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The Millionaire Fast Lane For Women (Eye Opening!)

know your mama told you money doesn't grow in trees but apparently she was wrong now let's talk about the 5 million fastlane commandments number one is the commandment of need if what you sell is something people don't need you will be broke number two is the commandment of when most of us hear the phrase get rich quick what comes to mind is scam but reading the book the millionaire fastlane has changed my mind about that and it's changing my life because getting rich relatively quickly is actually possible and we're gonna talk about exactly how later in this video so if you're in your 20s or even any age at all and you want to make a lot of money relatively early in life then make sure you watch this video all the way to the very end because this is a really really juicy one in the first part of the video i'm gonna share the five main points of the book and then later in the video i'm also going to share what the author calls commandments of the millionaire fastlane if you like videos like this one and you want me to share more of my favorite books on money and mindset then please go ahead and hit the like button and i'll make this video the first in a series that we'll call the book party hi and welcome or welcome back to the channel if you're new here hello i'm vanessa and on this channel we talk all things earning more and building wealth and i'm not gonna ramble in this intro let's just get into the video the first point the author makes in the book is to avoid the slow lane now what is the slow lane for most of us we were raised to think that you go to school you get a degree you get a job you work for about 30 or 40 years and then when you're old and your knees hurt you can finally retire and have a decent amount of money in your bank account now the slow lane is actually safe and it still works however people who want to make a lot of money relatively early have to avoid the slow lane because there are actually other paths to earning more and building wealth besides working a nine-to-five job for 30 years and both options to me are great but the author of this book insists that if becoming a millionaire is something you want in your life especially early in your life you have to avoid the slow lane and he suggests that we do something else instead which brings me to point number two point number two is to build money trees i know your mama told you money doesn't grow in trees but apparently she was wrong because a money tree is something that generates money even when you're not constantly exchanging your time for it if you work a nine-to-five job which i actually still think is a great option then you're gonna constantly exchange your time for money but when you build a money tree i.e when you set up a business that doesn't require every minute of your time to generate income then what you have is a money tree and i know building a business especially building a business that would generate income even when you're not actively working on it can be difficult and you might need resources like a course to help you get started or even help you turn your already existent business into one that generates income when you're not actively working on it and these courses can be pretty expensive and even coaches are sometimes overpriced and that's why i keep partnering with my good friends at skillshare skillshare has thousands of inspiring classes to choose from from building a successful business to developing a brand to even modern money habits by justin bridges which is currently my favorite favorite course in the platform and thanks to skillshare sponsorship the first 1000 people to use my link below or use my code launch to wealth will have the opportunity to explore skillshare for free for one whole month the third point he made in the book is that wealth is not an event it is a process now because of social media and instagram you just see people go from nothing to literally showing you their bentleys and their chanel bags and you're like oh my gosh she just manifested this life and a lot of people are making more and more content that feeds into the idea that you can just wake up one morning and literally your dream life would just appear no process producing nothing not grabbing opportunities it would just happen but it doesn't actually work that way girl you actually have to follow a couple of processes no matter what it is that you decide to build whether it's an e-commerce store a youtube channel an instagram page or even your career there has to be a process in place and you have to follow the process if you want to generate wealth from the thing and number four is to switch from the consumer to the producer mindset when you see things that you like maybe because they're pretty or because you like the way the thing runs instead of just thinking oh my gosh that airbnb looks so good i want to spend a weekend there you should actually be thinking hmm how can i set up my own airbnb so i can make money off it you should be looking at what they're doing right so you can replicate it in your own life number five is to show commitment and not just interest the same energy that you bring to the table for your organization to your team you should also bring that same kind of energy to your personal projects if you want them to do well so don't just treat them like interest treat them like you're committed to them imagine that you have two guys talking to you at the same time and one doesn't really text back doesn't follow up on his word treats you like you're not really worth much but you know still wants to call you at 11 p.m at night because he's interested as opposed to someone who cares about your feelings and shows you that he wants to be in a committed relationship with you he probably wants to propose to you wants to get married to you let me know in the comments section who you would give more of your attention to i really hope it's the second guy but that's the same way our projects treat us if you just show interest and you work on them only when you feel like it you don't follow through on your own timelines then those projects would not pay you well but if you show commitment keep your word to yourself give it your best every single time do research before you put anything out there then you would start to see tangible results now let's talk about the five million fastlane commandments number one is the commandment of need if what you sell is something people don't need you will be broke number two is the commandment of entry if what you do for a living is something anyone can easily do as well you will be broke because everyone will do it and there will be more supply than demand and you would not get paid a lot to do it number three is the commandment of control and this is why even though i've shared a lot of side hustles on the channel i have never suggested drop shipping as a side hustle because you actually don't have control over the products that

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