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6 Steps I Would Take If I Had To Start My Business All Over Again

remembering that this is my life and it's not a dress rehearsal I don't get a chance to do it over again when I get to the end of it makes me think well I might as well just blow and do it and just see what happens [Music] hello I have not filmed a podcast sat on my desk like this for quite a while but you know what it's a blue sky outside and yesterday I was doing a live session inside of my membership and Amanda asked a brilliant question she said if you were starting all over again what would you do and I was like you know that's gonna make a really great episode on the podcast so I'm gonna film it so I just thought I'd sit down today and I wanted to share this I want to share what I would do if I was starting a business from scratch tomorrow um the steps that I would take I know so many of you are in that phase of starting a business and um wanting to know what are those things you should be focusing on when you're starting a business so let's dive into it um so if I was starting a business from scratch um or starting all over again honestly the first thing that I would be doing would be dreaming I would be like if I was for example tomorrow like all of a sudden my business did not exist the first thing I will be doing is dreaming and thinking about what could I make happen what do I want to make happen I think it's also really important when you're at the beginning of starting a business to really think about the kind of life you want to live because really what is the point in building a business if it's not going to help you to live the life you want to live um at some point in the future um so I think it's really important to to kind of dig into that so giving your space self and giving yourself space to dream and to connect with yourself to tune in to see what ideas are coming up um and to really get intentional about what does my dream life look like and what would my dream business actually look like and just starting there just starting to ponder on that the the other thing that I would be doing um like you know next to that is working on myself for me this is so key when you're starting any business or quite frankly you know anything in life I think working on yourself is so important because it's so easy to come up with ideas and then to feel like you're an imposter to feel like you're not good enough to feel like you're a fraud they're so it's so easy to knock yourself and then feel like you can't do it you're never going to make it happen or people like me can't make this happen it's too easy so I would be really working on myself on making sure that I feel like really strong in myself and I feel like I can do it so for me when I do that in a work things that really kind of get me going and helped hit me over the edge with my ideas are remembering that this is my life and it's not a dress rehearsal I don't get a chance to do it over again when I get to the end of it so that helps me to make more courageous decisions and makes me think even though there's fears or oh yeah but maybe it's not a good time right now that thought of this is it it's not a dress rehearsal makes me think well I might as well just blow and do it and just see what happens it always gives me that like courage to go for it with my crazy ideas so I would be like working when I say work on myself it's you know it is just kind of tuning in with those thoughts and watching you know personal development things or you know even if it's just on YouTube or listening to podcasts or anything that are on you know how to become the most successful version of yourself how to step into the version of you you need to be in order to create success I'd be listening to all sorts of stuff like that or reading books and just really really thinking about who do I need to be in order to build a wildly successful business I'd be tuning in with that or to just become the most successful version of myself you know there's Clues everywhere you Tony Roberts talks about this all the time just model other people who have done what you want to do what are they doing how are they behaving how are they showing up how are they actually wasn't Tony Robbins or Jim Rohn I can't remember now um probably both of them um but um that that's the thing success leaves Clues and you can sniff those Clues out when you are paying attention to the people who are really successful so that's what I would be doing I'd be immersing myself in that I'd be immersing myself in dreaming and connecting and tuning in I'd be immersing myself in in what people are doing this kind of leads me on to the second thing I'd be doing which is learning so you know there's so many like free online challenges now and there's so many like free videos online and like amazing Instagram accounts and amazing websites where we can all go and learn and I would be immersing myself in learning because ideas get sparked when you put yourself in that space where you're learning I have posted so many challenges and those challenges have created so many enlight bulb moments for the people who have been on them people who at the beginning of the challenge felt like I don't know what I could do I don't know if there's anything and feeling really like down to then doing the challenge and and having an idea and feeling so inspired so fired up so motivated so much Clarity and then they go on and they get started and then by the end of the challenge they made a blumen sale I've seen that happen so many times so putting yourself in environments where it's gonna really get you fired up it's going to really help you to um see new opportunities it's going to allow you to explore ideas or allow ideas to Bubble Up within you so I be putting myself in those environments which quite frankly these things I'm telling you right now are the things I did you know when I started FEA um you know in terms of learning as well not only that you can obviously do courses and programs you can learn anything so um but you might for example like right now this precise Moment In Time AI is really trending it's massive and it's such a huge new thing that is out there so you might be like I wonder whether it's an opportunity for me to learn about that get involved in that so there might be like an AI conference or an AI course or and like something that you can get involved in you might be able to start learning and soaking it up and seeing like is this something that I'm interested in is this something that I could pursue so I'm not only learning from the perspective of like help you to come up with ideas but learning from the perspective of like upskilling so that you have a something you could start a business around like we can learn basically anything we want so there are so many opportunities out there for us to build successful businesses um so if I was kind of stuck and I wasn't even sure like what kind of business I was going to start I would just be learning and soaking it up and lear

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