Make Money Online

How I Make Money With Affiliate Marketing ($275 Per Day)

this video is going to go into the specific strategy that i'm using to bring in six figures every single year in profit with affiliate marketing now i know just how obnoxious it is to sit there and talk about how much money you make online but at least i'm not sitting here in front of a lambo right but in all serious guys most of you would not take me seriously if i put out a video like this if it was something that i actually had not achieved myself you expect me to believe that so it's important that you know that this is the exact strategy that i myself am using to do this and it is working so let's go ahead and dive in and start talking about the strategy and before we start i want to give you a mindset shift i want to change the way you think about affiliate marketing especially if you're brand new so most brand new affiliates they get into affiliate marketing and they start trying to get one-off sales they start trying to get these sales and they'll get a sale right they'll do some work and they'll get a sale so they'll do a little more work and they'll get another sale and that's kind of the cycle that they get stuck in so they're getting sales but they're never growing a business and eventually they burn out and fizzle and they never come back to the industry again so there's a way you've got to build an affiliate marketing business so that it builds upon itself and each month you're making more than you did the last month and more than you did the month before that and you're actually growing the way a normal business would grow so we're going to talk about exactly how we do that the first way is using very specific products so as an affiliate marketer we're out there and we're trying to sell another company's product right and that company is going to pay us now you've got companies like amazon out there and you can see on the screen right here these are amazon's commissions you sell a laptop and you get what two to four percent off of that laptop that means you're gonna have to sell a lot of laptops and you're gonna have to consistently sell a lot of laptops right even if you sell 100 laptops this month if you don't figure out how to sell 100 more next month you're going to make nothing next month but there's a specific group of products that you can look for that actually make you money every single month and these are called recurring affiliate programs and we'll actually leave a link down below so you guys can get access to a large list of these programs that i'm talking about but what it is these are programs like email marketing softwares or landing page softwares or pretty much anything in the software world where people pay the company every single month so when an affiliate refers a customer to the company the company will actually continue to pay the affiliate marketer for as long as that customer stays right so if we've got a product that charges the customers a hundred dollars a month and you send a customer to that company they will pay you let's say forty dollars every single month as long as that customer stays stay and this can go on for months it can go on for years i've seen it go on for decades so one of the keys to building up and growing an affiliate business is actually picking products like this because if you can make two sales this month that means you've already got two sales next month i'm really rich so let's show you on screen what we're talking about here let's say in the month of january we get two sales right we've now got two customers paying 100 a month and we're making 40 a month off each of them that means that in february we're already starting off at a higher point than we did in january we've already got forty dollars plus forty dollars eighty dollars coming in that month and if we get some additional sales then we're gonna make money on top of that we can move on to march right now we've got let's say the 80 is coming in from january the 80 is coming in from february we add another 80 to our recurring income now we're starting to build up this business right and by the end of the year we can be bringing in 500 a thousand or five thousand dollars passively in recurring income from these previous customers we've sent to the company the second thing you've got to focus on if you want to build up these businesses that reach six figures is you've got to focus on the right traffic sources so we get traffic from everywhere online right if you're not familiar with this idea affiliate marketers are out there on facebook maybe they're on tick tock or instagram or youtube or any of these platforms and they're sending traffic to their affiliate links right that's how they're getting people to go click their affiliate links well let's have a peek here at instagram right we go throw a piece of content on instagram and it's there for a day and then the next day it disappears and it's never going to get seen again so we've got to put on another piece of content right and then another piece of content and another piece of content stop stop stop stop stop and we're always having to put out content if we want to be getting seen and getting people to click our affiliate links now this is one way to go about it but you can still burn out so let's have a look instead at my youtube channel okay and specifically the the analytics and how much clicks and views i'm getting on my youtube videos you can see right here this is a couple years ago on a different youtube channel i run for six months i didn't put out a single video didn't do any work on this channel i didn't even log into this channel but you can see right here from july 1 2018 through december 31st the number of views that i got every single day didn't go down it didn't even stay the same it actually went up a little bit you can see i was getting thousands of views every single day which was resulting in people clicking my affiliate links every single day and me building up an affiliate business every single day so youtube and google are search engines and the way that they work is they serve up content that you create for a very long time i can create something now and for years youtube will continue to show that to people as will google so this means that just like with the example with products we can build up a business that slowly grows over time right let's say we put out four videos in january well guess what in february those four videos are going to get 50 views each as well so now we're kind of starting from this point where we're getting 200 views regardless when february starts we put out four more videos and now when march starts we're gonna get 400 views which will result in clicks to our affiliate link no matter what and it continues to build up from there right we continue to build up this business that actually is growing because it's building upon successes from previous months how cool is that so i always recommend choosing at least one search engine to be in your

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