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My Natural Birth Story As A First Time Mom+ Life Update + 3rd Trimester Recap

expense push don't push push don't push you can't do it I believe in you even if I'm going to die today then I better not go to Hell Fire lucky at some point I was even considering see it I was in severe pains I couldn't believe my eyes my husband held my hand but still my water did not break so the lady had to oh God [Music] hey guys what's up and welcome back to the channel today I'm really excited to be filming this video and one of the reasons why I'm actually very excited today is because I'm filming with natural lighting guys as much as we all preach about film with natural lighting I'm not just one to do that I like the old artificial lighting you know it just it just makes it look very good but this is giving I love it okay so basically I'm just going to talk to you guys I'm just going to give you like a live update slash My Touch trimester everything that happened and what is it I won't talk about again um my bad story I've actually filmed a bad story with my friend but that video was nothing to write home about that is what we are going to be doing so let's get right into it if you're new here my name is adishola I don't even know where to start but I'm going to start from priming my face this is the milk I drew grip primer I love this okay so um what should I start from live update okay let's just take it from the touch I missed that because I don't know if I'm talking too fast but I don't want this video to be too long okay the third trimester basically was wearing I was setting this place up so there's really nothing much to talk about I didn't Vlog much every other thing that happened was me going to the hospital checkups and everything by the way if you don't know I am married okay I am married because I have some people coming to my DM say oh you didn't post your wedding Vlog your this Vlog well don't worry you're gonna get that later about married and my ring is in the is in the wardrobe is in the room I don't know because I'm I want to film videos I just typically forget that I'm supposed to wear a ring I'm not used to it but before the end of this video I'll try to I'll try to wear it because most of the things I want to wear that I'm used to film videos today I have like 10 videos to shoot today they are in my wardrobe here I have in my studio right maybe I'll do a studio tour for you guys but I have a wardrobe here that I put the clothes that I'm supposed to use to film so yeah so I'm married and married and married and my third trimester was really hectic it was crazy it was one of the craziest months for me I'm not going to lie but Omar we scaled through I think that's the word so basically at the auto trimester went and it was all all good actually I was due for December 18th and by the way my husband doesn't stay in Nigeria he's a lecturer in South Africa is a doctor like an academic doctor so he's an academic or what does he call himself he's an academic he's a lecturer in a university at South Africa right so yeah and so I was due for um December 18 to 20 something Ram but I gave birth to December 11th I don't know why that happened but before then I was using this antenatal this Hospital very close to my house but my husband doesn't like us pizza for some reason I don't either it looks it looks too traditional although they are doing really well this Foundation failed and it broke so I'm just going to manage it it's just too traditional for my liking and my husband was like nah he doesn't like the hospital that when it comes I hope this mic is speaking my voice that when it comes we are going to look for another hospital and I was like okay no problem we can always do that when you come so my husband was around when when I first realized I was pregnant so we did like everything we're supposed to do we registered for nothing out and the first antenna I went to was on the island I was still staying on the island but that antinata was trash obsilon Hospital you guys are trash I'm calling you hot okay so yeah um the bad story actually my husband came on the 5th and arrested for like a day I started looking for hospital we checked several hospitals we checked from like 30 000 to 50K 100K 200k even to a million era we went to uch and these people were giving us a bill of one million era and it was not from CS right so it means that for them to give us okay they had like arrange the list was about 50k but you would know that it was it was not for nothing he was just for I think for you to even register or anything which my husband was fine with but I was like brah you can't pay that much money because one thing I noticed from all of the other people we went to was was that if they give you a 100K bill just a bit at the back of your mind that you probably pay like 300K because even the hospital I finally used they gave us a 50k bill and we eventually paid like 125k okay and it was natural delivery I couldn't Vlog oh I couldn't Vlog so we started from looking for several hospitals after we did that um we checked like four or five hospitals and we couldn't see the one that I liked because I was thinking okay I want an aesthetic or fit so so that I'll be able to Vlog and I wanted people that were understanding so that if I if I even bring out my camera how they won't say oh no we don't allow vlogging blah blah blah blah blah and I was like okay so we started looking for hospitals everywhere and we finally settled for one that was about two hours from my house actually I had seen that was P2 online before but because it was two hours I was like how do I get to an Hospital how do I get to the hospital in in two hours you know being the first time I don't know maybe the baby will catch me and I'll go into label blah blah blah but my friend Barack out and I said I should just try out the hospital I shouldn't just discard it like that I was like okay let's give it a try and see what happens so we started to give that hospital a trial and that was when I finally used and I absolutely love love love that hospital best way to stand at bodhija ibadan their staff who were so nice so while we were looking for Hospital you know when we got to Best Western it was a day to the 11th it was on the 10th right my baby is in the sitting room and I'm not using the monitor because I book it so I can only rely on my inner ears oops so um I was like on the 10th we were looking for the hospital and we got to Best Western in fact we got there very late at night I told my husband okay let's just try out Best Western because I've seen this online Barakat recommended it although it's two hours my husband was like but that's far but that's fine how are we going to make it if you fall into labor or blah blah blah but because I insisted he had to like you know a pregnant woman gets whatever she wants actually whatever baby wants baby gets so we drove there and I kind of loved your speed too they did do you think that they put their hand inside your inside your private parts actuall

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