Make Money Online

How To Start Amazon Affiliate Marketing For Beginners – Us$2850/week Amazon Associates Free Course

[Music] imagine a business model that requires no inventory or startup capital a business model that allows you to partner with the biggest internet retailer in the world this business model can be operated from anywhere across the globe and it can generate cash flow that's lifechanging around the clock and in perpetuity sounds pretty amazing right it's real it's called the Amazon associate program and amazingly it is a free to use affiliate program where you can promote and market products sold on Amazon and get a commission that ranges anywhere from 1 to 10% off the sale that you help to generate for Amazon so today in this video I'm going to explain what is the Amazon affiliate program how the affiliate program works with practical related examples and how much the Amazon affiliate program pays and what you will be able to earn per product category I'm also going to share how you can continue to earn for as long as 24 hours after someone clicks on your link and even 90 days after the initial click I will obviously share how you can sign up on the Amazon affiliate program considering the criteria and I'll share a strategy to get approved quickly if you do decide to go down this route to make this kind of money this is part one of a three part free course that will be shared here on YouTube that will teach you how to leverage Amazon Associates to make $2,850 a week now Parts two and three will be posted on this channel at later date and when they are posted I'm going to go back and Link in this video description those two parts so that you can easily get access to them in exchange for sharing this course free on YouTube I'm going to only ask one thing of you and it's not that you like or subscribe that's really up to you it's that you do not do this just in your spare time I want you to treat it as a priority and give it 100% or at least as much as you give your 95 job or whatever it is that you do for work or for money give it that much effort that way you don't become one of those people who say making money online is not working out for you while other people out there are using these strategies to Achieve Financial Freedom no I want you to be a part of that 5% who are able to leverage a lot of what is shared online about making money that other people are using to make money to set you up for financial success and you know why rock stars because you deserve to live in abundance and if you agree with me just write abundance in the comments welcome back and thank you so much for your support in this video here I created a faceless product review using AI with my AI cloned voice you need to go check it out because that technology is mindblowing and amazing but in that video I had asked you if you wanted me to create a tutorial about making money with Amazon affiliate and if you wanted me to you should have written do video in the comments well this is me doing that video because rock stars you asked and I answered so that said what is Amazon affiliate marketing the Amazon affiliate program is one of the largest and most successful online affiliate programs out there by signing up to this program you can actually create links and earn referral fees or commissions when customers click on your links and buy products on Amazon it's a simple as that it's free to join but it does require approval but I'm going to tell you how to get your approval and how to get it pretty quickly later on in this video so stay tuned for that and on that note let's talk about how does Amazon affiliate work and I'm going to give you a practical example if you go online and search Google for best air fryers and you found this website called that compares six of the best air fryers out there as you go through the content as I'm doing here you will see Links of where to buy these air fryers when you click the link which by the way is an affiliate link you will be taken to an Amazon listing and if you purchase that air fryer the owner of the website all recipes would earn a commission now rockstars I know this because at the top of the post it says if you make a purchase using the links included we may earn commission this is actually required by law that you State this well by Amazon which they have their own laws and if you go against what they require you can get blocked but you need to disclose that you may earn commission if the readers make a purchase using your link that way they know that you stand to gain something and I think it protects people from biased information because if you know that if you click the link and buy somebody May gain something from it there could be some amount of skepticism as it pertains to this person doing it to earn as opposed to doing it and being authentic and validating what it is that they share so it's to protect the consumer in essence the Amazon affiliate program helps content creators Publishers bloggers social media influencers to monetize their traffic and give them an additional income Source that's actually passive because once you put those links out there even if people are clicking on them 5 years from today and making a purchase you are going to earn money now you need an audience to refer people to Amazon right that's like a no-brainer and I'm going to also show you later in the video how to get an audience and it doesn't need to be hundreds of thousands of followers absolutely not I have coached persons who have less than a thousand subscribers on YouTube that are making anywhere from $100 to $800 per month in Amazon commission you just have to differentiate your offering with a strategy that I'm going to share later on now you may hear people talk about the Amazon influencer program it's actually an extension of the Amazon affiliate program because unlike the traditional Amazon Associates program that was launched some years ago which is primarily focused on website own ERS or blog owners that are inserting links and making money when persons click those links the Amazon influencer program is more tailored to those who have a significant following on social media platforms like Instagram YouTube Facebook Tik Tok and Twitter in this video I'm going to show you how to do both how to use the traditional blogs and websites to make money and also how to leverage social media platforms to maximize your earning as well now let's talk about how much you can make with Amazon Affiliates like I said earlier you'll be offered commissions that range anywhere from 1% to 10% and of course this depends on the product category and I'm going to pop up the latest commission structure here on screen for each product category so that you can do a quick screenshot and reference it later on so you know for example if you're going to recommend a tablet or a PC or a TV what percentage of the sale price you're going to earn in your affiliate commissions now most of the categories earn anywhere from 3 to 4% in commissions and I know that sounds a litt

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