Make Money Online

Want Your New Online Business To Succeed? Do These 5 Things.

but seriously if you don't understand this one concept you will grow to hate your business it will not grow and eventually you will bitterly return to your nine-to-five job hey guys this is one of the most valuable videos that i honestly think i will put out this year on the channel and it's not a video that's going to get a lot of hype and honestly it's probably not going to get a lot of views but what it will do is it will shave off years from the learning curve and the pain that comes from building your first online business please please please stay till number one because it is by far the most important one that we're gonna talk about but because this is youtube and this is the way youtube works we're gonna start with number five and number five is to understand the learn apply cycle so i used to do a lot of coaching and i get on calls with people that were just starting their affiliate marketing business or different kinds of businesses online and all of them seemed to lean one way or the other they were learners or they were applicators okay and they would they would get stuck in this learning phase where they just bought course after course they watched youtube video after youtube video they listened to podcasts and this is where most people lie let me know if you're a learner down below because this is what most people are they're people that love to learn they love to listen and get all this knowledge but they get stuck right there and then they never actually start applying it and so while the knowledge is in their head they have no experience and they pretty much have no money or all my business because they're stuck in that learning cycle now you can counteract that with the other type of person and this is the type of person that i am and let me know if you're an applicator down below you're the type of person that wants to start it on my business so you just go and do it just do it you sit down you build that website and you start selling something now this is great right you're a doer but in my case and in the case of many applicators is we spend years years literally learning experiences okay learning through experience which is great and we learn better lessons maybe than the other type of person but in the end each of these types of people spends a long time spinning their wheels and going nowhere and so what you've got to do is find that balance where every single day you're learning a little bit you're turning around the next day and you're applying what you've learned and you're using it in your business and seeing how it works and you do this back and forth and back and forth and don't let your mind get stuck on either one of these and you'll see your business constantly growing number four you've got to master a traffic source every online business runs around being able to find traffic i can't tell you how many coaching sessions i've had where they have this killer product or they're this awesome personality and you know they have everything it takes except they have no eyeballs on what they're trying to sell and if you have the best product in the world but no one knows about it it will not sell so where most new online business owners whether it's affiliate marketers or agencies or drop shippers where they go wrong is they bounce around okay they start on instagram and they spend a few weeks on instagram and they get you know 100 followers and then they move on because it wasn't working that great they try facebook ads and they try facebook organic then they go try tic talk and then they try blogging right and a lot of you are probably nodding your head and let me know if you're nodding your head on this because this is a very relatable thing we all tend to do this and we don't go hyper focused on one traffic source i'm going to tell you right now every one of those sources i just mentioned whether it's instagram tick tock blog every one of them works so you need to pick one you need to pay someone to teach you how to do it that knows how to do it you need to watch youtube videos on it you need to become the master to where you can have an hour-long conversation with someone about that specific platform how the algorithm works how content goes viral and have no problem talking for another hour after that can we talk some more yeah i suppose the cool thing about this is even if your product isn't that great if you master traffic you'll probably still be able to sell some of that product and once you get the combo of the two you'll see crazy things happen now if this is something you want to learn there's actually a video right here maybe it's right here right here somewhere there's a video that you're going to want to watch that shows you five traffic sources that i'm using in my business that are free typically when you're new to all this you aren't spending a lot of money on traffic so these are the five free traffic sources that i use that work really well but let's move on to number three and this is something i still struggle with but i really struggled in the beginning and that is you've got to know your audience better than just on the surface level okay you can't just know the stuff like oh my audience is mostly females and most of them are 35 years old that's really basic stuff and it's going to help you go nowhere you've got to go much deeper and specifically you've got to know what their pain points are and what their desires are so most online marketers when they come to me and they're just starting and they show me hey can you check out my funnel or can you check out my landing page or this email that i'm writing to sell an affiliate product to someone and i'll go and i'll look at it and it's very surface focused and here's a couple of good examples they might see something like this right here they'll say hey do you want to learn how to lose weight okay and that's kind of their headline and they're thinking yeah that's what they want right they want to learn to lose weight but that's not really what they want right there's something deeper that tells you why they want to lose weight okay is it that they uh you know they want to look in their swimsuits is it that they're super embarrassed to go outside in a swimsuit or go outside in short sleeves because they're embarrassed of their body and you can help them solve that embarrassment and imagine how much more powerful your copy or your youtube title or whatever it is that you're doing will be if you target that desire right the deeper desire the real desire that's causing them to want to lose weight and you can use the same thing in the make money niche right you could say hey do you want to learn to make money online that sounds great but guess what there's another level deeper there's a reason that these people want to know how to make money online so you could say something like are you sick of being disrespected put down and ignored simply because you don't make enough money

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