5 UNDERRATED Websites to Earn Money Online in 2024

these work from home websites can pay you a lot of money but not a lot of people know about them because they are not commonly shared in this video I'm going to be revealing to you five secret websites where you can make money working in the comfort of your home or wherever you choose best of all you can use the skills that you already have to make money in these different platforms so if you are interested in finding out more information and sure to stick with me until the end of this video as I'll be taking you through these different platforms and show you what to expect without wasting any more time let's get on with the video all right guys so the first platform is for independent contractors you can work as a freelancer offering services in the skills that you already have so whether you know SEO video editing graphic design digital content creation whatever skill you have you can work here and make very good money in the platform the important thing to know here is they hire people with good skills so whatever job opportunity you find you need to maximize it by delivering in good quality work and it is none other than contract it is the platform that I'm looking at here on the screen you'll see here they say connect with the world's best independent a lot of the information here is for people recruiting Independents like you in order to find Opportunities you need to come select how it works here and select Contra for Independence you'll see here they say you get paid commission free we currently support us based Banks Plus credit and Global us see crypto payout more payment method coming soon so guys if you work in this platform and you are not based in the United States you need to have a crypto wallet of some sort so that they can get to pay you in US DC this is the platform over here you'll see an example of an independent here who has 20,000 USD in their wallet to get started on Contra you will need to sign up to the platform simply come to the get started tab over here you simply select I'm an independent you'll see they say find work and manage your freelance business the first step in your signing up is building a portfolio put in example work that you have done you then get discovered with people looking for the skills that you can offer you find Opportunities yourself because there are people who already list opportunities on the Contra platform you don't have to wait to be discovered you also get paid commission free manage new existing clients in one place you keep 100% of your profits just to show you example opportunities that you can offer or find in the platform you will see here they have product design opportunities website design brand design website development as you scroll down you'll see graphic design logo design video editing UI design writers can also apply to make money on the Contra platform let's look at the next one also an amazing freelance platform that hires the top three of freelance talent in other words you need to be very good at what you do in this platform the good thing is you will be paid highly it's called top t a professional freelance platform where you can offer your skills to different businesses individuals independent contractors worldwide to get started as a freelancer you simply select apply as a freelancer over here you can sign up using your LinkedIn account by connecting it or you can sign up by filling in your information so the most important thing you'll start with is selecting what you are applying as so if you are a designer a developer veler Finance expert or Management Consultant product manager or any skills that they offer in this platform you can apply toptal is professional so they may require you to upload some of your certifications and qualifications but they work with some of the most reputable companies worldwide such as Motorola Bridge Stone t- system dual lingo and many more that you get to discover once you've signed up to their platform Whenever there are opportunities they will send you information to the email that you've used to sign up but it's also important that you also come to the platform to check for available opportunities as well the next work from home website is also an easy to use platform that's available worldwide it is mainly focused on helping business find services and products that will help them grow their businesses it is called legit as you can see they have SEO opportunities writing opportunities graphic design programming AI Services internet marketing video Services e-commerce business courses and you can browse more and more and with each of these categories you find different subcategories or opportunities so to get started simply select the sign up button over here you'll then fill in this form where you'll fill in your name your email address username create a password Here the most important thing to select is the account type that you are creating if you're buying services this is where you can select if if you are selling services you can select here so by selling services is where you make money in the platform by offering your different skills if you are buying and selling at the same time you can select this tab over here agree to the terms and conditions register your account look out for different opportunities in the platform and also different companies post different kinds of gigs so you can pretty much search for different gigs in the platform next work from home website is my absolute favorite right now I've made over $8,000 with this platform simply doing user interviews and it's called user interviews as well it is this platform that I'm looking at here on my screen you'll see here they say paid studies top companies want your feedback make money participating in user research studies I do have a dedicated video on user interviews I will link it in my description box down below but just to give you a little more information on the platform you participate in studies so here you can participate in inperson studies you can participate over the phone you can participate online they do also have focus groups and multi-day studies and moderated task as well and they tend to pay highly these are some example studies that you can participate in as I scroll down you will see there are different kinds of studies that pay highly in this platform so it is an awesome way to work from home and make money provided you meet the requirements and you give good quality feedback each time all right guys so we're on to the last one but before we do let me take this opportunity and thank you for watching this video this far if you are new here thank you so much for joining us my name is Queen magman welcome to the channel I share information on how to make money online and that's what you can expect in this Channel please subscribe to the channel we are on the road to 200,000 subscribers I would love to have you on board now that this platform that we're going to l

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