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Failed Entrepreneur: Why I Got A Job After 3 Years Of Being Self-employed…

two months ago i'm not sure if you saw but i made a video asking you all whether or not i should get a job it's been three years since i've been self-employed and i i was like seriously considering getting a job for like the longest time and i guess i'm making this video as an update because i did get a job so i'll tell you how that's going and like why i accepted this job obviously i'm not a failed entrepreneur like this title like i it's just for to catch your attention so thanks for clicking on the video but i do have like a lot of learnings i want to share with you because it's been such a journey this whole entrepreneurial thing so many like it's been super hard but i want to take you on the journey and share with you everything i've learned so that if you also want to do this too then you can do it so the reason why i was really considering getting a job was because like the entire this entire year like i have been trying to pivot my business so i did the pivot i was mainly working on a calligraphy and coaching business but now i just want to do content creation so because i said okay i'm not going to do coaching or calligraphy anymore that made my income go down because i'm not actively promoting those things anymore and i just want to do content creation and with content creation basically the only money i'm making is from youtube adsense which is about 80 a month it's not a lot like i can't live off of that obviously and like amazon affiliate sales which is like five to ten dollars a month it's like nothing right so it wasn't until i pivoted that i actually was just like thinking maybe i should get a job maybe it's gonna be better because with the whole youtube content creation like i feel so much pressure like i'm putting so much pressure on myself to make money and get things done and when i create videos like i feel like it's not fun anymore surprisingly calligraphy has actually been more fun because i think that's the thing with starting a business like the thing you do as your main thing you're going to put a lot of pressure on yourself to make money from it so it's not going to be that fun anymore that's kind of how it's been for me so i was thinking maybe i should get a job so that one i can have some more income but two like i can take a little bit of pressure off of myself on the whole youtube content creation thing and see where it goes and just like really have fun with it without putting pressure on myself to make money okay so i want to tell you more about this job that i got because i think i was thinking like if i do get a job it's gonna have to be a job that like i'm not just gonna take any like office job like it has to be something that's relevant to content creation so either in the marketing social media content creation space something like that and it has to be mainly remote because i've told you all before i go to like three different places each week like my mom's my dad's and my boyfriend's house so i can't really go to an office so it has to be mainly remote and it has to be flexible because sometimes i have meetings with my video editor for example so the job that i got was actually the job that i interviewed for two months ago which was the job that i talked about in my last video about like should i get a job or not so i did pass the interview and they actually hired me and the company is called isle and they make period products company so here i have some of the products let me just show you um this is the one of my favorite ones this is period underwear it's like that so you basically don't have to wear pads or tampons anymore and you just wear this and i have a couple more underwears i don't wear this this is just for the videos that i make for them they have like menstrual cups and reusable pads like this so it's pretty cool and i'm like into this stuff anyway so when i saw the job posting i was thinking like this is first of all it's a part-time job and it is a temporary job so the contract is for three months i do love the job so i'm hoping they'll keep me on after the three months it's already been six weeks and basically my role is to make tick tock videos and just help out with like social media in general so it's been really fun and um it is mainly remote i did go into the office two times and then they have a pop-up shop going on this week so i did go and help them with that but it's been super good so far and i think like i was talking to a couple of friends before i got the job and i was seeing how like it is such a perfect job because i'm literally doing the thing that i want to do for myself which is content creation but i'm doing it for another company so it's like me practicing content creation and i'm getting paid for it so it's like so good right also honestly look i'm like trying to go above and beyond i even got my nails done the color of their logo so obviously they'll keep me on because i think it's super fun but anyways i wanted to share some of like the realizations and the learnings i've had throughout this whole like should i get a job and then getting hired and then actually working in this job so one of the reasons why it's been super awesome and i guess this was kind of a forced thing i guess not forced but anyways like because i got the job and i'm working like 20 hours a week i do not have time for video editing so i hired a video editor about a month ago and that's why i haven't really been posting youtube videos because i'm kind of like communicating with the video editor and stuff but anyways so yeah i got a video editor and her name is anna and it's been so amazing because i feel like the bottleneck in me making videos has always been video editing because a video takes me like 10 to 20 hours to edit it makes my neck hurt it makes my back hurt and makes my hands hurt i do like editing but i don't like editing for 15 hours so it's been super awesome i hired the video editor and i feel like i want to create more content now isn't that amazing because before i would think oh my gosh i need to create this content but then i have to edit videos so now i'm thinking oh my gosh like i don't have to edit the videos and i can just make a lot more videos because making a video takes like filming a video maybe takes like one hour but then editing video takes like 15 hours so like i like making the video i can do some editing but like i don't want to do 15 hours of editing another thing is that i have been kind of experimenting with different side hustles now that i have a video editor and now that i have more time so you've probably seen on my youtube that i started to do pet sitting which has been super duper fun like i think i have other videos on pet sitting you can watch um but it's been super fun and then other side hustles i'm considering are etsy shop and also getting into ugc content creation because i've after i started working for isle i learned more about like user-generated content ugc and so i

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