I TRIED Earning $600 Per Day Typing Names (Google 2024)

welcome or welcome back to my I tried it series where I try outside hustles found here on YouTube to see whether or not they actually work and whether you can make a little bit of extra money from them now today I'm trying out one specifically recommended to me from a subscriber from the channel called money Mentor now this video specifically discusses how you can bring in up to $600 per day simply by typing in names so without further Ado you guys let's get into it earning up to $600 each day but just inputting names on online how incredible is that here's how it works then you will receive money from writing one word or one name such as Mel and Bill this is an excellent opportunity and here is your potential income you may receive $20 for typing PES of names $100 for typing five pages and $400 each day for typing 20 Pages the best aspect is that there is no limit you may earn as much money as you want by typing as much as you want can see that by utilizing the calculator in this website we can estimate the amount of money you can earn from this brand new possibility pay close attention to the word rate which in this case is 10 cents every word typed for instance here is the first page of the project here is the second page and here's the third page and each of these Pages contains approximately 300 words as we scroll down a total of 300 names are shown in other words you can earn $20 by simply inputting names on this website you can receive up to 20 pages per day which implies that you can easily make up to $400 or even $600 per day by typing names on this website first and foremost we want you to go to this website Talent desire.com where you may work from home and earn money online without spending a dollar so the first step is going to that website called Talent desire.com I'm just going to go and click on Google here type that in and it is pulling up here really quickly I'm just going to select that website the first thing I do notice about this website is that it is filled with ads which is typically sort of sketchy for a job website however let's keep going as you can see by scrolling down they offer a range of options to work from home on this website you can find a variety of employment opportunities including online proof reading freelance blogging language translation and online page surveys however we will focus on online typing jobs in this video because it is one of the simple plus tasks and it requires neither experience nor technical expertise this page displays the online typing job you can make anywhere from 13,500 and $27,000 annually it is a fantastic chance for individuals from all around the world to earn money now depending on your ability level you'll be compensated differently ranging from beginners to professionals go to ratat type.com which is the main page of the website where you can take take a free typing test okay I'm just going to go over to ratat type.com before I keep moving forward and forget so let's go ahead and type in ratat type.com and it did pull up that website here it is the same exact website so let's go ahead and keep watching and click this yellow icon you will then be directed to a page where you can begin typing on your mobile device or PC this website will present you a certificate upon completion of the test which is why we encourage you to take it you can now obtain this certificate for free and we will demonstrate how in this video a typing certificate will enhance your sales and earnings per page which is why you need one you must have the certification this is the best secret because if you have the certificate proving that you can type you will be accepted much more quickly and it will have more high paying connections and unlimited career opportunities okay so this video is discussing the certificate that you can get with ratat type.com that's completely free it's a typing certificate that will help help increase your chances of getting this job online okay so I went ahead offscreen and completed my free account sign up and then I went ahead and did the free certificate as well what I did is just go in and follow those prompts to get their certificate so you're going to type in and it's going to calculate your typing speed and you're typing word proficiency and accuracy and then it is going to give you that free certificate like this video says so now that I have that let's continue on with the video will be displayed below here are our actual outcomes now that you have the results scroll down and sign up for a free account and you can anticipate significantly increased compensation after obtaining the certification you can apply for this job therefore let us navigate to Talent desire.com scroll to the bottom of the page and click this red button that says apply now you will then be directed to this page where you can begin the application process now once you reach the page scroll below to see the following choose an application and then click this red link and you will be directed to this page which has an online application for work from home scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the red link that reads apply and work for us by providing your information accepting the privacy policy is the first step followed by entering your first and last name email address and phone number click I am not a robot followed by the submit button once accepted you can begin receiving typing jobs such as this one where you can earn $20 for just 300 words here I am back on Talent desire.com I'm just selecting one of these job titles here I'm going to follow the steps like it says and again I'm seeing a lot of ads but I'm having to overlook that it looks like this is the same thing as the video I'm watching so all the way down here at the bottom where it says apply I'm just going to click that and then I have to click again on the online form to fill out then I just need to go ahead and fill it out it's asking for basic information I'm typing that in and then for the job title I'm just going to put online writing title and then select in all day like the video suggested I'm available I'm self-employed I'm going to agree to those terms and conditions and select apply and that's it for today okay it's been a couple of days I haven't received an email from Talent desire.com at all I didn't even receive an email accepting the application saying we received your application nothing I didn't receive anything and from there I don't really know where to go as far as following this video because then the video just ends when it comes to applying for the talent desire.com I didn't even have a need for that typing certificate it didn't even have a place to input that anywhere however I still find that website to be valuable even though I believe the talent desire.com isn't even real because it was so full of ads I'm not even really sure that that's something worth looking into however I do know that there are other typing online jobs

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