Easy Side Hustles For College Students To Earn $500/week In 2024! 💰🤑🎓

hey guys welcome back to my channel and thank you so much for tuning in if you are a student and you are looking for a way or ways of making money online in 2024 then you've come to the right place in this video I'll be sharing with you five side hustles that any student anywhere can start best of all you can do this without having a lot of money or with some of this you don't even have to invest any money except for your time investing in doing the work also investing in more knowledge I'll be sharing with you all of this information as well as direct you to some of the platforms where you can get started for absolutely free if you are new here welcome to the channel thank you so much for joining us my name is Queen magani I share information on how to make money online and that's what you can expect to learn more of in this channel I don't want to waste any more time I want us to get straight into side hustle number five at number five the easiest side hustle that any student can do is app and website referrals I'm talking about everyday tools that we are using it could be absent websites for editing videos graphic design whatever field you are in there's probably an app and a website that has got a referral program the only way to find out is to Google type the name of a website or any interesting website that you use on a daily basis to find out if they have a referral program generally those referral programs don't require you to have any audience when you get started they don't need anything from you except for you to sign up to get your link so you can start promoting this is a great way of earning because there are no strings attached you promote at your own capacity at your own pace you promote your own audience you earn commissions for doing that and how you get paid depends on the platform but you are mainly paid per action taken this is one of the easiest ways of making money as a student it does work I do and commissions as well by promoting some of the apps and websites that I talk about in the platform actually when I research and found out about a platform to talk about I also research to find out if they have a referral program because it is a free way of earning while you are helping others you know discover these apps and website it just has to be a platform that you also believe in a platform that you have researched or you have used to know that it is legit at number four a free and easy way which is easy money that students can use to make money is by starting on print on demand yes guys this is an awesome opportunity for a lot of young people out there print on demand is a process of selling T-shirts without owning the t-shirts without handling the t-shirts you can sell mugs and cups different items that you can sell without ever handling them without ever printing them without ever shipping them how it works is you sign up to a print on demand platform and let me tell you there are so many platforms that work I've shown you on the channel different platforms that I use to sell items that I never handle you simply go and sign up upload your designs and those designs will be placed automatically on different merchandise that is on the platform and yeah guys there's not a lot of work to do except you need to research create designs upload your designs consistently and you can start a t-shirt business for absolutely free with print on demand check out the video in my description box down below to learn more about this way of earning money as a student one of my new print on demand discoveries is a platform called Teespring which I think is youthful you know it can work for you if you are a student and you've got creative ideas I actually set up my store in December and I've already made my sale it was not a significant amount of money but I would have appreciated this amount of money as a student plus it is a way of showing me that it does work if I put in more effort I can make more money with this platform so there are so many print on demand platforms that I will leave in the description box for you to check out next on the list is freelancing yes guys freelancing is an awesome way for students to make money now if you are a student you might already have a skill that you've acquired in high school or maybe you've acquired in college and of course you can always learn new skills freelancing is an awesome way you can connect to other students or to other people worldwide I recommend freelancing on Fiverr because that's where I find a lot of student friendly jobs or tasks that you can do without having to invest in Gears without having to invest a lot of money to deliver their work some of the freelance work that I recommend for students are works such as video editing graphic design photo editing anything to do with content production and all of that simply because I can see online that they are some of the skills that are highly on demand do check out platforms such as upw work Fiverr people per hour LinkedIn and many more for freelance work at number four we have Tik Tok ugc now if you are young if you're in college you probably already use Tik Tok if you don't I'll would suggest that you do use Tik Tok you know because there are so many opportunities that you can start and one of the best opportunities that you can start is creating user generated content user generated content is simply content where you promote different brands it could be promoting their products promoting their apps and so on but you do this on TiK ToK by recording videos telling people about this product and so on while doing research I realized that there are college students who are making even up to $88,000 a month by creating user generated content so when you're starting out you can start you know negotiating your way from $30 a video $60 a video and build your way up as you build a profile but yes of course this does require you to do a bit of recording of videos or recording products recording your face and so on I would say if this is something that would interest you don't be afraid to approach Brands as well brands that align with your your passions your beliefs that align with the products that you use on a daily basis you can approach them to create content for them and it is highly rewarding trust me last on for this list is user testing user testing is simply testing out websites and applications that are on beta sometimes they might have been released to the markets they are already published we're already using them but companies always want to find out if the websites they're designing apps and softwares they're designing serve the purpose that they're designing it for they want to find find out how they can improve these apps and websites and so they are willing to pay people to test them out and how it works is you sign up on a ux testing platform you will tell them the type of devices that you can use the country where you are and whenever there is a 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