Make Money Online

How I Make $80000 Per Month (Step By Step) + How To Start!

hey buddy and business family my name is isabella i am the owner of two six figure earning online businesses and today i'm gonna be sharing with you guys how i made eighty thousand dollars in one month i just wanna start off by saying this video is not meant to brag or flex you guys know on my youtube channel i love to see other people winning and i believe by being transparent with my finances and sharing how much money i make and just sharing all the details with you guys that i am able to help you guys and inspire you guys as well i used to love watching videos like this when i first started my ecommerce slash creator journey back in 2020 so i'm so thankful that i'm able to now be this person for you guys you guys already know i will never sell a course i never plan to sell a course and my education on my youtube channel is 100 free a lot of you guys always ask me why i don't sell courses and why i am committed to 100 free education i feel this way because if i can't use my blessings to bless others and to help other people in the making i really don't see a point and even having all these blessings myself a lot of people place their happiness in materialistic things but if you know me and you follow my youtube channel and my personal life on instagram you know that i have realized that that is not the sole purpose of happiness and i am just trying to fulfill god's plan for my life which is a big reason of why i made this youtube channel that you're watching me on right now if you haven't already watched my youtube channel i have a step-by-step playlist showing you guys how to start your own online business exactly like how i started mine along with so many other free courses and other videos to help you make money online and to help you guys become financially free so i know you guys are here to find out how i made 80 000 in one month so let's get right into this youtube video we were averaging 35 000 a month and now we worked our way up to then 50 000 a month and may of 2022 has been our biggest month yet hitting over 80 000 so i'm gonna be breaking down all of these revenue streams and how this is all added up income stream number one is facebook reels so i personally did not realize you could make money from facebook and when we started making money on facebook that was a huge surprise to me i didn't even know you could monetize your videos on facebook at the time so just from our facebook reels alone we made 34 196 dollars and i know it always says approximate or estimated but we've never received anything other than the estimated or approximate amount if you guys are wondering like okay like how are you doing this like what are you posting so i started taking videos of my dog in 2020 beginning of 2020 and my dog's account has blown up on tick tock as well as across other social media platforms as far as facebook goes i grew her facebook account by sharing her facebook posts to groups that are within her niche i talk about this in other videos on my youtube channel i'm not going to get too deep into each thing because i already have tutorials about this on my youtube channel but the facebook rules bonus was a huge revenue stream for us this month here's another example of a way that we make money from facebook and this is just from the past few months this isn't that much to make it its own revenue stream and we can make a lot more from this you guys could see this actually went down a lot we could make a lot more from this but the reason why is we're just not focused on it we're focused on reels right now because the reels are making a lot of money and it's easy this is monetization for videos over four minutes revenue stream number two that added to this eighty thousand dollar month is youtube monetization for my dog's account so with my dog's account we also have a youtube channel for her where we post horizontal type videos to youtube and we are monetized for our youtube views as well in may 2022 we made 5 273 from her facebook monetization that is our number two bigger revenue stream that i wanted to include for her channel so revenue stream number three is my e-commerce store in my online store we made around 34 000 just from that a big reason that contributed to my high sales growth for that month is i started doing tick tock live streams for my online business and that definitely contributed to a rising amount of sales that i had for that month and you guys know i never buy ads i have an 80 profit margin for my online e-commerce business because i do not pay for ads i do all my own videos and promotions myself a lot of times you see people showing these crazy analytics making a million dollars but if they're spending a lot of that money on advertisements and for example if you're spending thousands on advertisements or other things your profit margin is really low so that's one thing to keep in mind if you see these gurus flexing and showing all these analytics you don't know how much they spend in ads or other things so that's one thing to keep in mind and the thing with that is a lot of people that recycle information and sell courses on recycled information and they're teaching you just to buy ads because one they don't care about your pockets and two because that's the only way that they personally know how to market an online business to add on to this we were actually and we were under contract for a brand deal for my dogs channels for twenty thousand dollars and unfortunately this brand they had to put off the brand deal another month so we're actually gonna be posting that this month but if that brand deal would have worked out in the contract like we expected we actually would have made a hundred thousand dollars in may of 2022. there is a few other revenue streams that are smaller that are not really mentioned in this video um these are things like our tick tock views that we get paid for we get paid for instagram views as well but i didn't want to go through each each thing because honestly even i lose track sometimes because there's a lot of different smaller revenue streams that we have as well we also have an e-commerce store for my dog which is not mentioned here we actually um don't have any more of her plushies that i manufactured in stock at the moment so we haven't really been having a lot of sales on my dog's e-commerce store as of right now but her creator side of monetization has been doing amazing and again guys you can do so many things like without even showing your face a lot of people think like oh in order to be monetized or to have like a famous account or something you have to show your face or you have to be a famous creator and that's just not true there's so many youtubers across youtube that have faceless channels that you guys could do too if you're not somebody that wants to show your face and you guys can see there's so many revenue streams that come along with content creation and just like how i get paid for tick

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