Tough Love From Judge Judy: ‘You Can Be A Hero Or You Can Be A Zero’
I remember doing a photo shoot my first year right before we launched and they took a studio down here to something called the Polaroid Studio I don't know if it still exists these big Polaroid shots that they take this size to put up I don't know Billboards and stuff and the person the marketing people were in Los Angeles and this marketing guy sent his son was about 26 or 27 dressed the part you know looked perfect and he was sitting there and going something like this trying to do something and then he said to me no I don't think you should wear that I think you should wear this color and I think you should move and I said to him you know I have food in my refrigerator older than you are knowing what my good side is people aren't really I mean I'm not a Glam person so people aren't really interested in the Glamorous side the young glamorous side they're just happy they get me vertical they get me vertical they should be happy so what you get at age 52 coming in even to a new business is if you've had a good career you come in with confidence and that's what it's all about that's what business is all about confidence you you know the song says you can be a hero or a zero and the difference is confidence and if you have created a portfolio for yourself even in your own head that you are really special and you know your business and nobody knows whatever part of that business that you do better than you do that gives you confidence I knew nobody knew more than I did about family court and about judging a lot of people I mean I can only guess one or two answers on Jeopardy so you have some idea of my academic credentials but nobody knew how to be a tactician in the court better than I did