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How To Get Unstuck

none of us are fired up and inspired and excited 100 of the time like none of us whenever you go through those phases just know this is normal this is normal this is part of the journey because it's part of everyone's Journey [Music] hello welcome to another episode of the shimi's business show um so I had an amazing question come through from one of our members called Synergy and she said this uh I want to share it because I feel like it's going to resonate with a lot of people she said how can I get unstuck when I don't feel like doing the things I need to do how often have you felt like you just can't be bothered doing the things you need to do but you just don't have to drive for it you don't have the motivation for it you just want to block it all out and just pretend it's not there how many times have you felt like that first thing I want to shower is this is completely normal because none of us are fired up and inspired and excited 100 of the time like none of us so if you are feeling like that or have felt like that whenever you go through those phases just know this is normal this is normal this is part of the journey because it's part of everyone's Journey for me I have gone through these phases so many blooming times and it is bloody annoying when you're in those phases um I remember for me last year I really struggled so much with this I for so much of last year I felt like I just wasn't in my stride I felt like I just didn't have the motivation or drive to to do the things I needed to do um I would come into the office I would sit at the desk and I would just feel a bit more like I don't know what to do like there was loads of things to do but I just felt like I just couldn't be bothered doing any of them I would just be sat there staring and and then honestly it made me feel so crap about myself because then I felt really unaccomplished I felt like we weren't progressing I felt like I wasn't building momentum I wasn't moving forward and then that kind of created a really frustrated feeling and that it kind of led to that whole place of feeling really stuck I felt so stuck um and I mean I remember it happening uh when I got married that summer I remember really kind of just I just couldn't be bothered I just couldn't be bothered I just didn't have the motivation I just didn't I'd lost my spark with with white with with work and actually I remember back then I was um at my uh parents my husband's parents house and um I remember making this little challenge for myself I called it Miracle month and I actually hadn't read the book Miracle morning I just randomly called it Miracle month um but I created this little challenge for myself to try and get my mojo back to try and get excited and inspired again so that I would actually want to work um so I will leave a link to Miracle month I still have it it's still a freebie that I share because I thought you know if I'm feeling this way I'm just gonna share this with everyone else but in this episode I really wanted to kind of unpick why is it that sometimes we feel so fired up and excited and ready to go for it and other times we just feel stuck and we just don't have the drive or motivation to do the things that we need to do even though we want the success we want the result we want to get to that place so even though we want that it's still just our actions are not lining up with where we want to go so then what do you do when you're in that place so for me alongside acknowledging that this is normal and you're just on this roller coaster one of the first things I do is ask myself why do I feel this way like why is this coming up for me what is really going on and so if maybe you'll find there's a particular task that you just don't like doing maybe you'll find that you just feel utterly overwhelmed with everything maybe you feel like you're at the bottom of the mountain as in you've got like so far to go you've got so high to climb and it feels so overwhelming that you're like no no no can't get started because it's just gonna like you just so put off by it so for me for example like last year when I was going through that phase of just feeling really unmotivated that when I ask myself like what is going on here why am I getting into the office why am I sitting down at my desk and then why am I feeling lost and motivated disconnected like what what is going on and for me a part of that was the my role had changed and I wasn't doing so much of the doing and I felt like I'd lost my place in the business and that felt really confusing and even though there was so much still for me to do I just hadn't really worked through or processed the changes I'd gone through and so we're still hanging on to that energy and so I wasn't I hadn't shifted gears and so I realized that and I realized I needed to do something about it I also realized that a lot of it came from like having kids and since having kids I am not gonna lie like my desire to work has decreased significantly I used to work all the time all hours of the day and when I had kids I it just became less important because something else became more important than my business and it was really hard for me to deal with that I didn't know how to deal with that and so again like over the years that's kind of come up where I've not felt motivated to work because I'd rather be playing with them um I'd be rather be doing stuff with them and so that's been a bit of a realization of okay how do I make this work um and so I think you can only really start up and pick this for yourself like why do you feel stuck why do you feel like you don't want to do the things you need to do you can only start to move forward when you create awareness around like why is this going on why is this happening am I trying to do something I don't enjoy doing so for example for me there have been times in the past where I've come up with ideas to create things and then I've stalled and I've stalled and I've stalled and I've just not been motivated to do what I need to do and then when I've sat down and asked myself like what is going on here why am I doing this I realized that actually when I tune into how I feel I feel like doing the thing the idea feels exhausting and it feels like it would just be overwhelming and it feels like every part of my inside is saying Gary don't do this Gary don't do this Carrie don't do this but it's just I I wasn't tuning in and listening to what it was like what I was saying on the inside there have also been times when I've had that feeling but I've worked through it and thought well what if I just give it a try what if it's not exhausting or what if it is exhausting I never have to do it again and so there have been times where I've done that as well and I've listened to what my body's saying and what I've been feeling inside but then I've actually realized that a lot of that is fear a lot of that was fear of what if I deliver something or what if I 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