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How To Start Dropshipping With $0 | Step By Step | No Shopify & No Ads! (Free Course)

my name is isabella i am the owner of two six figure earning online businesses and today i'm gonna be showing you how to build a successful drop shipping store with zero dollars without shopify and with zero ads so that means zero dollars that you guys can start this store with and you will not have to worry about dumping any money to start this project i actually care about your pockets a lot of gurus on youtube recommend using shopify which i do not recommend since they do have monthly fees i don't recommend getting shopify or using shopify unless your business is already a six figure earning business there are so many free website hosts out there that you guys can use for free which i'm gonna be showing you guys how to utilize one of those today so people do charge over thousands of dollars for courses just like this one so in exchange for this information today i just ask that you hit that like button and subscribe to my channel so i can continue to make videos like this for you guys so why should you start a drop shipping store is this the right business model for you i recommend drop shipping for those that are just starting out selling online that don't want to invest any money up front that you want to start a side hustle and the great thing about drop shipping is that you can do it from anywhere in the world you can target the united states and be in a completely different country and then you don't have to worry about inventory or shipping products yourself in this video you will learn how to find winning products to sell to find your niche you're going to learn how to create a free logo and name i'm also going to show you guys how to set up a free online store zero dollars monthly that you guys can use i'm also going to show you guys how to add the products to your online store how to fulfill your drop shipping orders once an order is placed how to market your online store for free never buy ads guys and i'm also going to go over this one thing that a lot of people don't go over which is kind of just the legal side of drop shipping and the tax basics of drop shipping which it's not going to be advice with that point i'm just going to tell you guys what i personally did nothing in this video is actual legal advice this is just what i personally did so let's find a product to sell and let's figure out what your niche is going to be so i utilize a couple different ways and you guys can do this either on your cell phone on your smartphone or you guys can do this on your computer it doesn't really matter and when i'm researching products to sell i use tech talk i use aliexpress and alibaba to research i use amazon just to see trending products and then i also use google so you're gonna be using these four things today that you guys can all do from your laptop or phone so what is drop shipping i'm gonna talk about this quickly just for beginners that are unsure about the drop shipping model so a customer will place an order on your website on your online store in order for 200 obviously we don't work with these big numbers typically they're smaller products but this is just an example so the customer places an order on your store for 200 and then you're going to go to your supplier you're going to find this product online for cheaper so you're going to charge 200 in your store for this product but you found a supplier that has it for 150. so you're going to place the order for your customer for 150 you're going to take their 200. instead of you shipping the product the supplier is going to ship the product and then the supplier ships the product directly to your customer so your store is just the middle man between the customer and the supplier and for doing this you get to keep 50 profit of this sale so if you guys are familiar with my channel i always say it's 25 the product and 75 how you market it so the questions to ask yourself is how entertaining is this product can you relate this product to your own life what content can you actually create with this product and how much content can you create with this product because the marketing side of it is more important than the product itself so the top niche categories for 2022 and probably beyond 2022 is beauty pets technology kids gifts photography and fitness i'm going to show you guys a couple of examples and let's dive right into this tutorial and i'm going to show you guys how you guys can find products to sell in 2022 so i want you guys to go on to google and type in tick tock trend discovery we're going to search for that right now so it's this one right here trend discovery hot content on tick tock click on this tick tock is definitely the most popular social media right now meaning that there are people that are running ads on it although we are not going to run ads on it because we don't have to tic talk shows your videos without you having to pay for ads that's the beauty of tick tock so but we're still going to use what people are running ads as just as a reference to see so i'm just going to click select all here i'm gonna select united states because i personally target the united states when i was drop shipping and then go ahead and just scroll down and we're gonna try to see and look for products and you guys can see a lot of these um people i think they're selling mostly digital products or apps so you guys can get a lot of different ideas of things that people are selling on tick tock and what people are actually buying ads for even though you're not going to buy ads what's crazy is that all of these things the people that they bought these ads they didn't have to do this because tick tock pushes out your content if you have good content it'll push it out this is actually the type of product i recommended in one of my previous videos on my youtube channel people really love anything that you can create content-wise that's something satisfying and that also adds value which is why i love this person's content how they're promoting this product again they could have did this without buying ads and could have made their business viral without buying ads which is how i grew my business on tech talk but you guys know that if you've watched my other videos i don't recommend buying ads because it does harm your profit margin and i talk about this more on my youtube channel if you guys want to get a reasoning of why i don't agree with buying ads so i found this smart hula hoop on tick tock it was a trending item so i decided to look into this product and because this stuck out to me as a drop shipping product i decided to base this video on this product today just as an example to show you guys now obviously with this kind of product you do have to show your face because you're showing off a fitness type product as you guys can see there's so many products across tick tock that you guys can still sell without showing your face if you guys are unfamiliar with my business this is my e-commerce story bo

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