Earn $700 Watching YouTube Videos for FREE (Make Money Online 2024)

so this free app claims it will pay over $700 to watch YouTube videos for free but me and you we're smart we both know that these apps don't really pay a lot of money so that's why in this video I want to show you three different ways to get paid while watching YouTube videos the first one is going to be all about these different apps but then I want to show you different strategies on how you can set up systems to make money while watching YouTube videos and the third method is my favorite one and you will see exactly why but first let's begin with these apps that again claim they will actually pay you to just watch YouTube videos the very first one is cashstar.com you see cash stars is this free platform where you can get paid to watch YouTube videos search Google play video games and do all sorts of different things one of them is watching YouTube videos and the reason they will pay you to watch YouTube videos is because they will be showing ads to you while you're watching those videos so they will just split the ad Revenue with you so you can just apply by entering your name and email address and join the priority weight list the second app number list is earnably and earnably will essentially give you gift cards for playing video games for completing offers and for watching YouTube videos they have a bunch of different offers they're available worldwide it's free but it doesn't really pay a lot that's why you would have to combine multiple apps if you're going to be using this first strategy but then I'm going to show you again two more strategy that have strategies that have nothing to do with these quick apps anyways another quick app that you can use is creation rewards. net this is another one that has been around for a while and it's an app where you can get paid to do daily surveys watch videos search websites try offers and much much more and you can just register for completely free by entering your email address and password and then just agree to the terms of service here now another app that you can install which is only available for Android so if you have an iOS it's not going to work but it's tube pay and essentially gets you paid to watch yourtube videos and then you can withdraw your money with PayPal and other payment options are also available there's also insta GC which stands for instant gift card and at instagc.com you can sign up for completely free and you can get paay to complete surveys watch YouTube videos shop online and search Google so they're essentially just paying you and they're splitting the ad Revenue with you so that's how both the app the website is making money and you are making money but again it's not going to be a lot now another app that you can install which is only available for Android is watch to earn and this is another cash earning app where you can also withdraw your money with PayPal you can collect coins which you can then translate into real cash and you can download this free app watch YouTube videos and make money again just remember that these apps do not pay a lot now another app that you can use is paid work now this one pays a little bit more because they actually have tasks to complete while watching ads and while watching videos but it also doesn't pay really a lot you can try it out you can sign up for completely free and if you combine multiple apps and you can buy multiple tasks that you complete on these apps then you can kind of get the snowball rolling and you can start earning more and more money from this free method now the second way that you can make money while watching YouTube videos has nothing to do with these money-making apps and what you would essentially have to do is you would need to find some paid link shortening service such as shrink meio and ESS entally these paid link shortening Services they pay when someone clicks on your link so the way this works is you find a long URL you find a link you past it here they shorten it and when someone clicks on this special shorten link they will be shown some ads that they can Skip and when they skip Those ads you will earn add Revenue so you will earn a commission from Those ads and if you go to the payout rates here you can see exactly how much you would be paid for 1,000 views depending on where those clicks are coming from and people don't really have to buy anything they just have to click on these links and what has that to do with YouTube well if you go to YouTube and you find like viral videos daily dose of internet has these viral clips that usually get millions of views what you can do is you can just copy the URL of one of these viral videos that have a Mass Appeal a lot of people would watch these you just copy the URL of that YouTube video and if you like it yourself you watched it yourself you can then go to shrink me. I you can register for completely free and then you can log into your free account so I already have an account here so I'm just going to confirm that I'm not a robot click on new short short link Bast that link over here and click shorten and now here here is my short link this is how it looks if someone clicks on this short link I will earn a commission 1,000 clicks can equal $22 depending on the country they're coming from and then I can track my earnings here this is dashboard where I can see the total earnings referrals and CPM and to withdraw my money I can just click on withdraw on the left hand side so now you will just have to start driving traffic to this link so what you can do is you can go to school or you can go to Facebook and you can join it from school groups for Facebook groups where people are sharing funny videos if I go to school and I type in funny I can actually find and discover a bunch of communities here so I can find groups where people are just joining there for fun and I can start sharing these clips on school I can also go to imore.com which is a platform that's being visited by millions of people and I can create a post so I've kind of shared a bunch of posts here I basically just go to new post I upload an image and that image can basically just be the thumbnail of that YouTube video and to download the thumbnail you can just go to YouTube or go to Google and search for YouTube thumbnail Grabber and you can basically paste the link of that YouTube video you can just download the thumbnail to your computer which is one press of a button so if I click on download HD thumbnail it's going to be onto my computer I can then go back to imore I can just drag and drop that here I can copy the title and once I copy the title I can paste that here and most importantly I can add a description it's going to be watch this video on YouTube and I can add my shrink mail link so I would again go back to shrink me I would copy my link just like this go back to imore and paste that link over here so can publish this to imur where it can be seen by a lot of people they see the thumbnail and they real

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