Homedigital marketingInstantly Boost Sales With This Conversion Optimization Trick

Instantly Boost Sales With This Conversion Optimization Trick

When offering your customers CHOICES it can increase your sales, or kill your sales, depending on how you do it.

So I'm going to show you the right way to do it, with a stealthy sales trick that can immediately boost your sales.

Today I'm talking about sales page optimization to help you make more money.

But first there's a common mistake I see EVERYWHERE.

Marketers putting a buy button AND an opt-in form on the same page.

Before we begin, you have decide what your end goal is going to be; sales or subscribers.

I'm going to assume you want more sales.

So now the only choice we offer prospects is to either buy or leave.

No other distractions.

Now lets pretend you sell a $17 product but want to make more money without increasing the price (maybe you're scared of driving away customers).

Here's what you can do to increase revenue from the same product.

You see, our brains are poor at estimating ‘absolute' value,
but great at making ‘comparisons'.

So if we have, say, 3 pricing options, now we can subconsciously see the absolute value.

There's a way to use this info to make more sales; let's pretend that you're selling a WP plugin…

Price option 1 is low.

The 2nd is higher.

And 3rd is the most expensive

Robert Cialdini, author of influence, found most people will buy the middle.

The psychology works like this;

Our brain thinks that the $17 its a steal, but for extra $10 the added perceived value is so much more. And canceled out the desire for the $17, while increasing desire for the $27.

Plus when compared to the $97 offer, which most people don't need, it makes the middle offer stand out even more.

The ‘choice' isn't really a choice, it's a way to build value into your offer.


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