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Rebuild Your Self Trust And Launch That Business Idea

if you don't know what your strengths are if you don't know what you really care about if you don't know what you're really good at you're going to be dropping balls all over the place and you'll be hating yourself and thinking something is wrong with you but the whole time you had strengths and weaknesses but you hadn't sorted them into two different boxes and that's why I did the work of finding a resource to help you sis your lack of self trust is holding you back and we have to work on rebuilding your self trust because you know you know that you were made for so much more than what you're currently living in and you're asking everyone what you should do you're watching so many videos you're looking down on your own ideas because you think who's going to buy from me who's going to watch me who's going to listen to me and the reason is because you do not have self trust and I'm not even saying that to judge you or anything because I was literally you that's why I know what's happening your self trust has been broken you've made promises to yourself that you haven't followed through on and now you're in a place where you're like I don't trust myself I don't trust myself to execute you're thinking oh what if people see me at the beginning and they laugh at me because I haven't succeeded yet there's so many thoughts that run through our heads right before we birth what God has planned for us to birth but all of that head noise ends today because in today's video I'm going to share seven Secrets seven things that I did that I don't think a lot of people are talking about that help me build self trust so that you can rebuild your self trust and become the one woman you know you were created to be the first thing you need is to get clear on your personal why I didn't just become a confident faith-filled person overnight right I read a lot of books listened to a lot of podcasts wait a second let me grab one of the books right here on my desk one of the books that changed my life is this one start with why it's basically saying you have to be really really clear and honest with yourself about your personal why why do you want to Launch a business why do you want to make six figures why do you want new friends why do you want to be healthy you have to be clear on your real why do you want to spend more time with your kids or do you want to travel the world or do you just want to have excess money so that you can live in abundance even after paying your bills and investing what is your why and you have to tell yourself the truth because your why is different from my why if your why is because you want to spend more time with your kids that would inform your decisions because when someone comes to you with an opportunity that takes you away from your kids it's very easy to say no and if your why is to make the most amount of money and you have to be honest with yourself about that when people come or opportunities come that you know would not put money in your bank account it's easy to say no like setting boundaries is a difficult thing and if we're not honest with ourselves about why we're doing the things we're doing then we're all over the place we say yes to everything we say no to the wrong things and then after the fact we begin to feel bad about ourselves why did I accept that invit ation why did I get on that call why did I go to that place it doesn't sit right with you because you didn't think about your why before you took the action now you've taken the action and you hate yourself for it and you feel bad you feel regret you feel guilt and all of those feelings break our self trust right because you start to think to yourself well I made that one bad decision can I even trust myself to make decisions anymore but when you start with why you find yourself making more decisions that align with what your why really is number two is to set clear goals and the reason why this is number two is because it flows directly from Finding Your why when you become sure of where exactly you're trying to go what exactly you're trying to do it makes it easy to set goals that actually align with what it is you're trying to achieve I know we're living in an era where there's so much talk about manifesting and just sitting down and just visualizing what we want and it would just come but that's not really how it works I I'm all for having a vision for your life the Bible even says write your vision and make it plain I'm all for all those things but we have to turn our Visions into clear actionable goals there's a method called the smart goal method SM SM T if you want me to talk more about that let me know in the comment section but basically it means you need to set goals with clear deadlines and clear reasons and you need to have action steps that can actually lead to you achieving those goals that way the more of your goals that you hit the more confident you become and the more you would begin to trust yourself number three is the most important one get to know yourself can you trust someone who you don't even know think about it let that sit with you for a second there's a reason why we don't trust strangers there's a reason why we don't trust people who we just met but here's the Wild Thing a lot of us have not taken the time to get to know who we are we don't know who God created us to be who are are you what are your strengths what do you enjoy what do you actually care about what don't you care about because some of us don't care about certain things I know there are women who watch this channel who are like I really don't care about making six figures I just want enough money to quit my job or I really don't care about fill in the blank I just want this and that's okay you need to know what you care about as a human being what are your strengths what can you do what can you not do what have your friends told you that you're so good at what have your family members told you that you're so good at you need to sit with yourself for a second and I really don't understand how we think we can build self trust when we don't even know ourselves like we're walking around as women in our 20s 30s 40s 50s with zero self-awareness that's dangerous if you don't know what your strengths are if you don't know what you really care about if you don't know what you're really good at you're going to be dropping balls all over the place and you'll be hating yourself and thinking something is wrong with you but the whole time you had strengths and weaknesses but you hadn't sorted them into two different boxes because if you're busy trying to do things that align with your weaknesses you would be failing at them and thinking that something is wrong with you meanwhile there are things that align with your strengths that you're not even doing and you don't even know that because you haven't sat down to get to know yourself usually when I make a point as strong as this I don't like to leave you hangin

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