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Bulk Create Short Videos In Canva & Chatgpt – I Made 50 Shorts In 20 Minutes

in this video I will show you how to bulk create short videos like this they can be used on Pinterest Tick Tock Instagram and a short for a faceless YouTube channel for example this channel is posting only shorts with facts and its potential income just from Google AdSense is mind-blowing so I created 50 short videos with facts using AI Tools in just 20 minutes now I will show you how you can use chatpt and canva to do the same let's start with chatgpt I asked jgpt to generate 100 facts about relationships I used the first 50 in my previous video where I generated 50 static images for social media with canva and Chad GPT I will link to that video up there and in the description below and you can watch it once we're done with this video by the way did you notice that I asked chati PT to make the fact no longer than 20 words that's because we have to feed this fact in into a single template of the video anything that's too long would be cut off let's keep this chatipity window open on a separate tab as we will need all these facts on the next steps now we need to head over to canva and we have two options there option number one is super easy you can simply search in canvas templates for a mobile video plus quote and remember that we have to be very picky and look for a template that has a font large enough to be legible easily on a mobile device but at the same time always keep in mind that it cannot have too big of a font either because some of the facts that we generated in chargeupt might not fit in let's pick one template and then click here to customize it here is how to find the valkyrie feature in canva first search for the apps icon in the left menu then do a quick search in apps and just start typing bulk read and then the first thing that shows up here is exactly what we need now we need to add the text that chatty PT generated for us here since we have only one line of text we don't need the CSV file option it's easier to to just copy and paste the text here we will choose to add data manually and now we need to give our first column the right name it's facts and we will have to right click to remove the second column next just copy the fact from cha GPT and paste them to the First Column that's it one click and everything's done now let's right click on the text area and find connect data option then you have to choose the facts column and see we already have the checks ready just go ahead and click here to generate all the 50 short videos here is the result looks pretty good but pay attention here I can see that in several videos the text gets too long and it overlaps with the line of the template I could manually fix this by moving the text a bit higher but what if I have to update this in many videos that's not great so pay attention now because you can fix it with just a couple of clicks by editing your template and you don't need to restart the whole process from scratch by the way just go one step back in our Valkyrie process and move the text box slightly higher it won't look centered by the way with just one word facts but it's okay because in the actual fact that we'll have we'll have a lot more text now I generated the short videos again and this time it looks like we don't need to move the text around and adjust it manually on every second video because they all look perfectly fine the only issue here is that the videos look very similar with the same exact background in my other tutorial about ball creating images I showed you that you could automatically add different images and map them out as a unique background for every post again I will link to this video up there and in the description below so you can check it later if you want to know how it works for image posts but unfortunately canva doesn't allow you to add video files as a background and map them out the same way this only works for static images trust me I actually tried it to make sure that it doesn't work so you don't have to waste your time for this so when the videos are generated by canva you can click download as an mp4 file and make sure that you selected the check box to download them as separate files otherwise canva will try to create a very long video file connecting those 50 short videos so again if you want something simple we can use this first method that I just showed you but it wouldn't be me if I didn't try to make it more in interesting so how can we avoid that these 50 videos look similar because of the same background we have a couple of solutions here one is very time consuming you would need to find other video backgrounds in canvas media library and manually add them most of the stock video clips will be quite long so you might have to adjust their length to the size of each short video and on most platforms short videos have a limit of 60 seconds and if you are planning to use them on Pinterest for example the recommended length for this platform is just 6 to 15 seconds it means you will have to manually adjust every video clip here then also you will need to move the video to the back otherwise it will hide your text that's a few extra clicks that you need to make for every video and you need to make 50 of them right but don't worry I have a better idea for you and by the way it might be a great moment here to give me a like if you find this video helpful and subscribe if you want to see more of my videos in your feed what if I created an animated video template from scratch and then applied different color schemes to get a result kind of like this see here what we're about to create every short video can have its own color scheme and even its own unique font of the text I'm about to show you how to do this in bulk with just a few clicks first let's click on the right side on this create design button and start typing mobile video it will suggest this template with resolution that we need yes this time we will start with a bland canvas and this method through it requires a few more steps up front but it will save us a lot of work later here we will need to make the video a bit longer for Pinterest we'll need at least 6 seconds long as I mentioned next we will add the text box for our facts I can just say the word fact for now and I will place it high enough because as you remember we need to make sure that even a longer fact text will have enough space to fit here I think we need to make the font a lot bigger so it's easier to read it on mobile devices and I will add at the bottom my domain name just for Branding and for copyright protection we can also add some background color like this to make our short video look better and since it's video ideally things should be moving here right so for text we have some options to choose from my favorite animation is called typewriter see how cool it looks next let's see some more animated elements we're going to click on elements in the left menu then click on Graphics first and then search for pattern background

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