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Best Way To Start Dropshipping In 2024 (Complete Tutorial)

hey future Millionaires and welcome to today's free course all about how to start Drop Shipping my name is Isabella and I am the owner of two six figure earning online businesses and today in this free course I am going to be giving you everything you need to start your Drop Shipping journey I will be sharing every single piece of knowledge that I have learned within the past 10 years in the e-commerce game in this single free course it has never been easier to start an online Drop Shipping business with these new tools and methods that nobody else is talking about on YouTube and I am so excited to share with you guys the most simplified method that is also effective so you can stop procrastinating and start your Drop Shipping Journey today there's way too many people on YouTube talking about Drop Shipping that really doesn't know the ins and outs of starting and running a successful dropshipping business there are so many fake gurus in this industry selling thousands of dollars worth of courses is claiming they've done business models that they've never done and you guys already know I learned everything that I know today from watching YouTube videos and trying things myself so I'm so thankful that I'm now able to contribute back into the educational space of YouTube when I first started my Drop Shipping journey I found ways to start with 0 I never wanted to spend too much money upfront before I started making money so I always factor in how to do the best things to get the best results possible all but also spending the least amount of money I I actually care about your pockets with the world that's always changing with how online business is done I knew I had to do a new updated free Drop Shipping course for you guys with all the updated best practices and methods that is detailed enough to where you can Master the game of Drop Shipping and will have the knowledge and confidence to get started after watching this free course the most important thing with anything in life is taking action and just getting started the goal with this free course today is to help get you guys through the most tedious parts of starting a Drop Shipping business so you can put more time into the things that really matter like marketing strategies and actually getting the sales make sure you watch all the way till the end of this free course because this free course doesn't just show you how to get started with vague information but specializes in how you can get the sales and grow your business longterm I will of course be sharing my own personal marketing strategies so here's what you're going to learn in today's free course I will be going over how Drop Shipping Works how to start an online store how to find winning products and fast shipment suppliers how to add products to your store how to get a custom domain and connect it how to fulfill and automate your orders how to start marketing and getting sales right away without buying ads I will also be doing a question and answer at the end of common questions that you guys have asked and lastly the mindset to win in online business people do charge thousands of dollars for courses just like this all I ask in return for the free education is just hit that like button for the YouTube algorithm And subscribe to my YouTube channel so I can continue to create free courses just like this as you know my YouTube channel is your number one source for 100% free education in courses now let's get right into today's free course so here's how Drop Shipping works for any beginners here you find a product that you want to sell which I'll help you find today you list it on your online store for a price higher than the supplier's price so let's just say the product cost from your supplier is $10 then the customer buys it from you for $60 your supplier then ships that product to the customer and you keep the profits I love this business model so much for beginners because this is a way that you can get your feet wet into e-commerce without making any big commitments like holding inventory or shipping things yourself you can start Drop Shipping as a side hustle so no matter how busy you are in your life you can have this online store and be running this business on the side you can commit a couple hours a day to this and grow it with the right strategies that I'm going to be teaching you in this free course so there's no excuses as to why you can't start so we're going to dive right into this free course and get your online store ready to go first now there's tons of different website hosts that you can use for Drop Shipping and I've tried a lot of them but in order to have access to the best apps Shopify really is going to be your go-to on this now if you do need to start with no money with 0 go watch this free course that I have on my YouTube channel and this free course will show you how to start with absolutely $0 but I want to make sure that I set you guys up for success and not just quick money and quick success but long-term success so the first thing you're going to do is click the link that I put at the top of the description box I have also put it in the top comment and once you click that link it will bring you to this page and make sure you use the link down in my description box below so you can get this promotion then just enter in your email address and click Start free trial it's going to first just ask you to answer some of these questions but you can just click skip all or just go through the questions they really don't matter much then just click your country and click next then just finish the sign up process and it will bring you to this page and right here is the Shopify dashboard now I am going to be showing you how to fully design your store in this free course today but before we do that I do want you guys to have a winning product added to your online store first this is the first key component to having a successful job shipping store so as you are looking for a product to sell these are a few things that I want you guys to ask yourself how is this product solving a problem and how entertaining is this product can you relate this product to your own life how much content is actually being able to be created with this product it's important for your online store to have a niche and if you don't know what Niche means it means the theme or topic of what your brand is about about here are the top Niche categories to help you brainstorm you can screenshot this or just remember to come back to the video if you're needing to brainstorm some more now as you look at this list and brainstorm other ideas I want you to pick a niche of something that you at least like or understand the target audience of just like for me I'm not going to sell a sports product because I know nothing about sports I don't know who that target audience is therefore that's just something I'm not going to do instead I'm going to figure out okay what do I understand

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