Make Money Online

How To: Make Serious Money From Home As A Woman (My Secrets)🤑🤫

number five is the one that's just blowing my mind right now you would make two thousand five hundred dollars a week ten thousand dollars a month and a hundred and twenty thousand dollars a year girl i am so done with surveys and other ways to make money that's not even enough to buy groceries i want the big bag and i'm pretty sure you want the big bag too so if you've been searching how to make money online how to make money from home you are in the right place because in today's video i'm gonna be sharing seven ways that you can make money and i don't mean one dollar or two dollars granted some of these ideas make more money than others but with number five you can earn as much as a hundred and twenty thousand dollars i mean there's money in these streets so if you're ready to pick up these gems then go ahead and hit the like button because you already know your girl's gonna deliver hi and welcome or welcome back to the channel if you're new here hello i'm vanessa and on this channel we talk all things earning more and building wealth and today girl we have a really really good one i'm gonna be sharing seven ways that you can make money from the comfort of your home yes girl you can make up to six figures in these streets without having to interact with people you don't like and with number five you can make up to a hundred and twenty thousand dollars number one is to work with amazon's audiobook company audible through their platform acx by becoming a narrator and helping authors turn paper books into audiobooks a lot of us don't have the time to read as many books as we would like to read and so we turn to platforms like audible for audiobooks and a lot of authors know this now and because they too don't have the time to sit down after spending so much time writing and editing and going through the whole book publishing process many of them are too burnt out to record their own audiobooks and that is where you come in girl number two is to learn project management for free on edx and then hop into a website like just remote and search for project management roles there are a ton of companies hiring project managers right now and you could fill in that gap and start making the big bucks number three if you're good with html and you know how to set up a wordpress website instead of working with clients one-on-one where you have limited time and therefore would make a limited amount of money what you can do instead is design website themes and put them up on a website like theme forest and keep selling the same themes over and over and over again number four is to set up a shopify store for knowledge based products information businesses are booming right now there's a girl called lamadei who's an investment banker and she set up this online store and called it the resource bank and basically she put up all the interview questions and answers that she used throughout her interviewing process to become an investment banker and just by posting about it on linkedin she was able to make ten thousand pounds in three months that's about thirteen thousand dollars and number five is the one that's just blowing my mind right now a lot of you have been leaving comments letting me know that you would like to see a podcast version of launch 12. and then i started reaching out to podcast producers and y'all these people charge three to five hundred dollars per episode so if you became a podcast producer and you produced a single podcast every weekday not even including weekends you would make two thousand five hundred dollars a week ten thousand dollars a month and a hundred and twenty thousand dollars a year that is a lot of money and number six is one that i'm trying to get into right now and not just because there's a lot of buzz around it but i honestly think this is the future and i don't want to be one of those people who miss out on where the world is headed and that's to design and sell nfts i don't know much about nfts yet but i know there's a lot of money to be made in it and so i'm taking a course to help myself get in first right put your own mask first before helping others but as soon as i have a good understanding and a good grasp of it i'll be willing to share with you all so let me know in the comments section if you want to learn about nfts cryptocurrencies and all the other things i spend my free time learning about and number seven is to become a tech tester before startups release their apps they usually try to get people to test the apps to see if they work the way they're supposed to work and that's where you come in imagine being paid just to push a couple of buttons on a smartphone i mean i just love the fact that there's so many ways to make money these days and we're no longer in a world where you absolutely have to go down the nine to five path to make a decent income for yourself and your family you have options girl so i hope you no longer feel stuck i hope you don't feel down but if you still do it's been placed on my heart to say a quick prayer for you father god i thank you for your daughter i thank you for the work that you're doing in her i thank you for showing her a new version of herself i thank you for helping her work through all the feelings that she's currently dealing with the fear the uncertainty the things that she's dealing with that she can't even tell anybody about lord i know that you're the one who sees us even when no one else can i ask oh god that you meet her right where she is right now i ask that you touch her i ask that you place your hands on her work on her business on her mind and that you bring peace to every storm in her life right now god i'm trusting you with your daughter and i ask that you give her a reason to come back and testify of your goodness thank you god because i know you're faithful and you continue to take care of us for in jesus name i've prayed amen remember that i'm rooting for you so please don't stop rooting for yourself and until next time take care [Music]

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