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Secrets To Building A Successful Agency In 2024!

it's not about the money it's about the relationship and we execute if you execute for clients they're going to come back most people think that the youth is something that's going to hold them back and then they're like nervous to ask people for stuff but if you are at a young age and you're really trying to build a business you can reach out to these mentors and and they're probably going to respond the quicker you can build a team the more success you'll have and the further you'll be able to go sometimes we get too caught up in a moment of where we're going that we never look back at how far we've come my whole philosophy is if you provide enough value to somebody not going to get rid of you what are some mistakes people need to look out for when building the agency of this magnitude it has to work where it has to work all right welcome to circle of greatness I'm your host nemiah Davis and today as always we got another special guest I'm talking about Big Boy agency owner entrepreneur leader right all around amazing guy and this somebody I've been following for years on social media like you ever hear the uh concept that you're rep your your reputation wait your reputation procedure yeah your reputation procedes you I'm still chopping those words up but I was following this dude and he's crushing it so I had to bring him on the show to just share how to build these agencies and do big business man my God Deon LS what's up bro what's up I appreciate bro appreciate you coming on bro so man like I was telling you bro I used to follow you years ago with building Brands and I was seeing you do Golden State War stadiums filled with shirts I'm probably like 20 I don't know how many people the stadium is 20,000 25,000 25,000 people bro Big Brand I love it bro how do you get to most people are Mom and Pop shops most people are couple hundred like 25,000 shirts and that's just one client like my question is would I like to dive in on this uh show is how do you build an agency of that magnitude bro like I and I know you took a break off of social tell me first off you was going crazy on social then you disappeared tell me what happened so first of all going back to the mom and pop side of things it starts like that if you really going to build something you got to start that way 100% um so I started off airbrushing t-shirts doing one at a time wow when did you start that in 2005 my senior year in high school W 18 years ago yeah it was crazy oh yeah we both 36 so yo you see how fast time is flying bro it don't make no sense I'm like I've almost been doing this for decades when I tell people that they're like no way n it just goes by quick but it started off with airbrush and t-shirts and where you doing that out the CR yep out of my grandfather's house um and we just we just stayed committed we didn't know what the hell we were doing grew up in Richmond California so it was if you're familiar with that not uh the most positive environment so there was a lot of negativity around us y um but we kept our our bubble positive and and and we were working um I think the biggest thing if I had to look back and summarize everything of what got us there is really finding mentors yeah and and people that can help you that that want to see you win and are in situations that you want to be in that's good I had a good I had a mentor I still have a mentor he he's I don't know man it's it's really crazy to think about how much he just took took me under his wing and he was coming up he's like 65 and so he was in technology ran technology businesses and stuff um and he just said when he came up there wasn't a lot of people that looked like us in business and nobody really helped him and he always said that if I find somebody like me I was going to take the time to help him um and he really just helped me understand what business was because we don't what we were doing you know and so what age was this I I was when I met him I was was 20 like three okay got it um and I think that's another thing too talking to I know a lot of young people watch your show right and thinking about using that youth as your advantage most people think that the youth is something that's going to hold them back and then they're like nervous to ask people for stuff but if you are at a young age and you're really trying to build a business you could reach out to these mentors and and they're probably going to respond because what you'll see is that when people get a certain level of success their whole kind of purpose changes into helping the Next Generation 100 and that's where they get their purpose not from the money it's like you got the money then when you get it you realize the money ain't really what you're chasing it's about the journey and the process that's a fact bro what was your Mentor doing like what like what was was did he have a agency no he had a tech company he ran a tech company but he just he just really taught me the fundamentals of business I didn't know anything about accounting and profit and loss you know p&l statements all this stuff I didn't know nothing about anything we were just you go to college nah okay no I was never a school person I was finished high school I finished high school barely I almost didn't and and airbrushing actually saved me to kind of get me on a better path of of doing where did the airbrushing come from did you see it somewhere were you just creative yeah so my best friend started he graduated a year ahead of me um and he started airbrushing like model cars and so I I looked at him and I was like hey we we should start like airbrushing t-shirts and so um you know we would see the stuff at like Great America you go amusement parks and you see people airbrushing um and so we started airbrushing business and didn't have no business background I told my grandfather I want to start this business and he helped me buy my first piece of equipment and we got rolling wow it was crazy that's crazy I mean so looking back right that's the like origin story I think the I I really am big on trying to provide value and and like real actionable stuff for people that are in the trenches right now building you know businesses and stuff like that and I think if you're in it right now you're starting the number one reason of how we've been able to build the relationships with Starbucks Nike um the warriors uh all these big companies that we work with is relationships yeah and providing value and I know people say that all the time right on the internet oh provide value provide value but we don't have a sales team all of these clients that we've gotten and all this work that we've done has been legitimately building relationships and providing value my whole philosophy is if you provide enough value to somebody they're not going to get rid of you yeah let me ask you a question when you say that give me example of building a relationship what does that look like and providing value g

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