Homemotivation for studyKeep Studying: No Excuses! - Motivation For Students

Keep Studying: No Excuses! – Motivation For Students

the grades you get today
are a direct result of the studying you did
yesterday it's a direct result of the studying you did
last week and the week before take responsibility for whatever
happens to you knowing that you have consciously made the decisions that have
put you in the situation you are now in
because all you need to do is take baby steps
one small step at a time one foot in front of the other
remember what is achievable remember what you are capable of
because it will put your problems into perspective when you're feeling fatigued
and weak that will be the spark that keeps you going on that journey
when you're walking with those weights on your shoulders
we all have these things these external things that we blame
and they give us excuses and reasons for our grades
maybe it was i didn't have the time or i didn't have the money or this happened
to me or that happened to me my family member
my parents the country the economy it doesn't
matter whose fault it is that something is broken
it's your responsibility to fix it it doesn't matter whose fault it was
that you failed your last exam but you can be damn sure it's your
responsibility to make sure it doesn't happen again
it's completely down to you to make your life happen don't let things just happen
to you make them happen never accept things
just as they are don't follow the crowd this is your life
you own this you in your own circumstances
you own the grades you're getting right now you're the one calling the shots
here no one else you're not gonna let anyone
tell you how much you're worth you're not gonna ask permission from
anybody that's up to you to decide because if you're going to get anything
in this life you're gonna have to work for it because every time that you blame
someone else you're giving away your power
you're giving away your power so that you have no ability to change
what your current circumstances are you'll have no power to change your life
because you're putting it on something outside of yourself
that you have no control over you have 100
control over yourself over your own mind your own thoughts
your own behaviors you're ultimately the person
that decides everything in your life your education your life your happiness
it's your responsibility and it's your responsibility
alone so how will your life get better
how will your life change when you change
when you get better it'll get better if you change
it will all change don't put it on someone
else and hope that someone else will change it for you
take responsibility for yourself


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