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3 Ways To Increase Traffic To Your Etsy Shop 📈 (How To Get Found + Make Sales)

as Etsy sellers we're constantly trying to figure out how to break through the market saturation and get our shops discovered it can be really disheartening to put so much time and effort into creating your products only for them to be buried on the 50th page of search results am I right well friend I've been there and I know how frustrating it can be which is why I want to come alongside you and help you out in this area in today's video I'm pulling back the curtain and sharing my top three tactics for getting your shop found and making consistent sales after 9 years selling on Etsy in a multiple sixf fig shop to show for it these three strategies together have worked time and time again and have sort of become my Discovery Trifecta if you will but enough talk let's get into it so obviously our goal as Etsy sellers longterm is to create the kind of momentum where we're not having to push our shop out that much but it's just organically being found by the Shoppers who are already searching on Etsy but in the beginning it can be really hard to get that kind of traction going until you actually drive some traffic first from external sources now what I mean by an external source is is a platform outside of etsy where you're going to be doing some marketing and letting the world know that your shop and products are available the truth is no one's going to know you exist unless you tell them about your store and share about what you have to offer so to do this we're leaning hard into this first strategy which is content marketing so with content marketing this can happen on a lot of different external platforms it could be a social media platform it could be a Blog it could be a search engine like Pinterest or YouTube it's just somewhere where you are creating useful and valuable content to be able to find and serve your Target customer I would say for the majority of us especially if you're just starting out and just getting used to content marketing picking a social media platform is probably your best bet so this is going to be any platform like Facebook Instagram Tik Tok there are a lot of different ones to choose from and don't feel like you have to be on all of them at once in the very beginning just choose one that you're either already familiar with and feel comfortable diving into or the one that you feel like your Target customer would most likely already be hanging out on so for instance if you're your Target customer is a teenager they'd probably more likely be on Tik Tok than they would be on Facebook in a reverse scenario if your ideal customer is let's say above 60 years old they'd probably more likely be on Facebook than Tik Tok so just think about who you're wanting to serve with your products and your content and where they would most likely already be online now once you get the hang of and get some momentum on your first primary platform then you can always establish a secondary platform so that you can widen your reach but don't get too overwhelmed with this picking one in the beginning and focus l in in getting really specific with that one is the best bet and then you're able to bran on once you've already gotten a foothold there so once you've chosen your external platform that you're going to be driving traffic to your shop from the key here is that you have a steady mix of different types of content to serve your ideal customer so assuming you've already done a little bit of the work ahead of time to know who your ideal customer is and who you're trying to draw in then you can create specific types of content that serve them that give value to them to help them engage with your brand so I like to think of content in two different buckets so one bucket is give content and one bucket is ask content with your give content you're giving value anything that your Target customer would find valuable or something that would add to their life this could be something entertaining educational aspirational it could even be something like a behind thesc scenes look at your business something that will really Intrigue them and motivate them and cause them to want to learn more this is all give content because you're giving them a peak into your brand into you personally or even with educational give content you're giving practical solutions to their pain points and struggles now this is seems of course like I just mentioned that you've done the work upfront to know who your Target customer is and to know what their struggles are and once you've pinpointed those things you can create content that serves them in that way now it's great to start out if you're just beginning with a lot of give content you want to give first and provide value to bring in your Target customer this is what's going to cause them to engage with your brand and your account the quickest but of course we can't make money as a business If all we're ever giving is this type of content so it's good once you have your shop established and you've got your products ready to offer that you're mixing in some ask content as well so this could be content that's centered around letting your audience know about a new product you have for sale or a discount code or a flash sale these could be straight up promotional posts or even an ask for them to join your email list or to follow you on a different platform to grow your audience there as long as you have a steady mix that's rotating of different types of give content and different types of ask content you've got the makings of a really healthy Social account that can grow and serve your target audience well the point of this remember is not just to grow an audience for the vanity metrics like likes follows subscribers comments but it's to eventually Point them to your shop and drive traffic to your shop so that you can really Drive some of that momentum in the beginning and get some sales going quickly in your shop which will then help your organic reach on Etsy itself the key here to growing on a social media or external plat platform is consistency I know you've probably heard this before but it is so true the more consistent you can be the quicker you're going to grow the quicker you're going to reach the people that you want to reach now this doesn't mean you have to be posting every day and just driving yourself into the ground trying to create all kinds of daily content but it does mean that you need to establish a rhythm that works for you a Cadence or a pace that works for the season of life you're in and that you can actually hold up and be consistent with for the long term whether this is once a week twice a week you can determine what it is but pick a certain Cadence or Rhythm and stick to it now a couple tips here after you've chosen what platform you want to be on number one is that you can research strategy and tactics that are specific to that platform so if I've chosen Instagram let's say the strategy that I need on Instagram to know

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