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Make $2066 A Week Creating Relaxation Videos| Step By Step Guide

bringing in an extra five to six thousand dollars per month could drastically change your life and if you have the persistence and willingness to remain consistent I'm going to show you in this video just how you can do that now ASMR relaxation meditation in Ambiance videos is amongst the most highly searched content on YouTube this is most definitely due to the fact that this type of content is universal and is for all ages including from birth all the way up until death everybody enjoys this type of content I want to first show you guys two channels here at the beginning of the video and show you how long they've been doing this and how much they're bringing in so first let's look at the channel called the healing Compass the healing Compass has been on YouTube for nine months they have over 25 million views and they have posted a total of 205 videos at the time I'm recording this video that amounts to roughly 1.3 videos per day but has all of that posting actually paid off let's head over to socialblade and let's look at how much this channel is roughly making according to socialblade the healing Compass channel is bringing in on average 200 per day which is six thousand dollars per month now this number on socialblade is usually lower than the actual earnings according to my own channel so although I have done an average median amount for this channel it's likely higher than what I averaged it out to be now second let's take a look at the channel called the tungsten room the tungsten room has been on YouTube for seven months they have close to two million views and they've posted a total of 57 videos which is roughly one video every 3.6 days or two videos a week according to socialblade the tungsten room is bringing in on average 200 per week and bringing in on average 800 per month so as you guys can see from these statistics the amount you're able to bring in is going to really depend on the amount you're willing to upload the amount of time and work you're willing to put into your channel and you're able to put into your channel so this is really going to be an individual level it's going to depend on you as an individual so in today's video I'm going to show you exactly how to create attractive Channel banner and profile photo how to create about info and video description how to find and create relaxation slash meditation video clips how to add presets filters and overlays to your video how to add in layer sound effects how to personalize your video for your channel and then lastly how to find relevant and highly searched content titles and content for the overall startup cost for this type of content I'm going to be placing a startup cost calculator here on the left hand side and each thing I mentioned that I'm going to be recommending you get I'm going to have it calculated here and then at the end you're going to be able to see the total you'll have to invest in order to get started making this type of content for your channel Banner profile photo and future thumbnails I do recommend canva that's what I personally use so canva is free for your first 30 days and then after 30 days it's going to be 12.99 US dollars per month for the pro version so once you're in canva you can select all templates here on the left hand side it's going to bring up a lot of different things but here at the top you can easily select YouTube thumbnail YouTube channel banner and then if you go up here to the search bar you can go ahead and type in logo and make a logo slash profile photo for your Channel Once you search for logo you're going to see millions of logos pop up here so you're going to have millions to choose from you can search for your style choose one you feel would represent your channel the relaxation content that you're choosing to make once in you can customize it so here on the left you can see the color choices for the background you can completely customize it you can also customize the words by simply clicking on them and changing what it says so if you just click you can also make it bigger or move it around now if you go back you can also do the same exact thing with your channel Banner so if you click Banner here you're going to be able to see it produces millions of different options for you guys to choose you can just scroll through here see what kind looks attractive to you what would fit the vibe of your channel the type of content you're looking to create I definitely recommend choosing something that's looking professional choosing something that looks attractive like you would want to click on it okay we're going to be putting in some effort here so you can choose one that you like again the same exact thing you're going to click on it I'm going to go in and customize it you can change and add things in the background you can add graphics you can take away Graphics you can change the wording you can do whatever you want this is here on canva again the thumbnail nail is going to be the same exact way now that's all I'm going to show you for today as far as canva because this is not a canva tutorial but if you're looking for a canva tutorial you can search on YouTube I'm sure there's probably at least 50 different video options giving you a complete canva tutorial to look through up next we have the creation of your Channel's about tag and then for the future with your video posting you're going to be able to put some type of description in there I'm going to show you how you guys can do that for free okay so here on you're going to find the chat GPT AI you can ask questions allow it to produce some answers for you and the results you need so for your about info I would go to your text line here and go ahead and type in create an about info for a relaxation channel that focuses on guided meditation or nature sounds for relaxation whichever one you're choosing to make and as you guys can see it's generating some really useful information I mean it is really incredible here it has produced not only about info but also a section that says what we offer which is really helpful to give you guys ideas it also produced a why choose us portion along with a portion at the bottom to put handles such as the social media of your Channel or email if you choose to do that so that's all for free on chat GPT and as you guys can already tell you could also use this for video ideas you can get video descriptions for your future video posting you can use chat jpt for all of that type of thing for your channel in order to cut down on your work portion of creating the channel next is how to actually create the video content for your channel so how to add sound effects and layer them how to add presets filters effects how to personalize your video so all of these steps are going to be added into one because I have a One-Stop place for you guys for all of this I'm recommending wondershare filmor are 12 software which is what I personally use that's why I'm r

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