Homemotivation for successStart Every Morning WINNING - MORNING ROUTINE For Success! Motivational Video

Start Every Morning WINNING – MORNING ROUTINE For Success! Motivational Video

if you want a really great life it starts first thing in the morning it starts with intention the moment you open your eyes get excited about your day first thing in the morning get excited about your life if you want a better quality life if you never want to feel like this again you must make time for yourself every morning here's four things you should do every day every single day first thing in the morning no excuses get up 30 to 60 minutes earlier if you have to and make sure you get this done as a priority over everything else in your life everything number one gratitude this is more important than anything I guarantee you if you do this alone everyday it will change your life it will change how you feel about everything in your life spend five to 15 minutes every morning writing down at minimum three things you are extremely grateful for right now in your life it could be three things that if you were to lose you do anything to get it could be to do with your family your eyesight the opportunities you have simply by being in this country even to be thankful for low moments that have made you who you are today made you stronger your health whatever it is write it down it is important you write it not just think it write it and feel how grateful you are for those things one by one there's no right or wrong way to do this write down whatever comes through you naturally it will be different every day and that is good do this every morning before you start your day and then be consciously on the lookout throughout the day of things you can write down for tomorrow number two meditation if you haven't done this before you will need to be patient it might not be easy right away but it will be very beneficial long-term aim for 10 to 20 minutes at least once in the morning if you can the benefits of meditation have been well-documented including stress and anxiety release more clarity and mood control number 3 self-development daily every single day every day listen to something that is going to help you take action toward the person you want to become the person you will be in the future whoever that is who do you want to be for your family what example do you want to say who do you want to be for you so you can look in the mirror and be proud because you know this person was made by you your work number four exercise and nutrition you don't need a gym membership to exercise and there are no excuses either you want to be healthy and fit and set an example in the process or you value other things more there's plenty of free exercise videos on YouTube you can do it home you can run you can do a lot of things and you can get a really good workout done in 30 minutes a day nutrition is your fuel and you should look at it with the view of this will either give me energy or drain it from me life is much easier if you're feeling healthy and energetic you're only gonna get that from making strong choices every day important most people will not do this most people that do do this will stop doing it as soon as a major situation like money for example changes in their life most people will end up in the same place in a few years a few months a few days most people are not happy don't be most people make this a priority in the just being present and preconscious attention really whole harbour we do these processes with an open mind and heart if you do miss a day but one part of it don't beat yourself up also pay attention to how you feel when you don't do it and get back on track you deserve this it's so important to start the day with a win the positive feeling you get by starting the day with the win transfers positive momentum to everything you do for the rest of your day so start your day in control of your mind by programming yourself to do the things that put you in control train your brain to go through the processes that work for you meditation gratitude a solid workout prayer whatever processes work for you suddenly then you are in control of the day no matter what happens you are in control because you're in control of your mind and when you control your mind you control your reactions and when you control your reactions you can find a solution for any problem imagine starting every day with that strength starting every day with several wins you're up early and you're up early with passion because the night before you've set an intention for all these things you're going to do that you're excited to accomplish today you're up and ready to go you've pulled your brain I am in charge this morning so there won't be any poisoning of the brain or unconscious habits like picking up the phone or checking emails you've told the brain that can wait right now I am programming my mind for my strongest future by creating my very best self right now just by doing that you've already had a win we're in control and that is a huge win you might then meditate releasing any stress in your body another win maybe then you'll spend five minutes writing down and really feeling everything and everyone you are really grateful to have in your life right now another huge win brings so much power to your day we're only 25 minutes into the morning most people are asleep and you've already had three wins maybe then you'll pray we read or a set an intention for the day how do you want to feel how do you want to interact with others what do you want to accomplish and who do you want to be today another win maybe then you'll get a strong workout in who knows you might even be able to push yourself for a PB can you go further than you've ever been faster than you've ever been live more than you ever have go longer do something you've never done how can you push yourself to cry this morning that's how you grow can pushing to another level another way maybe more than one maybe now you go home and have a cold shower remind your brain who is in charge today you are your brain says this is crazy I don't want to do this but you've done your research you know this is good for you you win the mental battle and claim another win now you're ready to start the rest of your day but you're not the same person that started the day only 1/2 hours ago you're already the different person the better stronger person and you've started the day how everyone should winning your mind is strong and you are stronger than yesterday stronger than when you began this day imagine doing this every day the growth expansion of imagine the quality of life you'll be living this is what winners do they start the day in control they start with a win and they can win the life of their choice will you join us [Music] if you start your day with a genuine thank you you're most likely in your date with many more things to say thank you for almost everything you do from the moment you wake up is a habit habits form from your past habits formed by your consistent application good or bad what habits do you want to create and what happens do you need to eliminate what habits will lead you to create a better life what habits will lead to your best life [Music]


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