Make Money Online

How To Make $100 Per Day With Affiliate Marketing

in this video revealing how to make 100 a day with affiliate marketing more with that after the intro [Music] yo guys check this out welcome here into one of the places that we rented for the day we're gonna have a bunch of models and a bunch of epic things and content creators here to go ahead and collaborate and make a bunch of content and videos and whatnot and and i think one of the biggest things the reason why we're doing this by the way is to network with high-level people what do hype level people need they they like being around pretty girls what do pretty girls need they need a nice venue to go ahead and make content for their instagram right what do people that are creating content need they need kind of like everything a nice place and epic stuff that are happening in the background uh and one of the biggest things that like these high-level net worth individuals are asking me right because now i'm kind of like going through this path of just meeting as much high-level people as possible because of course you become the average of the five people you spend the most time with is mike how do i go ahead and for example make money right do i need to create an offer or or or um you know a product and yes they have you know a lot of liquid cash but many of them are just moving forward into like the content creating business where you know they put themselves out there maybe their expertise maybe they made a bunch of money in real estate or uh they're really good at body language or they're really good at you know fitness and kettlebells or fighting one of the guys that i was talking to i met him in marbella he is an ex-ufc fighter and he's like mike i have this program right i made a good amount of money like fighting but now i want to go ahead and sell this physical this actual product to the masses and i started telling them i was like you know what actually it's not about the product the product and the offer doesn't necessarily matter because the fact that that could change and if you spend all of your time creating a product and an offer what essentially happens is you could waste months and years of your life for product that might not even be sold which is why i truly love affiliate marketing why i do a lot of affiliate marketing why still to this day we make really really good money with affiliate marketing is because of the fact that whatever product or offer that you are going to go ahead and sell you don't necessarily have to create and if that is something that you know you don't like you can't sell you could switch it very very fast like for example just i guess last week i had all of my traffic which is essentially eyeballs on the internet go from one offering product that i was promoting and selling to a different one that i was promoting and selling and the beauty about that is when you do affiliate marketing and you own the traffic source you own the visitors and the eyeballs coming into your website your products offers and services you could switch it and divert that eyeballs to whatever offer that would make you the most money does that make sense now that's kind of like at a higher level things if we're going to look at things from kind of like the top of this villa looking down at you know this really cool you know pool the 10 000 foot view of the high level things that could happen when you get good at affiliate marketing because what affiliate marketing essentially is is just connecting people with products that they already desire and getting paid for it right so again let me use this example right now we rented this epic place uh if you look at the previous videos or the videos that follow after this in this kind of like epic villa with models and instagram model series here in barcelona spain you see that there's a lot of people that have a really good thing but they lack in another area for example this villa right this villa is amazing it's beautiful right but of course they lack in marketing material and they uh lack in content creators and models to essentially go ahead and create content here to promote this villa so that is their big pain point what else is another big pain point models okay you know those models on instagram they look all beautiful you're like oh my god how do they afford this right well their skill set is they're beautiful right but they many of them don't know how to you know do photography many of them don't understand videography many of them don't own epic villas so guess what happens they then look for people to partner with who are good at photography who are good at videography who already have access to like the really big villas right and then you have like the photographer someone who's very skilled has a high skill set but he's not good at networking he's not good at you know like sourcing high quality villas in like the epic locations in barcelona and mykonos and ibiza and all these places but he has the skill right and what he needs is to find an epic location beautiful people to go ahead and create content on all these three people are actively looking for each other right and if you're the person which is my friend damian who you've seen in like the previous videos and after videos who can just position yourself in front of the people that are already looking for each other you can actually extract value in terms of money networking anything right so how does this play into for example affiliate marketing well understand this all the products that you think people want you don't have to create why because so many people already have created that product like like it's so easy to create like another you know iphone knockoff just look at china right they're literally creating knockoffs of products over and over and over and over again but what is very hard to go ahead and implement is actually building the traffic building the audience building the distribution network getting the people and their eyeballs already ready to go ahead and buy something right and this is why when you see for example you know rihanna make a bunch of money uh like another one is jessica album make a bunch of money you even have for example kim kardashian nearly become a billionaire or kylie jenner nearly become a billionaire because what she didn't have a product she had the audience she had the distribution method and when she wanted to sell a product everyone was alright yeah i want to go ahead and buy that but the funny thing enough is she didn't even be the one that manufactured her own like lip gloss and whatnot she found an existing manufacturer that was already doing you know the lipstick and all of the lip gloss and all that stuff she just put her name on it and then they just started doing the shipping and handling customer service all that stuff and i think she only had a team of eight people really on her team everything else was outsourced and she made all this money just because she had the name she had the

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