Mastermind and literally since then or prior was going crazy online but now he coming out with this new way of generating and crushing it using Instagram that no one in the world is talking about so I had to come bring them on here so I could literally dig deep so we can understand how you too can do the same thing so without further Ado my gu tan what up man what's going on how you feeling welcome welcome to the Pod man appreciate you for having me yeah bro I'm happy to have you here bro so yo you got to start we we talked about the initial story um how you joined the Mastermind went crazy you decided to opt into that instead of college talk about that cuz I think people got to understand and there's so many ways to crush it right now I know we going to get into Instagram but I want them to understand the importance of personal development and investing in yourself yeah yeah so let's start here um just to give context I've been investing in myself since I was in Middle School I remember I used to tell my mom yo mom let's go to Walmart they got this little 18 pack of candy comes with Kit Kat Snickers Rees off for $12 and I'll get that sell in school for a dollar and I always just had this Hustler mentality not in a bad way but in a good way and I always knew that college wasn't for me simply put I'm not a school kind of guy and not just that but college is just like I feel like it's a scam if I'm being transparent with you um so I just knew that coming out of high school that I need to do something I wasn't going to stay at home and do nothing so I was like yo I think I seen one of your ads one day I was like yo Nehemiah Davis he's going crazy it's crazy because the first time I seen you I think you had a two-day event or three-day event in Miami or it it was either Miami or Florida it was somewhere wherever it was and w happened was I think I seen you one time and like two days later I bought a ticket it was like2 $3,000 I don't remember how much it was I was like you know what I'm just going to do it you were talking about the things I'm interested in social media I've been in social media for a minute now I've been into business for a minute now and I thought it was a no-brainer um so I went there and then you present the master my opport I was like yo this this is a no-brainer if I'm not going to go to college let me at least do this yeah so instead of just sitting at home doing nothing yo I'm working towards something and I heard this one saying in order to get to where you're trying to go you have to learn from someone who's been through what you're going through and I was I was like it's a no-brainer I was like yo you know what let me do it and in the back of my head I'll be transparent I was like yo what if this thing doesn't work and then I think I heard you say on the stage it's crazy you said at the same time I was thinking bad in my mind you said what if it does work and I was like nah right then and there it was a no-brainer like I mean what do I have to lose at the end of the day if it worked or if it didn't work I still have my mom support a roof over my head clothes on my body food on the table so I was like bro it's either this or colge I said let's try this thing wow and the rest is history you've been crushed it and it's funny you've been on multiple stages of mind just breaking down social media right when did you when did you discover that you can monetize social media cuz for me I'm looking at you I'm looking at a lot of the younger kids you hang with and it's just this new era of entrepreneurs who's like y'all figured social media out right and it's like when did you discover that you could really go get a bag off of social yeah so I was 16 years old I remember this day like it was yesterday I was starting clothing brand and I realized when I was starting this clothing brand I was spending a crap ton of money I'm talking about I worked at Kroger I was I was slaving at Kroger man every single penny I got I threw it into my clothing brand and it didn't go nowhere so I was like all right cool let me just stuff this to the side now let me try something else let me try something called Drop Shipping You probably heard of Drop Shipping before so I did Drop Shipping for a little bit and what I realized was my first three stores failed but where I saw success with my fourth store was when I literally started leveraging this thing called Instagram theme page we're going to touch on that a little bit later but basically an Instagram theme page is a page it's a faceless page that post specific content for a specific group of people so let me give you an example I would go to a theme page on Instagram that was like a meme page right it just posted funny things and then I will go on there and I'll say hey how much would you charge for a promo at this time they're probably charging a hundred bucks to get posted on their platform keep in mind they have over a million followers you telling me $100 to get seen in front of a million people so what I did was I thought it was a no brand I was like okay cool I see this they're charging me 100 bucks let me try creating a post that looks like they posted it but I'm selling something and I tell them to click the link in the B bro I did that I'm telling you the first time I did that spent $100 for a promo and literally that within 24 hours I made back like $3,800 in sales crazy I I knew I was on to something then because it's like you don't typically find Opportunities like that available this is like when it's early when it's hot I was 16 and I thought I just kept doubling down okay cool let me get on more pages more pages more pages and then I was like yo let me own one of these pages but we'll get into that later and it's funny you talk about it I remember a couple years ago we were at one of the masterminds and you were talking about the same concept that I want you to dive into like owning the page turning into a media company generating the revenue and that's when I had that aha because now that you think about

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