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How I Read 100 Books A Year- 5 Tips For Reading More

are you someone who wishes they could read more but just can't seem to find the time or motivation I know I used to be as a kid I was an Avid Reader devouring books left and right but as I got older and got a smartphone I found myself spending more and more time on social media and less and less time with books but then I decided to make a change I set a goal to read 100 books in a year and last year in 2022 I finally did it and in this video I'm going to share with you the five tips that helped me to do it so if you're ready to ReDiscover the joys of reading and start tackling your read list keep watching as someone who used to spend hours scrolling through social media before bed I know how hard it can be to break the habit of using screens before sleeping bad but I was detrimined to make a Reading part of my daily routine so now when I was trying to discover the ways to prevent it I remembered reading in Charles to expert The Power of Habit this is the Turkish version that one way to change a habit is to swap it with a new routine so that's exactly what I did I first started with creating a charging station for my phone far away from my bed this way I wouldn't be tempted to pick it up and start scrolling then I place the Kindle next to my bed so that it was the first thing when I got into bed at first it was hard to resist the urge to grab my phone but the more I made a reading a part of my bedtime routine the more it became a habit now instead of mindlessly scrolling through social media I spent my time before sleep diving into a good book satisfying my need to consume content while also achieving my goal to read more it's actually amazing how something as simple as swapping one habit for another can make a huge difference in my life another great way to incorporate more reading into your daily routine by swapping your old routine is still so listen to audiobooks while you're driving or commuting many people find that these are the moments in days when they have some extra time but are unable to read a physical book because it might be because you get nauseous when you read in public transportation or when you're driving it's just not safe to read a physical book you know so listening to audiobooks loves you to make use of time and still enjoy a good story plus with a wide variety of books available in audio format you can find something that interests you whether it's a new bestseller or a classic Noble you can also multitask while you're listening to audiobooks whether it's your during morning commute or while you're washing dishes or maybe while you're cleaning your room it's a great way to make the most of your time and achieve your goal of reading more but since listening to audiobooks can be quite passive there are actually a couple of things you need to be careful about we can talk about in another video if you guys are interested in it so just let me know in the comments down below another tip for incorporating more reading into or daily routine is to try out different genres of books experimenting with different types of literature can help you discover new interests and find stories that you might not have otherwise considered for example if you have never read a mystery novel try picking one up or if you haven't read any poetry for a while give it a chance variety is the spice of life and same goes for books but reading a book can become quite expensive if you read a lot like me I don't know if it happened to you before but sometimes when I randomly grab a book and when I feel like it didn't answer any of the questions I have or solve any problems I have or maybe even suggested some solutions for the concerns I have I feel like I wasted my time and money because especially I have hundreds of books I want to read in my list I find myself thinking like I could have used this time and money for another bug I think someone in Japan said this but choosing something means give giving up something it doesn't necessarily mean that the book you read was a horrible book but more so it means that it wasn't a right fit for you maybe your current mindset or your current concern is not really aligns with that book so in the future you might enjoy that book but it was just not today but no matter what the situation is we want to avoid this happening as much as possible and for that I use short form short form is a service where you can discover hundreds of book guides the great thing about short form is that before reading any book you can use short form to get key ideas from the book to decide whether you want to invest your time and money into reading that book and also you can discover new books you have maybe heard of and you've always wanted to read so you can read the book guide first on short form and decide whether you want to read the full version in that way we can minimize the chance of us reading books that aren't really suitable for us also there are multiple genres you can discover these days I'm really into self-improvement entrepreneurship finance and money me and also psychology and the great thing about short form is that they drop publish new book guides and articles every single week so that you will always have something to read and also subscribers get to vote on what books to cover recently I have been rating the How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie which you can read free on short form it's quite interesting book so I'll probably read the full version of it and make a video about it so stay tuned to get a five day unlimited access and an additional 20 of discount on annual membership join short form through the link or use the link down description below and thank you short form for sponsoring this video reading multiple books at once can also help with boredom when you're reading only one book it's easy to become bored with the story or the characters or even the writing style but when you're writing multiple books at once you can switch between them as your interest in one phase and pick up the other one this way you can always find something that holds your attention and you will be less likely to get born for example it's similar how YouTube keeps you longer on the platform by providing a variety of videos even if you get bored and click off a video it will recommend another one to keep you engaged and wanting to explore more additionally by reading multiple books at once you can explore different genres writing styles and characters which can help you expand your literary Horizon and find new books to love for example while focusing on personal growth and development by reading self-help books you can also switch to reading novels reading fiction can provide a nice break from non-fiction and can allow you to explore different perspectives characters and also story lines it can also help the exercise their imagination and improve your empathy I feel like imagination is really important to be a creative pers

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