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How To Quit Google And Become A Full-time Youtuber | @Jomakaze

hey guys welcome to silicon valley girl and welcome to new york wait marina wha what are you doing um [Music] that's not how you make youtube videos let's talk now it's going to be a bit weird we actually spent time with doma in new york and then we decided that we're actually going to film an interview when i'm back in the bay so let's call joma and let's ask him everything about his production and his youtube life i didn't want to start any channel but i just couldn't help myself so they immediately would say like wow i can't believe joma would do this i told myself that i you know i'm giving up as a youtuber i definitely think it's not necessary to invest at all in your videos it might not be funny but it'll look good let's talk about like i wanted to dig deeper into what your day looks like now how you're running your media empire so i like how you say joma like my empire it's actually not an empire at all i still don't have any employees like any full-time employees no seriously yeah it's it's all just me it's all in my head too like i'm actually a terrible entrepreneur because i'm just so disorganized and like everything is up in the air like yes i have like three channels but like i barely post on them sometimes and i don't have a good schedule and stuff like that so that's something that i'm trying to work on so my day is uh pretty different i have three types of days mostly like i have like my writing days where i just try to write like i maybe write like one or two hours out of the day and then the rest of it i'm just trying to be productive so if i run other channels i would like you know message other people saying hey is the edit done yet or like review their videos and stuff like that so i do all the editing myself still for all the channels also just for joe attack just for drum attack yeah and then for german nyc i have an editor uh sometimes i edit a little bit still but mostly it's uh it's an editor yeah so all the other channels i try to outsource as much as possible and when you say all the other channels i thought there was just three of them or you have more oh yeah it's not that many so so it's like german nyc yeah and then the other channel is called recall by dataku which is just a data science channel and then i used to have other channels that didn't pan out like there was a channel called six strangers where we watch six strangers video chat each other in hopes to falling in love and then we also commentate on that very much like tara's house or like too hot to handle it's kind of like a reality tv series but i kind of stopped doing that so you have an editor right like a contractor editor how did you find him yeah so he worked for me for like five years now so it's like even when i was a very small youtuber so he literally just uh messaged me or dm'd me and back then i didn't have that many people dming me so i i was still able to read my dms and he just asked me hey can i work with you can i be your cameraman so he was first my cameraman and oh note that he was 15 at the time no experience and he was just well he was pretty good like as a 15 year old he was pretty good and he's a great editor too so um yeah so i just worked with him more and more and then every time you know i don't have enough bandwidth i would ask him to help me and and then we just built that relationship and now he still works for me with um with german nyc and sometimes germa tech as well and what what about your scripts do you write everything yourself yeah so my scripts i write everything myself mostly uh sometimes i get ideas from my friends you know if they have like some funny ideas i'm like oh my god that's a great idea and i would i would write a little bit of it um i've done once where i hire like three writers and we would just brainstorm ideas and they and i would ask them to write like their parts but i don't think that works because um the tone is different they might not have watched as many videos like as many of my videos as they uh should have so but sometimes they have some great ideas like for example uh this is pretty niche example but in one of my videos there's a startup competitor called shader uh who makes um which makes that window shades so that wasn't actually my idea it was one of their ideas so i was like wow that's actually brilliant and and then you just worked on that video with them right on the shades video you worked with a team of writers exactly so i hired them off upwork and then we just had like a brainstorm session and we just do it for like three hours and but then i do the rest i do like the rest of the cleaning up the actual writing and stuff like that but they do give like some pretty good ideas and i think that's worth it how did you look for them you just typed in i don't know a writer for youtube no i yeah i just wrote like comedy writers and then i tried to find some um i don't do it anymore like i only did it once um surprisingly my friends are pretty funny so now i just get my friends to help me like for example my crypto trading video uh my friend who's really into the crypto space he gave like a lot of the good jokes like the it's amazing like like the i don't know if i can say it but the dick joke and then also you're turning it into uh nft or because because you wanted to sell it oh yeah yeah so i was thinking that i might turn it into an nft and also it's redeemable for the actual frame but i kind of fell in love with it so i might keep it for myself exactly i'll just keep it for myself because i do like to have like mementos uh every time i make a video so i might keep it until until i get bored of it and then i might auction it off got it so um editor and then when you're writing your own script how how do you know how to write is that something you've learned on like while being a youtuber or did you have any special education any courses that you've taken yeah um i think it's mostly just you know practice you just keep making videos that's uh fictional um i think that's a little bit different from other youtubers is that every one of my videos um it's just like a story it's not really real i think yeah i don't think i still don't think i'm a good writer though that's the thing and and i think i just have to keep improving by making these videos i have watched um courses uh do you know masterclass yeah of course like they make like really cool yeah i've watched a couple of master classes by shonda rhimes aaron sorkins so these are like famous writers and and yeah i kind of learned from that but in the end i think right now it's pretty primitive the way i write it's just like oh it's funny all right let's just write it down and then try to imagine it like how would how would look like when i film it and what's the process like oh you get the idea do you immediately start writing or you're like oh i just released this video i'm going to take a two-week break like what is your what how do you think about your sche

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