Make $400/Day Selling eBooks Online (HOW TO START NOW) Step By Step

hey feuture Millionaires and welcome to today's free course on how to start selling eBooks I will be showing you how to create an ebook from scratch how to get it set up in your own online store and how to Market your products to actually get you the sales and get started if you have some sort of knowledge or anything that you want to share you should create an ebook people are making thousands of dollars monthly just by selling eBooks on different topics so if you have knowledge that you want to share you should start doing this today so take a look at this example ebook that I made here I'm going to show you exactly how to create something just like this today you already know people do charge thousands of dollars for courses in education just like this all I ask in return for the free education is just hit that like button for the YouTube algorithm And subscribe to my YouTube channel so I can continue to create free courses and videos just like this and let's get right into today's free course so the first thing that you're going to need is a canva account which is free to sign up for you don't have to pay for a pro account or anything like that even to this day I use a free one so let's go to go to the search box here and type in ebook then just click enter on your keyboard and we're going to search for this so you can see here that it pulled up a bunch of different templates that we can use so I'm just going to scroll through here and look for the best one that I can find and I'm just going to look for one that's super simple and that goes along with the topic of today now you can see here that whenever there's like a little Crown icon on the actual templates that just means that you do have to pay for those so we don't have to pay for them there's tons of free good ones so we're going to find a free one to use so this one is super simple I think it's really nicely laid out there's also another one here that's also nice and laid out it doesn't matter if your topic is completely different than the template this is just for the actual template itself so let's go ahead and click on this one and just click customize this template so it's going to then bring you to this page and there's actually even more free results here on the left hand side so just out of curiosity let's just try out one of these and see if it looks better cuz I see that this one comes with 11 pages so I actually am liking this one better now that I'm seeing both so I'm just going to click on this one and then I'm just going to click on apply all 11 pages now we have all 11 pages applied to this template as you can see it's laid out here really nice and basically what we're going to do is we're just going to go through here and just swap everything out to our own ebook and what we are going to do so for example I always like to do the pictures first so I will always have pictures ready I know a lot of you guys actually prefer to be faceless and when you sell ebooks you totally can be faceless so I'm just going to switch out this picture with a picture that matches what we want so you can either like I said upload files and pictures of yourself like professional pictures of yourself or you can just go to elements with is just this box here click on this tab go to search elements type in girl on laptop and you can see that there's a bunch of free Graphics here that you can use for yours so I thought this little anime girl on the the laptop was perfect because today we're going to be making our ebook on digital products that will be the topic of ours so no matter what you're doing you can apply everything that I'm showing you right now to your own so I'm just grabbing this little anime graphic over to where we want it and I'm just going to redo these things so we're just going to basically just go by each section and just change whatever we need to change and this will be super easy for you if you already have your ebook written up like maybe you wrote it up in a Word document or you can really just work straight through canva as well it's really up to you I know a lot of people even go to chat GPT for their own so to each its own but I prefer to actually write up my content in a Google Document and then just move it over to um canva so as you can see I'm honestly just playing around with this and I like to always just like move the text around make it bigger see how it looks and one thing that I noticed is our Pages looking a little plain so I'm going to go back up here to elements and I'm going to search for money background and then just type in search enter on your laptop and as you can see here a lot of these are pro and I actually couldn't find a free one so I I thought this was was a perfect example to show you guys what you can do in this situation where you only see paid ones and in the meantime I'm just going to drag over a free money graphic but I really want that money background that they did not have for free so a hack to this is just go to Google and you're just going to type in here money background then just click Google search then just click images and here you now have access to a bunch of stockfree images this one specifically is from which is free non-copyrighted images that you can use we're just going to rightclick here and then just click save image as then just type in the name of it and click save this is now going to save it to your desktop on your computer or if you're on your phone it'll save it to your camera rule on your phone which you can be doing this all from a phone too if you want to next just click on uploads in canva click on uploads file this purple button here and just type it in and here we have our background image with the money that we found on Google so I'm just going to drag it over now now you'll see that it's actually on top of our content so what we're going to do to fix that is first we're going to drag it to how we want it then you're just going to click these three dots here then you're going to scroll to layer then click Send backwards and we're going to repeat that again because we want it behind the other image so again click layer send backwards and now it's a true background behind our cover picture and our cover photo of this ebook so if your colors are not matching you can customize all the colors just by clicking on this little gray box up here because our background is gray right now it will bring up a bunch of colors for you here then you can just pick whatever you want so I'm really just going to just test out a couple different ones and I really love how this green matches with our actual money background picture so let's go ahead and use it and I'm just going to re size you guys can see like I really just play around with this I just resize things and just try different things until I see what works so once you're done with the cover page you can move on to your next page which in this case she made this more of like

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