Make Money Online

How To Become A Full-time Content Creator In 2024 | 8 Steps To Make Money Online As A Creator

hi I'm Anastasia a sixf fig business owner and a full-time Creator this video is the ultimate free course that you will need to watch to learn everything that will help you become a full-time content creator and our step number one is to pick your Niche or main topic okay I know you hear this a thousand times but you've got to pick your Niche it is crucial for your success especially as a beginner established creators can afford more variety of topics but someone just starting from scratch needs to be more focused let's take this YouTube channel for example when I started it about 5 years ago it was 100% focused on Pinterest marketing so YouTube figured out who my target audience is and it was showing my videos to the right people who were really interested in the topic and were engaging with my content if I wasn't focused on the niche YouTube would have no idea how to categorize my Channel at some point I added blogging topics then I added a bit more topics that are still connected to the first two like affiliate marketing and even videos like this one that you're watching now for beginner content creators focusing on one topic or Niche makes your Channel or social media account binge worthy and that's what all platforms value a lot they want to increase the time that users spend on the platform and when your content keeps people longer and they're opening multiple videos on your YouTube channel or on your Instagram account this is a great signal that tells algorithms to push your content to more people so no matter what's the social media platform as a new Creator you have to stick to one Niche this way everyone wins users get content more relevant to their interests you get the people who dig your stuff now step number two is to pick one platform and go all in on it some people say that you should use as many platforms as you can but I think and it's based on my experience too the best is to just focus on one platform when you're just starting trying to use Tik Tok YouTube Pinterest and Instagram all at once can make it hard to do well on any specific platform if you put all your effort into just one like Pinterest for example you're more likely to do well there you can of course diversify the platforms on the next step and use tools like Riverside to help you repurpose your content but more on that later when I started as a blogger for the first four months I was trying to get traffic from Google SEO but it is a slow process and new sites don't have any Authority in the first year so I found out that many bloggers were getting a ton of traffic from Pinterest I focused on this platform and it worked a lot faster than Google and in less than 6 months I was getting over a 100,000 monthly sessions of free traffic to my blog from Pinterest it was over 90% of all my traffic at the time and it was enough to get accepted to medine ad management company and you see here this is my first month with medine when I made over $1,400 in that month if you want to learn how I still get a ton of organic Pinterest traffic to my site I will link for you my free Pinterest Master Class up there watch it once we're done with this video so for me it started by going 100% Allin on Pinterest only when I was about 2 years into the blogging business I started posting videos on this YouTube channel now which platform to pick depends on what you like to create I started with Pinterest about seven years ago because it was the easiest platform all I needed to make for it was just images like these you can now also use short vertical videos on Pinterest but images are still doing better in terms of generating traffic to your website but let's say you enjoy making videos then think what kind of videos do you prefer YouTube is good for longer videos kind of like what you're watching now and most of my videos on the channel are longer videos if you like making short vertical videos using your phone you might like Instagram Tik Tok or even YouTube shorts long format videos on YouTube require more time and effort but they are great for long-term projects because it can drive you traffic from YouTube search for years just look here for my channel for example over 40% of all traffic to my videos is coming from YouTube search and as you can see here the main keywords are all about Pinterest which is great because it means I'm attracting people who are already interested in learning more about Pinterest marketing YouTube rewards its creators well and it allows you to keep earning money over time every video is like a digital piece of real estate that works passively for you for example these are the detailed stats for one of my videos which was published in October of 2022 so for more than 2 years this video is still getting most of its traffic from YouTube search all other sources of traffic on YouTube have gone down for this video over time like browse features but YouTube search traffic it's this blue line on the graph it just keeps going up and up over the years now Tik Tok is good if you're trying to reach younger people and you can grow quickly if you post a lot there however keeping up with posting often on Tik Tok can be tough and well you probably hear all the buz about Tik Tok getting banned in some countries anyway there is no single right choice of the best platform but I'm sure that you already have your heart set on one platform that you could start with the one that you personally know better and you use more often is usually the best to go for because if you're familiar with the platform you at least know what kind of content works best on it and what are the Trends on this platform and so on now the next step is to diversify platforms and repurpose when you have an established account built on one platform it is the right time to start adding more platforms to grow your audience but even more so to Future proof your business you never know what algorithm changes can do with that first account that you've built also over time people's behavior online and their favorite platforms naturally change so you don't want to be a content creator whose entire business and life depends on one specific platform you need to start diversifying the platforms and it's easier than you think you're already making content for one platform let's say you started as a podcaster now you could easily add YouTube as your second platform when you record your podcasts just put a video camera in front of yourself or record your online interview on screen and boom now you can repurpose your podcasts and publish them as long format videos by the way if you think that people don't watch videos that are an hour long on YouTube you're wrong there are entire Channels with tens of millions of subscribers like this one with over 16 million subscribers posting only podcasts that are between an hour and 3 hours long of course when you make an upgrade from a podcast to a video podcast you need to make sure that your video and a

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