Make Money Online

Best Dropshipping Ai Chatbot For Beginners To Make Money Online (2024)

I don't really care what you're selling online but whatever it is this is probably the most important video that you can watch right now because in this step-by-step tutorial we will go over how you can add a chatbot and how you can fully automate process using tdo chatbot because you see no matter what kind of online business you have but especially in e-commerce and Drop Shipping people expect businesses to reply very fast and essentially be available 24 hours a day during the entire week and honestly this could be a huge difference between a successful and unsuccess u f online business if you only reply to your customers a few times a day and your competitors reply automatically all the time 24 hours a day during the entire week 365 days per year then guess whose business customers will use but don't worry you don't actually need to spend thousands of dollars on the customer service and hire a bunch of employees to do that for you because in this step-by-step tutorial I will show you how you can fully automate the process using TD chatbot and this is the exact same formula that complete beginners are using to make anywhere from $500 to $800 per day so you see to is this all-in-one AI tool that can help you get more customers and turn more website visitors into actual paid customers or clients especially when it comes to drop shipping and e-commerce now I'm going to leave a link to this tools you can try it out at 20% off but either way if you go to the product section over here you can see that you can essentially create live chats chat Bots email campaigns reply assistance and all sorts of different things that will help you boost your online business now if you do stick with me all the way until the end of this video I will share with you some Freight traffic sources and how you can increase your revenue and increase your website visitors using three absolutely free traffic sources that I'm pretty sure you haven't heard about before now to set up your T chat but you will just go to you will click on get started for free you will enter your email address password website link agree to their terms and conditions and just click on get started for free now once you do all of that that's going to take you to this page where you can infit your name select your role and select how you would like to interact with people that visit your website now in this case I just want to interact using website and live chat I quite honestly prefer to use this on social media as well because I'm posting content on Instagram and I'm getting a lot of views with Instagram reals so when people DM me I can set up automatic responses to turn all of those views and all of those DMS from Instagram into potential customers now you can just enter some basic details about yourself and now you can select where you want to begin whether you want to configure help desk that's essentially like frequently asked questions that people want to ask and you can just redirect them to the page where they can see the frequently asked questions and answers to those questions hopefully you can also set up email marketing Automation and campaigns and you can also enable AI support agent so if someone sends a question an AI Avatar can actually reply to those questions so they don't have to wait and that's why I said that if you have this you have an insane competitive advantage over your competitors because just imagine if someone had a business and they reply every 3 days every two days because they have actual customer service but now you're replying instantly because you have ai support so just select what you would like and then click on let's go and now you can actually set up a chat budet here so you just click on this click continue and you can copy your code which you can insert and easily add to your website now you can of course customize these chatbots and you can also help them answer your specific questions correctly at the left side you can select AI support but also AI chat Bots if you select this you can create one from scratch and you can even use the template that they have because they have a bunch of different templates that we can customize and you can activate the chant bot and it will help you potentially get more sales and you can select for example card booster template and it's going to help you potentially boost the sales that you get from those customers or from those visitors that are coming to your website so T is pretty much allinone tool that helps you earn more revenue from the views and from people that are already going onto your website you can also track analytics on the left-and side and you can actually see what's working and what's not working and when you see what's working better for example if chat Bots are working very well and are earning you way more money than before then just double down on that and see how you can improve now as I also promised I do also want to share three absolutely free traffic sources and three alternative ways that you can send people back to your website as well for completely free so that when they land on your website the chatbot can wait for them in case they have any questions and will try to sell or even upsell them more products and services now quite honestly the best feature of Dio is their new AI assistant lero which you can access by going to the left side and clicking on lero AI chatbot so you can help customers instantly with the AI assistant and lero allows you to reply immediately in natural humanik conversations or customers don't have to wait for responses it's also available in different languages and it's powered by various sources including websites Q&A sets and more you can just click on activate lero to activate lero AI bot simply add a link to your website and click on upload once you upload the link to your website you will be able to track the status and progress and really save cost because L replaces Live Customer Support answering up to 70% of customer questions in humanik language with no need for human assistance so you kind of have like an employee that works 24 hours a day all of the time replying to 70% of the customer questions but you first of all need to have people visiting your website in the first place and yes you can do ads you can do SEO all sorts of different things but here are also three additional ways that you can get some free traffic the very first one is using this platform called where people are sharing different articles and blog posts and this platform by itself is being visited by millions of people a month but it can also end up ranking pretty high something that you share here on the platform if you go to the stories section the recent story that I published the most recent one is about YouTube animation niches so I wrote this myself it's an 8 minutes read and if we go to the statistics of this article it actually got over 600 views so far just from medium by rank

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