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How To Actually Change Your Life In 2023 (Step By Step Guide)

we all experienced failure at some point in our lives maybe you didn't get that promotion you were hoping for or you didn't accomplish a personal goal you set for yourself but for some reason when it gets closer to New Year's we tend to be more hopeful and optimistic about our future self every single year when the January 1st comes closer I found myself making a bunch of New Year's resolutions as if it's gonna reset me and make me a completely different person since you clicked this video you're probably trying to change and you waited for a fresh start trying to prevent the same mistakes happening again you might even doubt it that you will actually change this year but listen to me till 2022 I almost never accomplished my resolutions I said I'm going to be consistent with the gym but I probably only worked out once a month I told myself to read every day but I probably read only three books an entire year I promise to cure my social media addiction get my screen time was 10 hours each day at the end of the year all I could see was regrets so last year I decided to break this back chain and actually work on the things that mattered for me so I decided to identify the problems and work on them in 2022 I worked on my bad habits one by one and at the end of the year I found myself working out consistently reading every day consuming less yet creating more 2022 really taught me that we're capable of change change is hard indeed and it requires a lot of sacrifice but I am a firm believer that we must suffer one of two things the pain of discipline or the pain of regret but the great news is once you establish your routine and build the required habits to reach your goals you get used to the pain of discipline it doesn't get easier but you get stronger and that's what we need this video is something I wish I had in the beginning of my journey because everyone talks about how to optimize things during your journey but no one really talks about how to start so today we're going to focus on waking up early working out eating healthy and building self-confidence if you guys wanted dedicated video for each topic just let me know when we decide to change our lives we tend to rush to transform our habits drastically but in reality those habits that we build took us years you're not going to master the rest of your life in one day so don't put so much pressure on yourself the most efficient way to change your habits is finding your Keystone habit which are the habits that are more important than others since there are correlated with other good habits for example in 2022 I noticed a pattern when I worked out I wanted to eat better even though I could have rewarded myself with dessert which I absolutely love I felt like eating healthy and high protein meals because I wanted to perform better at the gym I also slept better because once I got back from the gym I was oftentimes tired but in a good way and sleep improved my performance at the gym and exercising improved My Sleep Quality since it improved My Sleep Quality I had more energy during the day and also Focus which made me more productive and since it made me more productive I had more free time I could spend doing other things that I enjoy and this positive feedback loop improved the quality of my life drastically in the other hand when I did an exercise I was more prone to eating fast food and my efficiency decreased because normally I would have to finish all of my tasks till 7 PM so that I could hit the gym when there is no deadline I usually struggle with prioritizing and end up doing unimportant tasks till very late night in the other words Fitness is the Keystone habit that puts the rest of my life in place when I work out other things naturally fall into place I don't have to think about eating better or I don't have to force myself to focus on getting things done Exercise naturally pushes me towards my best self your Keystone habit can be different than mine but since Fitness seems to be majority of people's keystones habit let's dig into how we can build the consist Fitness habit for years I would start and stop exercise programs always telling myself that I would get back into tomorrow or next week but somehow tomorrow and next week never seem to come I was stuck in a cycle of inconsistency and frustration feeling like I would never be able to get in shape and feel confident in my own skin but then something changed I stumbled upon a YouTube video from Chrissy Cella she was talking how exercise can make you feel stronger confident and peaceful I always struggle to love my body and accept it I always dealt with eating disorders and body dysmorphia but I realized that I don't want to be insecure anymore and if I wanted to see any progress I needed to make a real commitment to my health I decided to subscribe to Chris's workout program slash app called evolve you and I started with experimenting and trying various workout programs and training Styles in the app this video is not sponsored by the way I'm just a huge fan the great thing about following a program is that it gives you a structure so you don't need the energy to create one and it makes me being consistent much easier than you think the app is quite easy to use you can track your progress schedule your workouts on the calendar and also there are a bunch of different trainers with different approaches so that you can find the type of exercise you enjoy if you want to be consistent this year with your workouts try various exercises maybe your type of person who enjoys classes or maybe you like working out solo just because I lift doesn't mean you need to lift you can do Pilates dance swimming walking anything you enjoy the key is actually enjoy the thing you pick don't focus on the calories you'll burn per hour if you want stick with it it won't get you into shape anyway when I started with lifting weights I was feeling very uncomfortable with being in the gym being one of the very few males in the white section can very can seem very intimidating at the beginning especially because you don't know what to do and also there's so many things to learn and even after you learn the movements correcting your farm takes quite a lot of time especially if you don't have access to a personal trainer there's so many times that I try to quit in the past because it was making me feel so insecure so this year I decided to really pretend to be confident at the gym I started with my appearance because it was the easiest thing to work on and also to fake I bought a cute and comfortable activewear that made me feel like a gym girl and made me feel confident and empowered I always underestimated the power of my workout clothes even now one of my cute activewear is being washed and when I wear something different I don't feel as confident as I feel in my favorite set even if you're on budget I highly suggest you to get active where that makes you feel confident and empowered in

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