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The Future Is Here – A Robot Did My Lashes

today a robot is gonna do my lashes we're gonna talk to the founder and we're gonna talk about the future of Robotics let's do it [Music] what the hell is an eyelash extension I don't know what it is how much does it cost to have a robot like that it's looking to isolate a natural laugh it's a lot easier to save the world when you have 100 million dollars in your pocket right already looks so pretty leave that to the machine what is the future gonna be robots are replacing us I actually made a short video about this robot a couple months ago and I got so many comments like Marina weren't you scared to be in the robot that did your lashes someone commented about robots replacing people not being a good Trend today we're gonna see whether it's dangerous or not let's do it [Music] the TV's on this side where I kind of run it and then we also have our lash TV here and you guys can kind of see everything that's going on are you excited foreign so how did your lashes stay on for you last time out my last lash fell off yesterday so it's been a couple months right yeah and I haven't been using my mascara for probably the first five weeks and then I started using it how did you feel about them did you like the length were they comfortable they were perfect okay this is before the robot nothing on my lashes the last time I almost fell asleep let's see what's going to happen this time I feel comfortable yep oh my God [Music] okay so I'm just going to start by priming your lashes the loom safety system is really a really neat trick and and really make sure that it's completely safe even safer than human application of eyelash extensions the cool thing about them is they're mounted with little magnets so if you were to hit them they just fall right off so even if you were to just suddenly sneeze and thrust your head towards the tools during a session they would just fall off we'd pick them up put clean ones on and then keep going can we talk about your background talk about your life before this robot and how you decided to make it well so I guess I'm basically a career robot assistant I started at the field robotic Center at Carnegie Mellon and then I went to a spin-off company that went out of there and I came out here originally to go to grad school and then I I built an automation team at a local company and then um started a company called exobionics that is a NASDAQ listed company that makes human exoskeletons and those are like wearable robotic legs that you strap on after you've had a spinal cord injury or a stroke oh wow so you can get up and walking and this enabled Billy to walk for the first time in how many years four four years how do you feel physically it feels real good I can look at people in the eye I could talk to you it was amazing experience I mean people literally cried at our demos all the time it was actually kind of weird if no one cried in the demo um and uh so anyway I was looking for the next thing to do and I was going through my own ideas but I was also calling everybody I knew I thought was smart to see what was hot and I called a really brilliant advisor of mine who had just recently retired at like 48 years old and I was like what are you going to do with your time and he's like well my wife and I we just brought a franchise region of Amazing Lash Studios and I was like what like and he starts telling me all about it and I'm like wait a minute wait a minute I don't even know what the hell is an eyelash extension I don't know what it is and he told me about these people putting one little lash on at a time and I immediately joked with him like hey that sounds like a great job for a robot yeah and we laughed about it and it was supposed to be a joke but then two days later I thought about it again and I thought I gotta see this and I went on YouTube and I watched it and I was like oh my God this is a perfect killer app for robotics yes we're going to pay attention to the time because it's incredible how long it takes [Music] how much does it cost to have a robot like that we think it'll cost to build the machines about a hundred and twenty five thousand dollars what we'll do is we'll ask the partner to put in half of that so if you have a robot in your store how much money can it generate for you say five years in five years it'll do three million dollars of Revenue that's what's amazing I mean it's a 125 000 machine that can do three million dollars in revenue and we can capture about nine hundred thousand dollars in fees I like that business model that you don't just give it up but you actually retain part of the revenue yeah because otherwise you love it yeah [Music] thank you so what you'll see going on is the robot on the right with the white and gray tools it first searches for a natural lash it's looking to isolate a natural lash because your lashes look kind of like this they're all messed up and we have to pick one out and get it isolated and then the robot on on the left it has that blue tool it takes the extension it dips it in the glue it brings it over and then it Paints the glue on the Lash and then the light comes on and it's done it's placed one extension successfully foreign oh sorry I woke you up um we're gonna go ahead and switch eyes okay I'm just going to rotate your head to the right so when the last artist changes their head position from one side to the other they can look right here and see what these views uh exactly if the if the eyelash is going to end up in range that we can work on it and that's how they adjust the position [Music] each robot has a pair of cameras the reason it has a pair of cameras is just the same reason you do is to be able to judge depth how far away something is your brain does by comparing the images of your two different eyes and that's what a robot does as well so in the future the machine won't be so big and tall and it'll actually have a much more beautiful elegant design so it won't look so Medical but did you ever have thoughts that with your previous startup you basically changed lives yeah and this is this is cool but this is a touch-up have you ever thought that this is not big of enough problem for you um no I you know I I think that we're gonna make millions and millions of women smile and that's going to be a wonderful thing as well um and also you know it's uh probably a lot easier to save the world when you have 100 million dollars in your pocket right so do you do you see the potential of this coming do you see bigger uh getting bigger than the previous one oh in terms of Market size yeah for sure yeah this is a huge Market that's growing like crazy how much of that market would actually you think would transition to automate automated lash extensions well it should be a big share because right now the experience just isn't really that good I mean it's um it's really slow it takes a long time yeah it takes two hours my appointment is usually two hours um and it uh you know they have

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