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Namehero WordPress Hosting Review: How To Start A Blog On WordPress In 2023 (Step By Step!)

hi I'm Anastasia from and today I will teach you how to start a blog step by step I've been blogging for about five years now and the number one thing that I see beginners are worried about is that they won't figure out all the tech that they need to start a blog I'll show you today that it's totally doable and our step number one is to choose a domain name your domain name is the name or the address of your blog the golden rule of website naming is that you need to make it as short as possible and easy to memorize you can use this tool called instant domain search and the address of it is named domains by the way I'll give you the link to it in the description below so the second rule is that domains zone are always preferable because users automatically think of domains when they memorize addresses of the website also zone are considered more trustworthy both for users and the four search engines I actually have a very detailed video on how to choose a domain name so I will link to it up there and we're moving to the next thing that we need to choose so our step number two is to understand what is WordPress and why you should use it for your blog so you've probably heard of WordPress right it's a super popular platform for creating websites and blogs it's free open source software that you can download and install on your own web server which you will need to get from a hosting provider this gives you a total control over your website like customizing it with themes and plugins like using any kind of monetization options on the site and so on I always recommend WordPress for a blogging business because first because of its popularity you know WordPress is used by over 40 percent of all websites on the internet crazy right this means that there is a massive community of users and web developers so you will have tons of resources tutorials and support available the second reason is flexibility there are thousands of themes and plugins that allow you to customize your site and add new features to it the next reason is that WordPress is very user friendly even if you're not attack wizard WordPress is pretty easy to use the dashboard is intuitive and you can start publishing content without needing to learn the code it's also very SEO friendly search engine optimization is important if you want people to find your blog on Google and you definitely want it right right WordPress is built with SEO in mind and there are free plugins like rent math or yoast SEO that can help you optimize your content even better step number three set up a hosting let me explain why you need a hosting provider to get your blog up and running think of your blog as a house you need a piece of land to build your house on it right that's where a hosting provider comes in they offer you the land or a server space where your blog will live on the internet you see every website including blogs is made up of files and data that need to be stored somewhere a hosting provider offers you a space on their servers to store these files so your blog is accessible to people online so for today's tutorial we will use name hero WordPress hosting and I will show you all the steps so that by the end of this video you can have your WordPress blog up and running name hero sponsored this video but I think they really offer a great value for the pricing that you will find on their WordPress hosting page so what you need to do is just click on the first link you will find in the description below this video and you will get to this page if you're just a beginner all you really need at this point is the first option for one website and it gives you a ton of free bonus services for example you can have unlimited email accounts linked to your website you get a free SSL certificate for your site a free access to the lightspeed caching plugin which will help your blog load faster and this is very important for Google SEO if you hosted your site elsewhere you can even make a free migration of your WordPress site to name hero you also get free daily backups of your site and on the turbo plan you can also get a free domain name for the first year and the two things on which name hero is mostly for focused with these plants are first that they have them super optimized with light speed caching and I already mentioned that you get the lightspeed plugin by default a Lightspeed web server is up to 15 times faster than Apache which is what many other web hosts use and the second thing that they're really focused on with these plans is support the name hero team has been trained for a lot of specific WordPress issues and aims to have all tickets answered in less than 15 minutes you can send them emails and they also offer live chat now we know that a lot of companies say that they have the best site speed and the fastest support but in name hero the team truly strives to be one step above so let's start with the cheapest plan for demonstration on the next step you can either try to search for a domain name available zone or if you already have a domain name you can submit it over here let's pretend that I'm going to add a new domain Anastasia vlogger on the next few steps you will be offered some extras but you can totally skip them because they're not really necessary and anyway you can add them later by the way in your shopping cart you can even remove the domain name if you change your mind and you want to purchase it elsewhere but we need to keep the hosting package that's what we're buying here there will be a boring part of submitting your personal information and your credit card or you can use pay PayPal to purchase it's pretty straightforward so I'll just skip this part once we finish the checkout we will end up in your dashboard so first we will see here our WordPress hosting service we can click here and the first thing that we'll see is this thing here called name servers so to get our domain name working we need to use some name servers don't worry it's easy you just need to copy these two lines here and insert them in the custom DNS if you have registered your domain on another provider some companies that people often use to register their domains are called namecheap or GoDaddy for example and this is how you can easily do it in namecheap Just click on the custom DNS and copy and paste here the name servers that name hero hosting provided once you save the new name servers it can take some time for the changes to take effect across the internet up to 48 hours but usually it happens much faster during this time you can already work on your blog it just means that during this next few days the blog might not be yet available to everyone around the world by the way if you choose to purchase the domain name together with name hero hosting package then you don't even need to set the name servers they will be automatically set to name hero for your

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