I Tweeted Out Affiliate Links for 8 hours (p2)…

so last month i decided to try testing spamming i tested it on twitter and i spammed affiliate links on twitter for eight hours straight just to see if i could make some money you can see that video right here after eight hours of spamming my eyeballs were about to fall right out of my head from staring at my screen for so long and i even had to eat spam just for the video now here's where things get a little bit juicy after posting the video i thought i was done with spamming but then i got an email just a few days later that you can see on the screen right here where someone reached out and told me they actually had done this exact method with a few slight tweaks and they had perfected it and were actually making money with it it was not a short email i was willing to respond and ask for some more details now this kind soul obliged and they sent me back an email with complete step-by-step instructions for how they were making money on twitter you can see right here it included pictures and images and he ended up by telling me how much he made in december in about 10 days which is about 600 not to mention 50 000 clicks on his affiliate links well i'll tell you this if there's one thing i'm good at it's swallowing my pride because i have to do it a lot so i decided to give this whole thing one more shot and see if we can make this work now here's the cool thing about the method that he showed me instead of me just going out there and finding random people and shoving my face into theirs and begging them to click my affiliate link his method was a little bit different it's kind of like when you're in a grocery store and you walk up to an employee sitting on an aisle you ask the employee where can i find the cottage cheese that employee tells you something completely insane like oh it's right by the bread um no but seriously i went to the grocery store just a few days ago to buy pita bread and was told that it was with the vegetables that makes sense so i like his method a lot more essentially what we're doing is we're finding all these people that are actively tweeting looking to purchase products and we're just telling them where they can find the products that they're actually interested in buying now obviously the best way to do this is the amazon affiliate program where you can basically purchase anything on planet earth but fortunately for us a lot of people simply don't know that so his process is find people that are looking for products give them an affiliate link to their product so step one to find people all we're going to use is this twitter search bar right here where you can actually type up phrases and see people that are tweeting those phrases where did you get that a great example of a phrase we might look for is where can i buy that and you can see here one of the first things we see is somebody saying where can i buy that microphone which means if i can figure out where to buy that microphone i could probably get a decent commission another one right here where can i buy a glass bottle snapple that ships internationally whenever i watch seinfeld i'm reminded how much i want to try it now i can't guarantee that glass bottle snapple is going to be sold on amazon but you're getting the idea of what we're going to be trying out here now all of this sounded easy enough to me so i decided to resurrect my twitter alter ego jonathan delgagio now if you don't know jonathan delgado is the account i created to do the spamming initially when we tried this experiment we tweeted over a thousand tweets with jonathan delgazio's account and we never once got banned first though we made a couple of adjustments the first thing we did was change his name to johnny d the second thing we did was we actually changed out the picture so it's not actually a picture of anybody i don't know if i can get in trouble for that but i thought it'd make more sense to make a slightly adjusted picture of me so everyone meet the new jonathan delgagio one more caveat i will say is his email came with a warning label and he told me that a lot of times after a few weeks amazon will shut down the affiliate account [Music] and he'll have to apply for a new one before he can resume his tweeting now luckily for me i don't make any money with my amazon affiliate account anyway so i'm totally fine with losing this account so now we've got the experiment all figured out it's time to get started [Music] i just got my first one it's only been tweeted five minutes ago it looks like a no-brainer golden opportunity check this out where can i buy corn hole and life-size jenga i know for a fact that both of those are on amazon all i've got to do is get a link all right couple updates we're halfway through with this project so the first thing is there's actually some good things going on somewhat of a legit method you look here when i click where can i buy and i go to latest you can see about every single minute you can see a minute ago three minutes ago four minutes ago three minutes ago five minutes ago there's a lot of posts with people looking for where can you buy the second thing is i don't think i'm a spammer initially i came into this thinking i'm gonna be the guy spamming twitter like like i was in my previous experiment but i'm actually being very very helpful like the girl that was looking for this shirt right here i had to do a lot of work to figure out and try to find a shirt similar to this i did a lot of google reverse image searches and then pouring through amazon and comparing and going through different variations of different shirts i worked for this commission i'm like a digital online buying specialist or something put that on my resume and in fact when you go to my notifications you can see people aren't getting mad at me they're thanking me this person liked my comment the surprise and said this person said thank you i'll check them out butterflies are my favorite i have them tattooed down my back great thank you again thank you you can see like like like so clutch i'm clutch need it for today okay that one didn't work but thank you they liked my reply they retweeted my reply i don't know why they don't have the exact same but thank you i'm getting like genuine interaction here online and i'm probably making some money as we'll find out here soon and the last thing i've learned is if you're gonna do this method you've got to be careful not to get sucked in sometimes it turns into this contest between me and the internet to see if it can stop me from finding the product and i'm like i'm going to find that product you just try and stop me internet and i'll spend 10 or 15 minutes looking and not actually find it this one right here on the screen i actually spent 10 minutes looking for only to realize i was actually not looking for a real product this is just somebody making a joke clearly i'm getting tired but we're halfway done and now we're gonna dive in and we're gonna finish this e

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