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Mindset Hacks That Made Me A Millionaire

hey guys welcome to Silicon Valley girl today we're going to talk about how people become millionaires how they run the world how they do things that they love and live lives of their dreams this video makes for a perfect title but I also understand that you know we are brought up in a way that you know go to school go to work and if you get good grades you're gonna get good life but the more people I meet the more I ask them about how diligent they were during studies I have a friend here who has like 20 businesses and uh he dropped out of school and in reality what we're taught at school is a safe way doesn't mean it is the happiest way doesn't mean it is the best way so in this video we're going to dig deeper into those mindset hacks and it's Soul mindset oh my God I can tell you so many stories uh let me start with this one real quick so I started my first company MBA education helping people study abroad and because I was a student who was living on a budget my budget for a study abroad trip said by my parents was 800 Euros to go to Germany to learn German for two weeks and when we started a company I thought that every single student is just like me they all want to save money they want the cheapest trip Etc which was partly true so I was working like crazy for the first few months because we were trying to get more because well as a study abroad company you make money on commissions so if you sell say a 400 Euro course your commission is 20 80 Euros that's it so in order to make more money we had to have more students it was constantly like chasing chasing chasing new students doing more marketing giving more discounts because this is what I believed was true you know having a trip for 300 euros and you would get more clients this is how you make money until we had a client who came and booked a one-week trip to London and asked us for the most expensive course and the most expensive hotel I think his hotel was like 20 000 Euros or whatever twenty thousand dollars and when he was booking this I was like no why do you need this presidential suite and actually so he asked me for the best room in the hotel but because I would like that was not my mindset I was like I booked him something nice but it wasn't a presidential suite so he came to the hotel he had to upgrade and I was kind of telling him to not book this because this is so expensive and then we received commission for him and that was almost as much as we made in a month by selling to dozens of students and I realized that not everyone is like me and in order to move forward I need to look outside my own mindset there are people who are willing to pay twenty thousand dollars for a trip there are people who are willing to not come to your office because they're okay with booking online and this is how lingo trip was born it's getting outside your mindset realizing that what surrounds you is not a 100 accurate reflection of the reality like if you're trying to become a Creator and no one around you is a Creator hello just around you with the right people because otherwise it might seem that you are the weirdest person in the world and you would never try creating content just because your colleagues your friends don't create content when I started YouTube I was like the only one out of uh my friends who was trying to get into an American University and I felt like a weirdo because nobody was doing that but I I was hoping that I would find like-minded people on YouTube and uh one of the channels that you're watching right now is direct consequence of whatever happened so changing your mindset surrounding yourself with the right people online or offline these are the first two things that you will need to start doing in order to change your life another great advice that I received is projecting your life the outcome of your life as if it was a PR statement and this by the way it's not created by me this is what Jeff Bezos does at Amazon whenever they come up with a new product they don't think about the product first they think about the pr statement the press release that they're gonna make once the product is out because you're going to explain it to other people now when you think about your life when you think about the things you want to create think about how you would explain it to your friends because sometimes we're like oh I want to build this app that's going to do this this and this and then you tell it's your grandma and she's like what so whatever you want to do in your life think about the pr statement what are you going to tell your friends how you when you think about your personal brand what are you going to say when you walk into a party when people ask you what do you do what do you say like you're studying economics do you want to say I work at the big four does it resonate with you or you would be much more excited to say I'm a food blogger and I'm okay with it you know when I was transitioning so I started as an entrepreneur but I discovered YouTube fell in love with that and a lot of people were laughing at me like you are a YouTuber hahaha you're not entrepreneur and because I was still saying like when people ask me what I do I said entrepreneur and some haters would be like hahaha you're not an entrepreneur YouTuber and I embraced it oh my God yes I'm a YouTuber first I'm a content creator and I love it and I'm proud of it and I love saying I'm a YouTuber because this is 100 makes me comfortable because if I say entrepreneur the conversation would go the entrepreneur route but sometimes I'm more excited about talking about YouTube so I would say I'm a YouTuber and I would be much more excited about the conversation I would feel comfortable I wouldn't feel like an imposter or whatever so think about people introducing you at a party what do you want them to say another advice keep learning and here there is this five hour rule that you need to spend at least five hours a week learning but I don't like like creating a system oh my God I need to spend five hours this week learning and I don't feel like learning it doesn't have to be that way when you feel that you are excited about something about a topic just let yourself self-explore it this energy this excitement that you have for a particular type of content this is the most exciting thing like if you're taking some class and you're excited you can take it in a day it's okay the worst thing is if you lose passion because you ‘ve told yourself that it's five hours every week in general follow the rule of learning all the time and ideally it's around five hours a week by the way if you want to learn more on how people other people use this there would be a link to what I learned from Jeff Bezos the real power press release so this Jeff Bezos strategy there will be a link to the five hour rule used by Bill Gates Jackman Elon Musk the education rule all the useful links will be down below if you're willing to dig deeper and explore t

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