Make Money Online

If I Had To Start Over.. Here’s What I’d Do To Make $1m All Over Again (Step By Step)

hey future millionaires my name is Isabella I am the owner of two six figure earning online businesses and I am a self-made millionaire today I'm going to be exposing the exact strategy that if I had to start over tomorrow this is what I would do to get rich all over again if you're watching this video right now you're here because you want to level up your life but here's the thing about that everyone is in a different life situation but the strategy that I'm going to break down in this video for you today you can take and apply it to your life no matter who you are no matter how much money you have or if you a beginner or have a little bit of experience you will learn so much from this video I have learned to take the world of social media and make it work for me without even showing my face and if I could accomplish it a high school dropout I am someone that literally thought I was stupid and that I wouldn't amount to anything in life and I learned this strategy I learned this skills you can too and before we get into this video you need to cut out any excuses that you might have majority of what I'm going to talk about in today's video you can start with no money so don't think that you need to have this huge budget or money from your parents to actually be successful in life we live in a new world now and we have access to the world straight through our phones so instead of endlessly scrolling all day you could be making money instead people charge thousands of dollars for the education and free courses that I put on my YouTube channel 100% free so every time you want to dive into more knowledge don't sleep on my YouTube channel when I first started I definitely did not have any money to buy courses and I personally learned the skills that made me a millionaire from watching YouTube videos and trying things myself that's why I love to contribute back into the educational space of YouTube now you've already heard my story and I'm not going to just retell it in different ways if you want to hear my personal story of how I became a millionaire go to my start here playlist on my YouTube channel because that's where you can find those videos today I'm doing things a little bit different I believe instead of just retelling my story the way that I've structured this video today will be a lot more productive to your learning and the best way to do that is through examples so in order to make this video as productive to your learning as possible I took somebody from the baddies and business community and we are going to break down how exactly she can become a millionaire starting from zero just by using what she has in her life right now so let's first read this together hey everyone glad to be here in this community I've been a speech therapist for 14 years helping people communicate better 3 years ago with a baby on the way out and the world facing tough times I started my own private practice it's been quite the ride full of ups and downs my one big challenge is figuring out how to share my skills online without missing out on family time and making passive income I've always wanted to make money in different ways but finding the time was hard that is why I joined the baddies and business Community it's been such a big help it's helped me deal with doubts find my special spot online and take action I've learned a lot about social media making YouTube videos and using tools to make things easier the best part about it is the ban business Community has helped me remove limiting beliefs and start believing I can do well online i' love to see it that's the whole reason why I started it I want to do so many things at once but bad business helped me focus and turn my ideas into actionable plans it's been great for getting my thoughts in order and sticking to my goals to sum it up I'm ready to dive into making money online while still spending quality time with my family and learn ways to make passive income with body and businesses help thanks for reading this and I can't wait to share more along as I go now Lindsay is inside the baddies and Business Club which connects you with like-minded individuals including myself so I can actually help you through your entrepreneurship Journey as well I linked the Club to the top of the video description and the price will be increasing soon so make sure you get in so the first thing that I noticed from this is that she has some sort of skill she's a speech therapist the first phase of becoming a millionaire is identifying what you want to put out into the world so maybe you guys have skills that you're watching this right now maybe you're an artist maybe you like to make crafts maybe you're awesome at matching outfits together there can be so many things that you probably are really great at that you don't even know it just like Lindsay here she's a speech therapist so why not use that skill of yours and monetize it now maybe you're somebody that you're like you know what I don't have a skill I'm talentless if this is you explore your interests what do you like maybe you want to sell a product online like digital products or physical products for people that really don't want to start a Creator account and you rather start an online store having an online store is your Niche let me give you an example take a look at this Tik Tok profile print more one all they're doing is posting about their product with simple text on screen features and they are getting so many views for example this video got over 280 million views and based on my own experience if I had to estimate how much they made with this many views and with a very good Target audienc Tik Tok they probably made over $100,000 off of this one single Tik Tok and you guys can see their entire account is replicated with the similar content there's tons of other e-commerce stores on Tik Tok and Instagram doing the exact same thing so in this case they Niche is their online store so depending on if you want to be more of a Creator or have a business this is another thing that you want to just kind of juggle with or decide and there's a lot of people that will actually be a Creator within their online store as well so they'll make videos about their products but also show their face as well to really connect that way and a lot of opportunities pop up for them doing this for me I started multiple accounts so I have Creator accounts that I own and I also have business accounts that I own and when I say business accounts they're actually just Creator accounts I'm just referring to them as business accounts now for me if you've watched my other YouTube videos you guys know I do multiple things but one of the things that I started in 2020 was I started an account with my dog I started making cute videos with my dog because it was something in my life that I loved that I wanted to share with the world so it can be as simple as something like this that you can start posting on social media

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